Corbyn apparently refused to say to Bryant if he voted leave or not.
Spoiler: He most likely voted leave.
Of course he did. What an utter wanker.
Corbyn apparently refused to say to Bryant if he voted leave or not.
Spoiler: He most likely voted leave.
Oh please, the hyperbolic hysteria is getting ridiculous now. Calm down. Yes we are in uncharted waters, but whatever happened to our sense of adventure?
We are leaving, 17m would riot otherwise.
Oh please, the hyperbolic hysteria is getting ridiculous now. Calm down. Yes we are in uncharted waters, but whatever happened to our sense of adventure?
Corbyn apparently refused to say to Bryant if he voted leave or not.
Spoiler: He most likely voted leave.
Corbyn apparently refused to say to Bryant if he voted leave or not.
Spoiler: He most likely voted leave.
That'd be ridiculous. You're supposed to cleanse the English contamination, not consume it!
Jesus christ, this is not having a couple shots of absinthe in your lunch break and going back to work!
it wouldn't surprise me. every time he was out campaigning it basically looked like this
Not once did anyone from Leave promise stopping immigration, not once.
England imploding.
Corbyn apparently refused to say to Bryant if he voted leave or not.
Spoiler: He most likely voted leave.
In the short term I'm scaling back my 'sense of adventure' due to the fact I'm now going to have much less money for my trip to Japan.
In the long term, hopefully, my sense of adventure will take me away from this shithole of a country for longer than a few weeks.
Jesus christ, this is not having a couple shots of absinthe in your lunch break and going back to work!
This is minor stuff, just wait and see what happens when we lose to Iceland tonight
Well, ish.
It was a protest vote against the establishment.
Although that does sound appealing today. Huh.
To be fair, I would have preferred this option. It's a shame it was never offered to the electorate.
This annoys me to no end. Not only is our referendum not legally binding and we haven't even technically started to leave Europe yet, he's happy to sit there and say a big fuck you to the 16 million of us who voted to stay.
Why is everyone acting like children in politics over this? (not that it's any different normally to be fair)
Typical Facebook post today
Bravo guys. If only somebody had warned you.
Right. Fuck this. We're ALL up shit creek and we need a paddle. Now, not in three months.
Fellow Remain voters: Enough already. Yes, we're all pissed off but navel gazing ain't gonna help. Not all 17 million Leave voters can possibly be racist northern pensioners without an O level to their name. Maybe they have a point about this quitting the EU thing? Maybe not. Whatever, we are where we are and no amount a whinging is gonna change that. Allegedly we're the intelligent ones, so get your thinking caps on.
Leave voters. Well done. Good game. We hear you. Now you need to get stuck in to the aftermath and not just piss off back to Wetherspoons. (Just banter, twats!). And the first person to say they "want their country back" gets deported to fucking Gibraltar. OK?
David. Fuck off. Shut the door behind you. Now.
George. You may be a twat but you're our twat. Plus you know the passwords for our Junior Savers account. Get your calculator. Drop the face-like-a-slapped-ass routine. You're on.
Boris. Sorry mate. That photo of you abseiling by your scrotum over the London Olympics while waving a Union Jack can't ever be un-taken. Plus, you'll never be able to appear on Question Time again without some sturdy Glaswegian nurse asking where the fuck her 350 million quid is. Not only will she have a very good point, she'll be wearing a T shirt that shows you gurning in front of that fucking bus! No captains hat for you I'm afraid.
Theresa. You're in charge love. Get the biggest shoulder pads you've got. We need Ming The Merciless in drag and you'll scare the shit out of 'em.
Nicola. Yep. Fair cop. You probably could get us on a technicality, as could London. But we fucking love shortbread. And oil. And to be honest you're probably the best politician we've got, so we need you on side. Sort your lot out and we promise never to mention that Jimmy Krankie thing again (although it is pretty uncanny) and we'll make you a Dame once we're sorted. Bring Ruth Davidson. She kicks ass.
Opposition party. We'll need one. Someone take Jeremy and John back to the British Legion Club where you found them. Take Nigel as well. Give back their sandals, buy them a pint, then go to Heathrow and collect David Milliband. Fuck it. Lets gets Ed Balls as well. He keeps George on his toes. I think he works on the lottery kiosk at Morrisons now?
Oh. And Mark Carney. Give him a knighthood and tell him to keep that shit coming. We definitely need more of that good shit!
Everyone set? Right. Hold the Easyjet. We're going to Brussels and this ain't no hen party.
‪#‎weneedaplan‬ Share!
But I genuinely believe that it isn't going to be the apocalypse. Things change, empires rise and fall and the international order is constantly in flux. Let calm heads prevail and see how it unfolds.
And the leave campaign. The "we can cope with anything, after all we're British" rhetoric is basically what it's been won on (and what we're being told again now that reality sets in). It's infuriating.Source: Pro Brexiters on Facebook
Plot twist, big Roy will tell the team to chuck it just so that tomorrow's papers and media will stop focusing on the EU ref train wreck.
Roy is the real hero we need. Sterling to play as captain and for 90 minutes.
Funny to watch American TV and it's like "Good for the UK, the EU is disintegrating".
We are leaving, 17m would riot otherwise.
This is the one I'm seeing constantly reposted at the moment:
I doubt he voted leave, guys. He's just obtuse. Even if he did, the millions of votes he potentially cost Remain are far more relevant than his one.
Nick Harvey
A caller on LBC just said she voted Leave because she doesn't like Chinese food.
No they wouldn't - pensioners don't riot generally. Young people do though, and we know how they voted.
Whilst I still think the odds are it does happen, there's been enough talk and action over the last few days to make me think it wouldn't now. The wheels fell off the leave campaign far faster than I anticipated, and thankfully between Angela Merkel and Nicola Sturgeon there are still rational people out there who may save us from ourself.
Pro Trump Fox likely eh, US will realign closer to France and Germany to protect its influence in Europe, that is beyond doubt. After Syrian military intervention by other allies surpassing the UKs, we will not have the same influence.
This is the one I'm seeing constantly reposted at the moment:
It's a bit janky but its the best I can do with the time I had.
Funny to watch American TV and it's like "Good for the UK, the EU is disintegrating".
Don't troll me like that without a linkAh, it all becomes clear now.
It's a bit janky but its the best I can do with the time I had.
It's a bit janky but its the best I can do with the time I had.
Actually Morning Joe lol.
"UK can be Hong Kong, people want to do business in London, Continental Europe is different".
I'm cheering Iceland for sure.
A bit off topic, but as an outsider I keep seeing housing mentioned as a major concern in many areas in the North that feel forgotten which led to a leave vote. I've also seen it mentioned regarding London, which I assume is related to how expensive London housing is.
So my question is what is the overall housing issue in the UK? Is it that housing is too expensive even in the North? Is there not enough housing? How does that play into the decision for people to vote leave?
I mean, if the EU was to collapse on itself, then I guess the decision would look a lot better?
That's a pretty shit set of circumstances.
Correct me if I am wrong but my take on the situation after reading this thread is that the UK is rather unhappy with its social state and decided to put that on the EU rather than on its own politicians ?