Now to be fair, part of Dragon Ball, the original series, was about the journey of collecting them & ensuring they didn't end up in the wrong hands, so I'll excuse that since I think there's only a few wishes ever made & they were stuff that didn't feel as deus ex. There, I can excuse it because they don't seem to depend on them to bring people back to life, making death a non-threat.I dunno.
To be honest, the dragon balls only really make sense in the original and Super where everything is a joke and nothing's taken seriously. Z is just dumb.
Dragon Ball Super spoilers
They're straight up making Broly canon but he's a girl and she gets super buff just like Broly.
Toriyama da god
then why didn't theywipe the villains minds of their evil intents if they can erase memories?
"hey shenron, make them forget they're evil"
"what the hell are we doing here"
"We were training in case anyone evil tried to attack"
I'm sorry, but when you have a giant-ass deus ex machina in your show, I can't help but wonder these things.
For that matter, what was the reason why Androids 16 & 17 weren't wished back to life?.....or rebuilt?
Ahh, okay. I couldn't remember 17 being revived or not & if there was some stupid "nah I can't revive androids/cyborgs/robots/etc." rule or whatever.17 isn't dead anymore since he got revived back with the Dragon Balls during the Cell saga.
They still make beyblades?
...what??they introduce more Itachi stuff viaSasuke's memories that Sasuke forget about but starts to reremember
I don't remember when it shows up exactly but IIRC they introduce more Itachi stuff viaand that's like the worst avenue you could have taken there.Sasuke's memories that Sasuke forget about but starts to reremember
Wait you haven't seen all of Shippuden?...what??
I forgot most of Shippuden.Wait you haven't seen all of Shippuden?
Dragon Ball Super spoilers
They're straight up making Broly canon but he's a girl and she gets super buff just like Broly.
Toriyama da god
I can't say I blame you on that one.I forgot most of Shippuden.
So will Jack's real name be revealed in the final season or no?I love that Jack gets his name from these three nameless dudes.
That's one of my favorite things from the series.I love that Jack gets his name from these three nameless dudes.
Wait so Naruto has snorted Itachi's shadow crow already?Naruto also has that message from Itachi rolling around in his noggin.
Yeah like ten episodes ago.Wait so Naruto has snorted Itachi's shadow crow already?
I love that Jack gets his name from these three nameless dudes.
For the few that don't know, here is the original Dragon Ball Z opening for the Boo Arc:
Some super minor spoilers I guess but nowhere near the amount for Boo Kai (probably cause the manga was still going on at that point). I think it's amazing, and love the focus on Gohan.
It was pretty hard to top, especially when it lasted like 200 episodes, but I think they put in a good effort.
also crap, this means I gotta watch Unicorn by myself.
*checks to see what happens in Jojo tonight*
......uuuggghhhhhhh, that's the main show I like to stick around to see reactions, but considering I want to get tonight's shift done & over with, I might just give in & miss most of Toonami tonight....
also crap, this means I gotta watch Unicorn by myself.