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The Uncharted series is revolutionary, and here's why


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I have no problem with asserting that the Uncharted series has revolutionized video game cinematics--and more importantly, acting. I can't think of another game or series (besides L.A. Noire) where I feel like I'm watching actors PERFORM. When an Uncharted cinematic comes on, I don't get that instinctive feeling of, "Cool video game cutscene time!" I become engrossed with it not unlike a movie or TV scene. Not only that, but this is the first series where I feel like I care who's doing the voice-work and the motion capture performances. I associate Nolan North, Emily Rose, Claudia Black, and Richard McGonagle with their respective characters in a way I haven't encountered in other games. Sure, I know David Hayter does Snake, but in a different, more "video game fact" kind of way. Even still, the Metal Gear Solid series doesn't hold a candle to Uncharted's level of writing, voice acting, and, like I mentioned before, ACTOR PERFORMANCES.

Do you see this as becoming a trend for the next generation? Will video game advertisements feature "Starring..." bullets? You can see the influence the Uncharted series has had on many video games. Hell, take a look at Killzone 3; the majority of its dialogue and character banter--although pretty atrocious for the most part and lacking any real personality--is still reminiscent of something from Uncharted. Of course, no other games compare, in my opinion, which makes me wonder what is Naughty Dog doing that other developers can't seem to emulate?


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
I like Uncharted, but I completely disagree with you—game has pretty forgettable writing and performances, when compared to, say, a Tim Schafer game, something from Valve, or Deadly Premonition.
Uncharted series is one of the very few which I absolutely loved every single cut scene in it..... sure there are games with great cinematic experience and amazing cut scene, but there is always one or two cut scene boring and unnecessary.

......... I can't believe there are people who skip the cut scenes in games like Uncharted -_-"


I get what you are saying, but have a problem with the concept of revolutionizing games by making them more movie-like.


cuyahoga said:
I like Uncharted, but I completely disagree with you—game has pretty forgettable writing and performances, when compared to, say, a Tim Schafer game, something from Valve, or Deadly Premonition.


It won't become a trend because Uncharted does not sell crazy numbers. Publishers only care about money and when it's obvious the majority of gamers don't truly appreciate the nuances of acting in Uncharted, devs aren't going to go the extra mile to include that. Now if Uncharted sold Halo or CoD numbers, things would be different.
cuyahoga said:
I like Uncharted, but I completely disagree with you—game has pretty forgettable writing and performances, when compared to, say, a Tim Schafer game, something from Valve, or Deadly Premonition.



BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
cuyahoga said:
I like Uncharted, but I completely disagree with you—game has pretty forgettable writing and performances, when compared to, say, a Tim Schafer game, something from Valve, or Deadly Premonition.

Well, I completely disagree with you; but it's the whole package: writing, voice acting, motion capture, insane visual fidelity capturing every character's nuance (like that Elena finger fiasco posted about before), etc.


I love the story and characters of Uncharted, but the gameplay is not really that strong though. In a way the story and characters carry the lackluster gameplay.


nope. MGS4 and resident evil 5 does just find in the cinematic department. I'm sure there are others i just dont play as many videogames anymore.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
jling84 said:
It won't become a trend because Uncharted does not sell crazy numbers. Publishers only care about money and when it's obvious the majority of gamers don't truly appreciate the nuances of acting in Uncharted, devs aren't going to go the extra mile to include that. Now if Uncharted sold Halo or CoD numbers, things would be different.

I was under the impression that Uncharted sold pretty well.

Not every game can be a Halo or Call of Duty juggernaut. I think publishers are aware of that as well.


Forget the cinematics. The quality of animation, scripting, and spectacle makes the in-game experience incredibly cinematic.

But the movement and shooting are so honed in that it's still fun to replay. Many overly-scripted games get boring fast if you die in a section a few times.


MrOogieBoogie said:
Well, I completely disagree with you; but it's the whole package: writing, voice acting, motion capture, insane visual fidelity capturing every character's nuance (like that Elena finger fiasco posted about before), etc.
What is the "Elena finger fiasco"? Google is failing me on this.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Crunched said:
I get what you are saying, but have a problem with the concept of revolutionizing games by making them more movie-like.

Think about it this way: If you're going to do cinematics, why not go all the way?

I'd much rather see Uncharted-level dedication to cutscenes than half-assed attempts you see everywhere else, which just makes me ask, "What was the fucking point?"
I truthfully don't see the appeal of shooters, this one in particular. I don't see what exactly is so fun about dragging a cursor over an enemy.
TheOddOne said:
I love the story and characters of Uncharted, but the gameplay is not really that strong though. In a way the story and characters carry the lackluster gameplay.

I'd be curious to see which games you actually think have good game play.

Revolutionary? No. Better than just about everything else out there? Certainly. I don't know if having "STARRING JOE PESCI" would sell games, and i certainly dont know if having tera patrick in saints row helped them sell games, but i doubt it would hurt sales, so you might see it coming around in the near future.


MrOogieBoogie said:
Well, I completely disagree with you; but it's the whole package: writing, voice acting, motion capture, insane visual fidelity capturing every character's nuance (like that Elena finger fiasco posted about before), etc.

None of the things that actually make it a video game and all qualities that are surpassed by high quality animation or CG productions.

My question would be: What does Uncharted do that is progressive or spectacular to make it stand out as a game as opposed to a low budget CG movie?


OP makes me understand why some people love the series so much. If that's what's important to you, I guess it makes sense now. Thanks.
Crunched said:
I get what you are saying, but have a problem with the concept of revolutionizing games by making them more movie-like.

The thing is there are aspects of movies that are great and considerably better than what games can do in it's currently incarnation of player controls. I think the Uncharted series hits a very, very fine line where both game controls and cinematic presentation meet in a nice equilibrium.

I will say it's not revolutionary in concept however it is what WoW did for the MMO genre. It refined the hell out of an already used concept in a way that surpassed the originals.
Honestly, I enjoy the cinematics and I think they are top shelf, but I don't see them as some quantum leap worthy of being called revolutionary from the many, many other games this gen that have had quality cinematics.


To me it's only notable for being a good game series, and pretty. I don't think the writing is very good, or the acting.
MrOogieBoogie said:
Well, I completely disagree with you; but it's the whole package: writing, voice acting, motion capture, insane visual fidelity capturing every character's nuance (like that Elena finger fiasco posted about before), etc.
well, regarding the fingers, ND animates that stuff themselves as they can't capture the novements of the actor's fingers with their tech they talked about it in one of the extra footag you can unlock in the games.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
cuyahoga said:
I like Uncharted, but I completely disagree with you—game has pretty forgettable writing and performances, when compared to, say, a Tim Schafer game, something from Valve, or Deadly Premonition.

This baffles me. The performance part especially. Uncharted 2 has the best performances I have seen in a game.


I dont think think its revolutionary but i feel its great.

Uncharted has always been a great series imo till now.

I just uncharted 3 will be the Peak in the series :) and hope that it pleases both uc1 and uc2 fans and as well as non uc fans


I agree with the OP. Uncharted series has raised the bar for cinematic quality in gaming. I can't wait to see how good part 3 is going to look.


Onion_Relish said:
I'd be curious to see which games you actually think have good game play.
I've complained about this before, but the shooting feels off in Uncharted, its not very satisfying. I rather skip those sections and go directly to the story focused sections.


cuyahoga said:
I like Uncharted, but I completely disagree with you—game has pretty forgettable writing and performances, when compared to, say, a Tim Schafer game, something from Valve, or Deadly Premonition.
Lol wow.
TheOddOne said:
I've complained about this before, but the shooting feels off in Uncharted, its not very satisfying. I rather skip those sections and go directly story focused sections.

You didn't answer my question.


If something is revolutionary then it must spark change and followers. I don't see anyone following Uncharted, other than Gameloft. GTA 3 was revolutionary, as was COD 4 for better or worse.

It's been almost 2 years since Uncharted 2 and I would think the ridiculous hyperbole over the game would have died out by now. I guess not.
Uncharted has great cinematic quality but I felt with #2 it was starting to be come more cinematic and less game.

I hope they don't continue down that trend too much. Ultimately, I'm playing a game would like to "play" it, not just use the controller to help Nate along to the next cut scene.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
imtehman said:
nope. MGS4 and resident evil 5 does just find in the cinematic department. I'm sure there are others i just dont play as many videogames anymore.

In what way? Please be clear. Because with both MGS4 and Resident Evil 5 I felt like I was watching a pretty VIDEO GAME CUTSCENE. Yes, technically that's what the Uncharted series is, but the motion cap technology and the general acting sets it on a level much higher than the two aforementioned games.
Mortrialus said:
I truthfully don't see the appeal of shooters, this one in particular. I don't see what exactly is so fun about dragging a cursor over an enemy.

Did you ever watch Raiders of the lost Ark and wish you could be Indy knocking out nazi during the truck chase? Uncharted allows you to live it. There's the appeal.
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