The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT| Gwent Player, Monster Slayer, EVEN RACISM

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Make sure you have a good silver sword for that quest, it makes a huge difference on him. I had accidentally equipped a shitty one and it barely did anything, went back and put on a much stronger one and it ripped through him so quickly I didn't even notice the regen.

Thunderbolt potion as well as the "flashbang" bomb are also helpful to do a lot of damage quickly. The appropriate oil
i think it's "cursed oil" or something like that
also helps with damage.

Ideally you have the bomb that stops regen but i don't think it's easy to get that early.


Are the Viper steel/silver swords good enough for level 5?I am at velen and have completed a few quests and i was wondering if there are some better swords i can craft.
Just completed the prologue and i chose to simulate Witcher 2's save. The thing is I haven't played W2 more than 2 hours. What choices should I make? Which would be more decent? I am asking because I checked some guide , yet it mentions so many characters I don't know of.


I know this is open world but is it similar to Skyrim as in exploration is encourages where you find dungeons and caves to explore or is everything quest related?
It's similar and different. More similar than different, I'd say. Like, there's a good amount of interesting stuff to find just wandering about on your own, but from what I've seen so far, most of the 'dungeons' are tackled through quests rather than just stumbling upon them.

Turn points of interest(POI) off on the map, though. Otherwise, it's quite different as unlike Skyrim, everything interesting will be pointed out to you already, ruining the satisfaction of discovery when wandering about.

So have people figured out yet how not to button mash during fighting? I have no clue how to predict Gerald's moveset. At least I think I don't have a clue. Sometimes he spins. Sometimes he thrusts. As a consequence, I button mash my way through fights.
It's kind of important *not* to button mash. Especially on harder difficulties and against several enemies. Whether he spins or thrusts or whatever, it's the type of attack(strong or fast) that matters. You want to know how many hits it's safe to get in before backing off and you want to keep an eye on the enemy's posture or whatever to see when they are going to attack, as you need to dodge.

It's definitely similar to Souls games in how you should approach it, especially at higher difficulties, but it's a bit clunkier and with a frustrating lock-on system.


hmm didn't think it was that bad, but I knew what was coming from the way the quest qas going and made sure i checked out my beastry on him, put the right oil on my weapon(cursed i believe), and I used igni most the time, which the burning seemed to counteract the health regen.

Make sure you have a good silver sword for that quest, it makes a huge difference on him. I had accidentally equipped a shitty one and it barely did anything, went back and put on a much stronger one and it ripped through him so quickly I didn't even notice the regen.


I finally beat him (lvl 5). I crafted a 138 damage (poison) silver sword. I also used grapshot bombs this time. I think the bombs made the fight much easier.


Am I likely to miss anything if I turn off the hints? I don't mind them popping up, but they keep popping up for the same things time and time again which is irritating.

Also, the pathfinding on the minimap seems erratic. Sometimes it tells me to leave the track... just to then direct me back the track I'd just left. I also get red markers pop up on the minimap that don't seem to be anything, and disappear almost immediately.


Does anyone know where to find the first map for the Ursine armor set? I have the superior and master level of that gear, but for the life of me can't find the first and second maps.
I'll ask this again as I never received an answer last time - do notice boards contain every side-quest in the area, or are some quests not listed on them? I know not all '?' are quests, but hopefully I can just go from notice board to notice board, collect all of the available quests, then go through them at my own pace. That would be easier for me as I will be playing without POIs on my map.
Can someone tell me how to upgrade armor? I got a tooltip/tutorial message about it but it didn't really explain anything. How do I even know if I have things to upgrade with? And can I do it myself or do I have to find a an armorer?


It's a result of the mutations they undergo to become witchers.
Ciri didn't undergo the mutations though, that's her natural hair color.

Only Geralt got white hair from the mutations. Vesemir is just old as fuck and the rest have brown/black hair.

I'll ask this again as I never received an answer last time - do notice boards contain every side-quest in the area, or are some quests not listed on them? I know not all '?' are quests, but hopefully I can just go from notice board to notice board, collect all of the available quests, then go through them at my own pace. That would be easier for me as I will be playing without POIs on my map.

There are unlisted quests in the wild.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
It's similar and different. More similar than different, I'd say. Like, there's a good amount of interesting stuff to find just wandering about on your own, but from what I've seen so far, most of the 'dungeons' are tackled through quests rather than just stumbling upon them.

Turn points of interest(POI) off on the map, though. Otherwise, it's quite different as unlike Skyrim, everything interesting will be pointed out to you already, ruining the satisfaction of discovery when wandering about.

It's kind of important *not* to button mash. Especially on harder difficulties and against several enemies. Whether he spins or thrusts or whatever, it's the type of attack(strong or fast) that matters. You want to know how many hits it's safe to get in before backing off and you want to keep an eye on the enemy's posture or whatever to see when they are going to attack, as you need to dodge.

It's definitely similar to Souls games in how you should approach it, especially at higher difficulties, but it's a bit clunkier and with a frustrating lock-on system.

The Witcher is not nearly as dungeon heavy as skyrim but you still find a lot of interesting things just wandering around. You will also get credit for completing a quest objective even if you haven't accepted a quest yet.

That said, the best content is definitely quest related and there's a lot of them.

You're free to go anywhere at anytime whenever you like. Nothing will stop you except your character level

Last time I accidentally stumbled into a random cave the game updated a quest and recommended that I should visit a certain person who gives a quest so I don't miss out on the Witcher pay.

Thanks for the input friends. :)


Neo Member
So i arrived at Novigrad to do some exploring, and went to meet up with
Triss. After i followed the thief some guard told me that i needed to give him my weapons so o i could meet with the King of beggars. It was the only option in the dialogue for me to continue the questline so i took it. After the talk with the king, i returned to the guard and it didn't gave me my original weapons :( i had a really cool weapon and now i have some bland ones... Any way i can retrieve my weapons?


The game really clicked for me--played 8 hours today without even really realizing it. Kept wanting to do one quest, then one more, and so on....So damn good.
I went over my bros to try this game. Do you guys find the controls sluggish? I want to like the game but I only played in for like 30 min and the combat and controls just felt bad. DO you get used to this? Been playing Bloodborne so Its even more noticeable
Anyone know if having sex with anyone will hurt your relationship with your main love interest? or is it just the other main love interest. I.E. If I have sex with someone like
or at the Brothel, will that cause repercussions with Yen? Or is it just Triss I should avoid?


wait..what city is novigrad exactly?the one with on 2 islands on the east or the big one to the north?

because the bridge of the first one says novigrad..but there i finished a quest that was supposed to be in another city


Anyone know if having sex with anyone will hurt your relationship with your main love interest? or is it just the other main love interest. I.E. If I have sex with someone like
or at the Brothel, will that cause repercussions with Yen? Or is it just Triss I should avoid?

no idea in this witcher 2 didn't matter at fact there was a somewhat useful shortcut you could unlock only by banging someone.


Guys, Geralts beard is fucking actually growing out as time passes by... Mind.Blown. This damn game. Consuming me.

Where can I get a shave?


Holy crap at the quality of quests and side quests in this. I expected great coming from Witcher 2 but I'm still impressed.
Production values are Rockstar levels here.
I really want to do everything, not just to grind but because its fun. And 20 hours in I discovered the sidestep, I've been rolling through battles til then hah.
no idea in this witcher 2 didn't matter at fact there was a somewhat useful shortcut you could unlock only by banging someone.

Yeah, I remember that.

Although in this one I know there are repercussions if
you romance both of the leading ladies, but I'm not sure how the casual sex you can have with others affects things.
Anyone know if having sex with anyone will hurt your relationship with your main love interest? or is it just the other main love interest. I.E. If I have sex with someone like
or at the Brothel, will that cause repercussions with Yen? Or is it just Triss I should avoid?

I think that banging with one, doesn't exclude the prospect of banging the other.

It's just the decisions you make in the dialogues that will lead you to that or not


Neo Member
Sunset in Novigrad.

Just in case anyone on PC is curious, the GOG playtime counter is seemingly very accurate. I felt like it wasn't right but I just did a timing test and it updated completely accurately. Good to know. 30 hours played, just got to Skellige and still have like 15+ Velen quests that are unfinished. This game is so huge, good lord.


Also, the pathfinding on the minimap seems erratic. Sometimes it tells me to leave the track... just to then direct me back the track I'd just left. I also get red markers pop up on the minimap that don't seem to be anything, and disappear almost immediately.
red markers are triangles and mean up or down for the point/quest/enemy depending on which way they face

needed a bit to figure that one out myself too ^^

unless you mean some other red marker


By completing the first story quest and moving to the new area, am I cutting myself off from any quests that I may have missed in the first area?

I found out the hard way yes. There's some herbalist who has a kid you have to save? I don't know cause I only found her after I finished the griffon quest and came back to white orchard and asked her about some character and she said she died and Geralt claimed his potions wouldn't work (except I never had talked to her before so Geralt should have had no clue what was going on!).

I wish they would have at least coded it so that they didn't act like I actually had talked to her and refused her (maybe have her lament a recently passed kid that I know nothing about) even if they were going to auto fail me for not talking to her and finishing the quest before a certain time. I mean is it that hard to have a check to see if I have ever talked to her and if I haven't and it's past a certain mark have a different conversation. Rather than just have a check for if her quest is done before a certain point and give hte same conversation regardless of if I ever even talked to her?

Also, I hope you bought all the gwent cards you wanted from the innkeep (she has one you won't see again apparently). If it makes you feel better, I missed that too and by the time I learned it wasn't worth going back and doing stuff over again. So I shall never have a complete Gwent deck :(.
I found out the hard way yes. There's some herbalist who has a kid you have to save? I don't know cause I only found her after I finished the griffon quest and came back to white orchard and asked her about some character and she said she died and Geralt claimed his potions wouldn't work (except I never had talked to her before so Geralt should have had no clue what was going on!).

I wish they would have at least coded it so that they didn't act like I actually had talked to her and refused her (maybe have her lament a recently passed kid that I know nothing about) even if they were going to auto fail me for not talking to her and finishing the quest before a certain time. I mean is it that hard to have a check to see if I have ever talked to her and if I haven't and it's past a certain mark have a different conversation. Rather than just have a check for if her quest is done before a certain point and give hte same conversation regardless of if I ever even talked to her?

I did that quest, I also found a missing brother...

I'm paranoid that I've missed others and that I can't backtrack.


Just finished it


Still have most of Skellige PoIs to do but Velen is complete and so are most of the quests in Skellige.
Guys, Geralts beard is fucking actually growing out as time passes by... Mind.Blown. This damn game. Consuming me.

Where can I get a shave?

We know ;b this was a big deal back in some interview when this was revealed. And keep in mind that getting a custom shave/haircut will stop the growing process, or so I'm told! Pretty sure you can shave in Oxenfurt, and you can go there as soon as you enter Velen if you like.
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