BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I have no problem with asserting that the Uncharted series has revolutionized video game cinematics--and more importantly, acting. I can't think of another game or series (besides L.A. Noire) where I feel like I'm watching actors PERFORM. When an Uncharted cinematic comes on, I don't get that instinctive feeling of, "Cool video game cutscene time!" I become engrossed with it not unlike a movie or TV scene. Not only that, but this is the first series where I feel like I care who's doing the voice-work and the motion capture performances. I associate Nolan North, Emily Rose, Claudia Black, and Richard McGonagle with their respective characters in a way I haven't encountered in other games. Sure, I know David Hayter does Snake, but in a different, more "video game fact" kind of way. Even still, the Metal Gear Solid series doesn't hold a candle to Uncharted's level of writing, voice acting, and, like I mentioned before, ACTOR PERFORMANCES.
Do you see this as becoming a trend for the next generation? Will video game advertisements feature "Starring..." bullets? You can see the influence the Uncharted series has had on many video games. Hell, take a look at Killzone 3; the majority of its dialogue and character banter--although pretty atrocious for the most part and lacking any real personality--is still reminiscent of something from Uncharted. Of course, no other games compare, in my opinion, which makes me wonder what is Naughty Dog doing that other developers can't seem to emulate?
Do you see this as becoming a trend for the next generation? Will video game advertisements feature "Starring..." bullets? You can see the influence the Uncharted series has had on many video games. Hell, take a look at Killzone 3; the majority of its dialogue and character banter--although pretty atrocious for the most part and lacking any real personality--is still reminiscent of something from Uncharted. Of course, no other games compare, in my opinion, which makes me wonder what is Naughty Dog doing that other developers can't seem to emulate?