I keep telling everyone to keep their gold. My pockets hate me for it---I'm broke as shit.I love having no gold. I hope it stays like this for the rest of the game. Actually gives you a reason to do quests.
The griphon quest is very explicit. Look in your journal if you didn't miss a subquest.Also how do I find the griffin? There's no marker on the map even though it's my active quest.
You wanna builda windmill where there's lot of win. Do you ever visited the Nethlands? I rode a bike there at the coast and it would drive without me pedaling because the wind would push me (other direction was horrible tho).Well the only thing i am not a fan of in this game is the wind. It seems like its just too much all the time.
Also how do I find the griffin? There's no marker on the map even though it's my active quest.
Do you have it on steam? When you go into steam overlay it pauses the game.
The foreign dialogue is mostly for atmosphere but I've seen NPCs have long, interesting conversations with each other purely in Nilfgaardian and it would have been gibberish if I had subtitles disabled. Some minor NPCs will respond to you in other languages as well. I've even seen a foreign translation in a conversation with a questgiver. Granted, he only said "good luck" or whatever but I don't like missing out on the translation.
TW2 felt like a stiff robot jank-fest compared to this game. There are some quirks when running around an object sometimes, but the overall sense of movement and gameplay is in another league entirely.
man the movement feels so clunky and delayed. didnt remember witcher 2 being like this.
I have a pre-order for this at BestBuy on PS4. Reading some of the impressions in here are worrying me.
There is no FOV slider, but you can try this that I found on Reddit:
Any confirmation on this? I could have sworn an in-game tutorial message said you get XP from killing monsters... Am I imagining that?
Is there an option to disable english subs but not foreign?
You wanna builda windmill where there's lot of win. Do you ever visited the Nethlands? I rode a bike there at the coast and it would drive without me pedaling because the wind would push me (other direction was horrible tho).
Any confirmation on this? I could have sworn an in-game tutorial message said you get XP from killing monsters... Am I imagining that?
so... do reviewers not care about glitches? clunky movement or tiny text? why was there not a word of this in ANY reviews?
I haven't played it yet, but this thread isn't reading well for the game right now.
I can't wait to get my copy later and try it for myself.
Is it normal that the controls are so clunky?
Riding on a horse feels like i dont have any control at all. This is pretty much destroying the whole game for me.![]()
Is it normal that the controls are so clunky?
Riding on a horse feels like i dont have any control at all. This is pretty much destroying the whole game for me.![]()
Well the only thing i am not a fan of in this game is the wind. It seems like its just too much all the time.
Just imagine you're playing a Rockstar game and you'll forget how bad the game feels. It seems to work for millions of people
In languages like Nilguardian (or howver you spell it) when you have subtitles on, you can read what people are saying... It's translated in the subtitles. But, with subtitles off you cannot read them.
I'm always tempted to turn off subs in games or movies because I never focus on the character speaking and just read the text. But, i am keeping it for this.
Is there an option to disable english subs but not foreign?
so... do reviewers not care about glitches? clunky movement or tiny text? why was there not a word of this in ANY reviews?
I haven't played it yet, but this thread isn't reading well for the game right now.
I can't wait to get my copy later and try it for myself.
That's certainly how I remember Witcher 2.
Personally really glad I went with GCU for this purchase so I can trade this thing in in a week if I get tired of it as fast as I did W2.
No. That's the problem.
Dear player. Get on the road and hold the X on ps4. Horse follows road. You can even make him Sprint in road.Dear devs: Please stop forcing me to look forward when I'm trying to admire your beautiful world while riding my horse.
We should request this from CDPR.
Also.. is there a toggle to make the hud Hide? except for say the mini map? i don't like all the clutter. The game is way too pretty to have a hud at all times. But its useful when going into fights.
Watch where ye going you whoreson.Dear devs: Please stop forcing me to look forward when I'm trying to admire your beautiful world while riding my horse.
Yes - go to graphics options and then hud. you can disable pretty much everything.
Well....judging by this thread, seems the reception on this game here isn't looking too hot. Kinda surprised
Damn, that looks bad. I hope mine isn't like that when I pick it up later. Is this a widespread problem?How many of you have received your Collector's Editions? I must say, that the painting quality is one of the worst I have seen on a product this big and expensive. I get that you mostly use airbrush to cover up most of the surface of statues this big, but the details especially on Geralt's face are horrible.
How does your Geralt of Rivia look like? Is he missing eyes and painted with a one inch brush like mine?
Every other item in the Collector's Edition is of the highest quality, like the awesome artbook and the metal pendant.
I'm having a hard time reading text too (Xbox 1, 60" TV). I have a very low prescription for glasses but have never needed them for playing games. This is the first game that I'm needing glasses.
I also find that I want there to be some sort of first person view for seeing things up close. But I might be spoiled by GTAV's first person mode.
Is it normal that the controls are so clunky?
Riding on a horse feels like i dont have any control at all. This is pretty much destroying the whole game for me.![]()
Well....judging by this thread, seems the reception on this game here isn't looking too hot. Kinda surprised
PC seems ok
X1 and PS4 have a lot of issues though
PS especially seems to have a lot of FPS issues
Dear player. Get on the road and hold the X on ps4. Horse follows road. You can even make him Sprint in road.
The movement in this game.....just....wow
Also, NPCs repeating the same dialogue CONSTANTLY every time you walk away and come back? Really? I heard that kid's rhyme about the Emperor about 3 times in the span of a minute just by walking between two houses.
But the worst thing is how unlike in Ass Creed where you can walk past an NPC and will like,turn your shoulder and such to pass them, here Geralt just bumps into people who then jump 2m away and go "WOOOAH!" or do some weird monster hiss at you.
I feel like a fucking cunt just throwing people away,instead of a badass Witcher walking through a town.
Well....judging by this thread, seems the reception on this game here isn't looking too hot. Kinda surprised
Well on most forums people are more likely to post issues they are having to get a solution than they are to post praise and tbh I like it that way because a giant circle jerk doesn't help determine anything.Well....judging by this thread, seems the reception on this game here isn't looking too hot. Kinda surprised
Dear player. Get on the road and hold the X on ps4. Horse follows road. You can even make him Sprint in road.
Seeing the thread I see many people mentioning the small text. Good thing too. CDPR must've taken attention by now. Increasing font shouldn't be that hard right?