F foxuzamaki Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own Aug 20, 2017 #16,903 I don't remember babidi being around this long
H Hellwarden Member Aug 20, 2017 #16,905 Babidi's plan so far. 1. Get energy. 2. Resurrect Buu with energy. 3. Destroy ??? with Buu for ???
S Schadenfreude Member Aug 20, 2017 #16,911 Why is Babidi freaking out? I feel like flying through the air is probably faster than going on a rollercoaster.
Why is Babidi freaking out? I feel like flying through the air is probably faster than going on a rollercoaster.
H HStallion Now what's the next step in your master plan? Aug 20, 2017 #16,926 Buui is basically that person who plays the Sims and just spends their time fucking with all the Sims and killing them eventually.
Buui is basically that person who plays the Sims and just spends their time fucking with all the Sims and killing them eventually.
T TheOGB Banned Aug 20, 2017 #16,932 Nigga don't do that shit in front of her daughter I mean don't do that ever but ffs
R ramoisdead Member Aug 20, 2017 #16,933 Yeeaaaaaah...not the woman you want to pull that on, Master Roshi.
Y YoodiHoshi Member Aug 20, 2017 #16,936 'Yamcha' will now be a boob jiggle onomatopoeia in my mind. Thanks DBKai
Z Zonic Gives all the fucks Aug 20, 2017 #16,937 someone's cellphone is going off. .....oh, it's dende's healing sound
S SparksterMeta0 Member Aug 20, 2017 #16,938 A whole day hasn't passed yet, right? I remember that going on.
F foxuzamaki Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own Aug 20, 2017 #16,939 Goku is happy go lucky when he knows vegetas dead
S Schadenfreude Member Aug 20, 2017 #16,944 Whoa, that was a weird commercial narration. Oh hey, indie review.
S Shard XBLAnnoyance Aug 20, 2017 #16,947 The Flame and the Flood is getting reviewed, how very random.
H Htown STOP SHITTING ON MY MOTHER'S HEADSTONE Aug 20, 2017 #16,948 I forget, can Shenron resurrect someone more than once now?