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The Uncharted series is revolutionary, and here's why


bish gets all the credit :)
LightOfTruth said:
Id say in terms of shooting RDR is the best, following Uncharted and Gears really on the same level.

Gears, okay. They're totally different and both solid. RDR's shooting on the other hand is nothing other than clunky, like all Rockstar games.

TheExplodingHead said:
And it's a completely different game to Uncharted/Gears/etc so it really makes no sense to compare them. Would you like to see Drake on rocket boots and doing cartwheels while shooting enemies? No.
LightOfTruth said:
Id say in terms of shooting RDR is the best, following Uncharted and Gears really on the same level.

Edit: I would definitely say Uncharted has better acting than ME, Enslaved, and even slightly better than RDR.

How do you precisely define your standards of what is "superior acting" in a videogame? Is it the substance and impact of what's said and seen on-screen, or is it how real it looks or realistic it sounds? Sometimes the balance can go either way.

ProfessorMoran said:
What? Lack of verticality? The inability to jump or climb? No stealth? No MP? What about Vanquish?

alr1ghtstart said:
Gears, okay. They're totally different and both solid. RDR's shooting on the other hand is nothing other than clunky, like all Rockstar games.

well yeah I guess when you factor in the controls. I was mainly thinking in terms of sound design and impact you get from the guns. Enemies always seemed to react realistically. I loved that.

So then Uncharted has better controls than Gears and RDR, for me.
BigJiantRobut said:
you used to be a dancing jar jar with a bong and then a poker chip

now you're the main character from one of my favorite shooters

and now Square Enix cutscenes?

stop toying with my heart man

Careful now -- I'm afraid to be loved, but I can't stand being lonely. Basically I'm a cat in human form.
TheExplodingHead said:
How do you precisely define your standards of what is "superior acting" in a videogame? Is it the substance and impact of what's said and seen on-screen, or is it how real it looks or realistic it sounds? Sometimes the balance can go either way.


I was thinking the latter, but you make a point.
ProfessorMoran said:
What? Lack of verticality? The inability to jump or climb? No stealth? No MP? What about Vanquish?


He's talking about the raw shooting controls.
Nothing animates as well as Uncharted while having the same super awesome responsive controls. You have to at least give them that. Thats where Rockstar and others fail.
Crunched said:
But you understand that Nathan Drake is not the same type of character as Rambo, correct? And that just because one thing presents a scene that is patently ridiculous, it does not excuse eventual copycats?

Probably not, and that makes me sad.

No, I understand that he is an action hero type in the form of a treasure hunter, period. At his core, that is what you are buying into. The man knows seedy places, thieves, double-crosses others and been double-crossed, bounced on girls, and remains a likeable guy who isn't afraid to pop someone. Hell, they even mentioned that at the end of the second game.

The excusing of potential copycats is more in the execution. No problem with Blade killing vampires, Indiana Jones killing Nazis, Max Payne blowing away hired guns and the mob, Gordon Freeman wiping out aliens, etc. They are all action games, and that is basically what you're signing up for. You will kill dudes. MGS gives you an option to tranq foes, but there's no problem with you killing them either.

Now, if it's something like Ico, and all of a sudden you hulk up and begin throwing shit around and screaming, then it's a problem. Ico is meant to be a more personal journey, Uncharted is blockbuster action in game form, and thus, comes with a body count.

This is why I find the argument silly.

is not the best shooter in its class.
TheExplodingHead said:
It simply is the best shooter this gen. I can't think of any other third person shooter this gen that I've been able to play 5+ times(well it is short).

Everything about it is so great. The weapon varity that actually means something in how they are used. The intensity of every encounter. The pacing of each gunfight. GOD such an amazing game. The controls and aiming just feel so good.

Uncharted 2 wore itself out during my 2nd playthrough. Couldn't even finish the 1st one.
LightOfTruth said:
Nothing animates as well as Uncharted while having the same super awesome responsive controls. You have to at least give them that. Thats where Rockstar and others fail.

It's pretty incredible to watch. The only game I've seen which comes close to the quality and consistency of animations is probably Rage. People focus far too much on megatextures when they talk about that engine but damn the animation is slick.
Boombloxer said:
This is why I find the argument silly.
I don't know if it's so much of an argument (in the logical sense), as it is an opinion.

The Nathan Drake in cutscenes (funny, dashing, a bit rogueish) does not, to me, mesh with the Nathan Drake of the actual game parts (killing 800 dudes). I find this disparity annoying. In contrast, Marcus Fenix from Gears of War is at least the same hulking, idiot meathead in both the cutscenes and in the gameplay. Which is why even though I don't particularly love Gears, I respect it a little more.
The Xtortionist said:
Uncharted's shoddy headshot detection puts it slightly below Gears and Vanquish imo

Once in a while people complained about lag but headshot detection is actually pretty fucking great in Uncharted 2 (magnum and dragon headshots are always one shot kills, 1 on 1 the person who can aim at the head better always win), Vanquish's weapons never felt all that good, RDR had way better weapon feel than Vanquish although animations take too long at the cost of responsiveness.
In regard to Mass Effect, here's what I mean from a cutscene/gameplay angle. I felt much more interested and engaged into the acting/VA/script of talking to Legion about the Geth and the Reapers, I felt much more interested in Thane's past and issues, and many more examples. I'm a substance guy, not just a how good it looks guy. And Uncharted just never gave me a moment where I was even remotely interested in what anyone was doing or saying. And to me, that's the measure of good acting/animating/storytelling.

The ending of Enslaved was great, as was the moment where the dude wanted the headband back on. That was a scene that I felt invested in and cared about seeing. Red Dead Redemption's whole package was the same way, for me it was the major redeeming quality...
BigJiantRobut said:

He's talking about the raw shooting controls.

I didn't like the raw shooting controls in Vanquish, the reticles never felt accurate, having played Uncharted 2 and Infamous 1/2, switching shoulders should be a given.
snoopeasystreet said:
Yep. And the only time the player looses control in those games is when Gordon himself loses control. Making an engaging and exciting experience without have to take control away from the player is far more of a step forward than making the cutscenes feel like a movie.

The way most modern video games still rely on another medium to convey narrative is something that worries me about where they're going.
HL2 does a pretty terrible job with how it handles its story, but that's another topic entirely.
Neuromancer said:
I don't know if it's so much of an argument (in the logical sense), as it is an opinion.

The Nathan Drake in cutscenes (funny, dashing, a bit rogueish) does not, to me, mesh with the Nathan Drake of the actual game parts (killing 800 dudes). I find this disparity annoying. In contrast, Marcus Fenix from Gears of War is at least the same hulking, idiot meathead in both the cutscenes and in the gameplay. Which is why even though I don't particularly love Gears, I respect it a little more.
To me, he does. He talks shit as he goes through guys in game, cracks jokes in the cutscenes.

Like a normal action hero.
I honestly think the Uncharted series is one of the most revolutionary series ever. Plus, I think NaughtyDog is a revolutionary development studio.


I have a ps3 and never touched a single uncharted game and they're pretty much at the bottom of my list. Why would I want to play the uncharted series?
CoffeeJanitor said:
HL2 does a pretty terrible job with how it handles its story, but that's another topic entirely.
Yeah, the overarching narrative isn't the best. But that game as a whole does a fantastic job of seamlessly stringing amazing events together while playing within the rules that it established for itself. Most games do not.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I disagree with you regarding Enslaved and ME being better examples though.

Let's just say gaming has yet to achieve that.
TheExplodingHead said:
Why wasn't it great from an acting standpoint? Forgetting our personal gripes about the story or ending itself.

Not really, it made me wish I never see Andy Serkis in another game ever again.


bish gets all the credit :)
TheExplodingHead said:
In regard to Mass Effect, here's what I mean from a cutscene/gameplay angle. I felt much more interested and engaged into the acting/VA/script of talking to Legion about the Geth and the Reapers, I felt much more interested in Thane's past and issues, and many more examples. I'm a substance guy, not just a how good it looks guy. And Uncharted just never gave me a moment where I was even remotely interested in what anyone was doing or saying. And to me, that's the measure of good acting/animating/storytelling.

Mass Effect's wooden acting/animation more interesting to you? Maybe you just like space soap operas instead of pulp adventure stories.
ProfessorMoran said:
Not really, it made me wish I never see Andy Serkis in another game ever again.

But again, I'm not arguing it was a masterwork of cinema, or for any of these games. But you quoted me on being a "substance guy" along with "Enslaved's ending". Can you present me a case on how Uncharted 2's ending was more substantive than Enslaved's ending?
alr1ghtstart said:
Mass Effect's wooden acting/animation more interesting to you? Maybe you just like space soap operas instead of pulp adventure stories.
By it's design, Mass Effect should be more interesting given that it requires a response from the player. When it comes to direction, acting and presentation, uncharted is superior.
TheExplodingHead said:
But again, I'm not arguing it was a masterwork of cinema, or for any of these games. But you quoted me on being a "substance guy" along with "Enslaved's ending". Can you present me a case on how Uncharted 2's ending was more substantive than Enslaved's ending?

It had sadness, human relationships, humor, and it doesn't force me to stare at Andy Serkis' face while he blabs away about him having schools and us having mechs.


bish gets all the credit :)
Gvaz said:
Because I'm nowhere near my ps3 right now, I'm in another state for a while.

Is it too hard to answer a question?

So you know absolutely nothing about the game that won 100s of game of the years two years ago?


alr1ghtstart said:
So you know absolutely nothing about the game that won 100s of game of the years two years ago?
Yeah, I didn't get my ps3 until about a few months ago.
Gvaz said:
Because I'm nowhere near my ps3 right now, I'm in another state for a while.

Is it too hard to answer a question?

Responsive controls, a perfect blend of climbing/shooting/stealth, great characters and the best MP on the PS3, that's pretty much Uncharted 2. What do you play on the PS3?
snoopeasystreet said:
By it's design, Mass Effect should be more interesting given that it requires a response from the player. When it comes to direction, acting and presentation, uncharted is superior.

Isn't that sort of an oxymoron when it comes to entertainment though? Why should a game with superior direction/acting/presentation be the less interesting game? It kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it. Unless you consider drooling over a well dressed looking game, as opposed to a (by your own words) more interesting "player response" (I.E. videogame). I guess we come full circle when I say my preference is engagement and gameplay.

For the record, I actually thought Mass Effect 2 was one of the weakest games of 2010 gameplay-wise.


I'm curious to hear what you guys that love Uncharted think of gears of war? I think GOW 2 and Uncharted 2 are on the same level and that overall the GOW series has been better than the Uncharted series.

And Deus Ex HR has interactive cut scenes that I think will be revolutionary.


ProfessorMoran said:
Responsive controls, a perfect blend of climbing/shooting/stealth, great characters and the best MP on the PS3, that's pretty much Uncharted 2. What do you play on the PS3?
Well I haven't touched my ps3 for a couple weeks (busy with PC backlog) but I was playing stuff like Killzone 3, FF13, folklore, hyperdimension neptunia, 3d dot game heroes, heavy rain, demon souls, nier, stuff like that


TheExplodingHead said:
Isn't that sort of an oxymoron when it comes to entertainment though? Why should a game with superior direction/acting/presentation be the less interesting game? It kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it. Unless you consider drooling over a well dressed looking game, as opposed to a (by your own words) more interesting "player response" (I.E. videogame). I guess we come full circle when I say my preference is engagement and gameplay.

For the record, I actually thought Mass Effect 2 was one of the weakest games of 2010 gameplay-wise.

I understand your view... I, on the other hand, think that Uncharted had better acting because, even though the narrative isn't as deep as ME2's, it's smart, fresh and fun with great life like animations.

When I played ME2, I was amazed at the amount of words and the level of knowledge thrown into the narrative, but I always felt I was still playing a game due to their stiff bodies and weird movement. When I played Uncharted, I felt like I was watching real people act naturally on a video game.

I don't know if you get me though.


Not as deep as he thinks
charsace said:
I'm curious to hear what you guys that love Uncharted think of gears of war?
I love the series, but campaign wise for me...Gears 2 has nothing on Uncharted 2. Both series are great however and I enjoy them for what they offer.


ProfessorMoran said:
Responsive controls, a perfect blend of climbing/shooting/stealth, great characters and the best MP on the PS3, that's pretty much Uncharted 2. What do you play on the PS3?
I find it a bit too heavy on the shooting. I would much prefer more adventuring.
charsace said:
I'm curious to hear what you guys that love Uncharted think of gears of war? I think GOW 2 and Uncharted 2 are on the same level and that overall the GOW series has been better than the Uncharted series.

And Deus Ex HR has interactive cut scenes that I think will be revolutionary.
I loved the first Gears, and I loved the gunplay so much I always looked forward to the next shootout. Didn't like the pacing in the second at all and had too many vehicle sections for my tastes,

I also think the slow movement of the series is starting to get to me and that's one of the reasons I'm not hyped for Gears 3, after playing UC and Vanquish I feel having a lot of mobility makes for a more enjoyable TPS.

Oh and the stories aren't interesting at all to me, in Uncharted I actually care about the story a lot.


bish gets all the credit :)
charsace said:
I'm curious to hear what you guys that love Uncharted think of gears of war? I think GOW 2 and Uncharted 2 are on the same level and that overall the GOW series has been better than the Uncharted series.

Characters/story is not even close. Gameplay wise they are so completely different it's useless to compare the two. I enjoy the stealth, platforming, maneuverability, and climbing of Uncharted compared to the slower paced, stop and pop, tank like controls of the Gears games.

The gameplay shines in the MP (well before they COD'd the health).


aka Mannny
Rewrite said:
I love the series, but campaign wise for me...Gears 2 has nothing on Uncharted 2. Both series are great however and I enjoy them for what they offer.
Gears for multi; uncharted for single.
charsace said:
I'm curious to hear what you guys that love Uncharted think of gears of war? I think GOW 2 and Uncharted 2 are on the same level and that overall the GOW series has been better than the Uncharted series.


Both games have outstanding graphics though UC2 is often nicer to look at, Gears 2 has more satisfying combat (better gunplay, variety of enemies), UC has better setpieces/level design, Gears 2 has far better coop, UC2 has better competitive multiplayer.

UC2 gets the edge from me, but both games are great and must-buys if you own their respective platforms.
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