Where is this from?
Where is this from?
I mean, considering Videl and Gohan are married and out of college it makes sense to have it be more than a few months.
Which means there's still room for a spin-off to take those four years and do something fun with them. Videl/Gohan HS hijinks, someone make it happen.
Turn the Saiyaman arc into an actual series.
Gohan isn't that popular in Japan, so I doubt it will ever happen.
The tenth opening of Bleach, the hit TOONAMI show that they cancelled for no reason.
I want to say the tenth Bleach OP.
I hope Toonami plays the 2nd ED of Outlaw Star in full.
Gohan is plenty popular in Japan. He's not like, Vegeta or Goku popular, of course, but they don't hate him or anything.
It's nearly 15 years old, but Dragonball's hasn't done much in that period until recently with Super, so it should be close to what people still think today.1. Goku: 6,235 points
2. Vegeta: 2,527 points
3. Gohan: 2,131 points
4. Trunks: 1,487 points
5. Piccolo: 1,176 points
6. Goten: 798 points
7. Krillin: 736 points
8. Buu: 421 points
9. Frieza: 324 points
10. Android 18: 204 points
11. Mister Satan: 201 points
12. Korin: 185 points
13. Master Roshi: 172 points
14. Cell: 170 points
15. Yamcha: 163 points
16. Tenshinhan: 125 points
17. Bulma: 112 points
18. Android 17: 98 points
19. Yajirobe: 93 points
20. Videl: 86 points
All he did was buy timeIt should also be noted that despite Tien's big "holding back Cell" moment that everyone brings up, it seems the fans over there were having none of it.
It's not as big as here's, yeah, but I don't think it's that small. Ratings and tournament polls seem like a bad way to gauge it.
Edit: Here's the popularity poll from Dragonball Forever, a databook they released back in 2004:
It's nearly 15 years old, but Dragonball's hasn't done much in that period until recently with Super, so it should be close to what people still think today.
Yeah, but that's just 133 people, and "I hope this character does good in the arc" is different from "this is my favorite character".Especially given Gohan's arc importance.
What do you guys think is the more forgettable Disney film?
Treasure Planet or Atlantis: The Lost Empire?
What do you guys think is the more forgettable Disney film?
Treasure Planet or Atlantis: The Lost Empire?
What do you guys think is the more forgettable Disney film?
Treasure Planet or Atlantis: The Lost Empire?
As someone who's just been around the Dragon Ball fandom, my idea about Japanese likes
Frieza Saga = Best DBZ Arc
King Piccolo = Best DB Arc
Future Trunks is super popular over there (He's probably top 3-5 popularity when I probably couldn't say the same around here)
Frieza is the favorite villain
They don't really like the Cell and Android Arc (I can see why. The manga post Frieza was not that good IMO)
Nappa isn't nearly as popular (you can thank TFS not being Japanese)
I don't think Broly is that popular in Japan (Not sure honestly)
They have no discussion over the GOAT soundtrack by Falcouner
hi jintor
you shut up
ban this filthy manThe Great Mouse Detective