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I still have the og TRII with a working TRII memory card containing 25+ years old savegames. The early games are the best in the series. Never really played the original apart from a demo back in the day. I did play Anniversary, but with Legends i find it missing something… What the early games captured beatifully is the sense of wonder and discovery. In my opinion still unbeaten, even with Uncharted existing. There is no comms(ugh in Legends), radio, internet or whatever just pure silence and ambiant sound. Partially due to hardware limitations i guess but impressive nonetheless.
TRII, one of my favorites games. I did replay it several years ago on the PS3. Still awesome despite some aspects not growing old gracefully. The out of proportions objects looked weird, now even more. One of my favorite levels is the Tibetan Monastery.
I don't remember a lot of TRIII, just that it did look really pretty at the time and had a canoe. I didn't strike me as difficult as some here suggesting. O, and the ares 51 + alien ufo was… corny haha.