Currently Gif and Meme Champion
CDPR made the statement to come across as doing the right thing, knowing that there is no agreement in place and is now backtracking stating that publisher rules apply. This is not rocket science or a mystery and CDPRs legal team knows full well what rules apply in their contract with Sony and Microsoft regardless of what they write on Twitter.
....this is not the case, and it seems many players found that out when they’ve tried to request refunds. Eurogamer reports that players have had mixed results from trying to request refunds from Microsoft and Sony. One user on Twitter posted screenshots of a conversation with Sony customer support in which they were refused a refund.

It’s not as easy to get a Cyberpunk 2077 refund as CD Projekt Red suggested
“They’re not offered specifically for us.”

....this is not the case, and it seems many players found that out when they’ve tried to request refunds. Eurogamer reports that players have had mixed results from trying to request refunds from Microsoft and Sony. One user on Twitter posted screenshots of a conversation with Sony customer support in which they were refused a refund.