To be fair, the control scheme really wasnt that bad after you got used to it.Star Fox Zero
Some people will say something like the control scheme wasn't that bad, or you just had to get used to it.
No the game was decent DESPITE the control scheme. Its like Kid icarus Uprising where they had to bring out a new accessory so people didn't break their hand trying to play it. Nintendo constantly try to do "new" things but there is no way either of these games got to production without them already knowing the control schemes where ass backwards and a completely negative experience for any user.
However it really should have had options for a standard / nunchuck control scheme for single player. I half expected it done for a switch release.
Had the pad been used as an expert control option, part of a turret power up or used with coop it would have been accepted. Instead most people's introduction was akin to playing streetfighter with a racing setup.
Great idea, badly handled.