Ricky_R said:I understand your view... I, on the other hand, think that Uncharted had better acting because, even though the narrative isn't as deep as ME2's, it's smart, fresh and fun with great life like animations.
When I played ME2, I was amazed at the amount of words and the level of knowledge thrown into the narrative, but I always felt I was still playing a game, due to their stiff bodies and weird movement. When I played Uncharted, I felt like I was watching real people act naturally on a video game.
I don't know if you get me though.
Oh I completely understand, and I don't mean to seem like I'm belittling anyone who prefers UC2. It just wasn't my thing. But I do get what you mean about sort of playing an interactive movie. I just come from a different generation, I guess. I like a game to feel like a game, not to say that fluid animation/set piece isn't a great step forward.