I kind of sort of had an epiphany or something, and I hope this posts helps out gamers who have had a hard time understanding the utilization of SSDs in graphics fidelity. Perhaps this chart can help out (it is a very basic abstract oversimplification)
NEXT GEN Game development is now going to have SSD in mind, because now it is
UTILIZED, IMPLEMENTED from the start to work in conjunction with other system components (mostly the GPU, system RAM) to increase graphics fidelity. The unreal 5.0 PS5 demo demonstrated 2 particular aspects: Streaming of level of Detail (LOD), and polygons (triangles). The approaches of XsX'sand PS5's SSD's is different but trying to achieve the same outcome (uninterrupted throughput). Both XsX and PS5 *custom* SSD's are miles ahead of current PCs. However, I had this misconception in my head (and I am thinking some gamers out there as well) that having the upper hand on SSD can mitigate and compensate for a system that lacks in:
and my impression is that its just NOT true. This is truly an uncharted territory (no pun intended) to what degree SSD plays a role in graphics fidelity, because both Sony and XsX have paved a new frontier in game development which helps out developers exponentially. In above chart, the SSD circle for PS5 would be hyperinflated compared to XsX and PC, but the XsX for GPU, and RAM bandwidth would be bigger (but not hyperinflated). The CPU circle for most part would be same for XsX and PS5. The fruits/product of hyperinflating the SSD will most likely be demonstrated by Sony 1st party studios, because the unreal engine 5.0 is middleware, but at the same time customized also to make sure that the PS5 SSD is properly utilized (I am sure it will be for XsX as well). The 8 month development time with limited people working on an unfinished unreal 5.0 engine is truly amazing and gives us a very unrefined glimpse of whats to come with SSD implementation. I am sure there might be some flaws in this, and feel free to add to a better understanding in this new frontier and Video Game graphics
Arigato Gozaimasu.