If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Why can't I lock onto enemies?
About ten pages back someone posted a quote that apparently it's intended, and they thought players who chose haircuts would find it annoying to have to keep getting haircuts everytime their hair grew. Dunno. Either way, I agree. It wasn't up yet on my CA PSN but I won't download it I guess... I like that his beard grows over time.What? Why? What a stupid bug :/
Aw man.. I thought i'd actually be able to travel from a major hub area to another without fast travelling.
Even on medium difficulty, fights against a lot of enemies felt so non-tactical because enemies just swarm you and spam attacks on you, so it felt like instead of slow methodical using-space-defensively, you're just spamming evade, quen, food. The biggest difference for me was switch to the area-effect fire spell. It really helped me control crowds and keep them at bay a bit, and I think there's a small crowd control 'burning' effect. So I think a huge part to maybe getting more enjoyable tactical fights will be approach encounters slowly and using area-effect or crowd control more because of the sort of 'aggresive swarming' nature of the AI. It's hard to be slow and methodical when all the enemies just bum rush your face mindlessly, but you can slow 'em down with CC I think. Dunno how that'll work out in the end and maybe spamming quen could just end up being better, but I'm going to try invest a lot more in spells/potions that have AE or CC effects to really try slow down battles into a more controlled slower affair. We'll see how that goes if I just revert to mostly Quen![]()
I think its R2 when in inventory menu. It shows all the stats of the player.
It's not actually a bug, it's intended functionality. According to the devs it wouldn't make sense if you opted in for a certain style and it grew out. It's kind of annoying I agree. Unfortunately I've still not found anywhere to actually get a haircut in the game either and I've been keeping eyes open for a place.
About ten pages back someone posted a quote that apparently it's intended, and they thought players who chose haircuts would find it annoying to have to keep getting haircuts everytime their hair grew. Dunno. Either way, I agree. It wasn't up yet on my CA PSN but I won't download it I guess... I like that his beard grows over time.
When you loot something in someone's home, is that considering stealing in the game?
Obviously it is technically, but it doesn't seem to be registering it as such in-game. I saw a hint thing pop up at one point saying people will react if you do bad stuff like stealing, but I can pop into someone's chest and take their stuff right in front of them and nothing happens.
When you loot something in someone's home, is that considering stealing in the game?
Obviously it is technically, but it doesn't seem to be registering it as such in-game. I saw a hint thing pop up at one point saying people will react if you do bad stuff like stealing, but I can pop into someone's chest and take their stuff right in front of them and nothing happens.
It seems that it's only if you do it in full view of a guard that there are consequences.
ha if you drink too many potions dark/black veins show up on geralt's face thats pretty cool
Do yourself a favor and turn down the Right stick sensitivity for camera. World of difference.
Go to options, control settings, right stick sensitivity - camera, turn left till you reach .80
Not sure if this has been posted yet. To disable the message that a gamepad has been detected over and over again:
I cant find an option to turn off auto centering of the camera when riding and boating. Boo.
Gwent is legit, I wish we could play people online with it
I like that this game lets you skip quest steps if you can find things on your own. Very cool, and something I've always appreciated. I skipped both instances of having to go talk to characters in the griffin quest by just stumbling on the next stage of the quest by exploring.
Seriously why does Geralt have to run all day errday? Lol....it really is bothering me when I'm in the town or whatever.
I have to light tap the stick, I guess I'm just gonna do that.
I've played this game pretty much all day and feel like I've made no progress. I don't know if I think this is good or bad.
Tactical doesn't imply slow and methodical. Tactical means understanding enemy movements and attack rhythms (they're fairly distinct from enemy to enemy) as well as managing positioning, using as items such as bombs and signs to help manage crowds. Also never be afraid of retreating to wait for stamina to regen etc.
Yea not sure whats being accomplished with this. Maybe im not noticing it because im so tired.What does this help with?
I think I actually increased it for faster panning.
Yeah, it seems that every quests are designed to be tackled in different ways.
That's what made this game a great RPG.
Geralt do walk in indoor areas though, automatically.
There's also a walk/run toggle on PC.
Do the places of interest (the question marks) ever trigger any interesting side-quests? Or are they marking things like bandit hideouts and monsters guarding loot?
Do the places of interest (the question marks) ever trigger any interesting side-quests? Or are they marking things like bandit hideouts and monsters guarding loot?
Also, just left White Orchard. Holy shit, the map size! So many hamlets and villages! So many noticeboards!
WitchersWhat the heck do bears in the Witcher world eat?
Too dang big. D:<
What the heck do bears in the Witcher world eat?
Too dang big. D:<
Do the places of interest (the question marks) ever trigger any interesting side-quests? Or are they marking things like bandit hideouts and monsters guarding loot?
Also, just left White Orchard. Holy shit, the map size! So many hamlets and villages! So many noticeboards!
How do you craft glyphs and runes? It seems like there would be a way to, since a lot of armor/weapons have sockets for them. I'm level 4 and have only ever found one glyph after several hours of play.
What the heck do bears in the Witcher world eat?
Too dang big. D:<
It's a lot of places of power, bandit hideouts etc. but in some of them you'll loot items that start side quests.
I think they're usually given some small measure of context through things like books and notes, but I've not yet come across one that started any side quest I'd call 'interesting.'
Yeah, I found a quest from a place of interest already.
I guess you can find notes from bandit hidehouts or monster-guarded treasure that give quests.