Crunched said:
But you understand that Nathan Drake is not the same type of character as Rambo, correct? And that just because one thing presents a scene that is patently ridiculous, it does not excuse eventual copycats?
Probably not, and that makes me sad.
No, I understand that he is an action hero type in the form of a treasure hunter, period. At his core, that is what you are buying into. The man knows seedy places, thieves, double-crosses others and been double-crossed, bounced on girls, and remains a likeable guy who isn't afraid to pop someone. Hell, they even mentioned that at the end of the second game.
The excusing of potential copycats is more in the execution. No problem with Blade killing vampires, Indiana Jones killing Nazis, Max Payne blowing away hired guns and the mob, Gordon Freeman wiping out aliens, etc. They are all action games, and that is basically what you're signing up for. You will kill dudes. MGS gives you an option to tranq foes, but there's no problem with you killing them either.
Now, if it's something like Ico, and all of a sudden you hulk up and begin throwing shit around and screaming, then it's a problem. Ico is meant to be a more personal journey, Uncharted is blockbuster action in game form, and thus, comes with a body count.
This is why I find the argument silly.
is not the best shooter in its class.