It's game over, Joseph. Kars can use Hamon.
So does he now have a Stand, too?
If Kars ever had a stand, it would be gg.
It's game over, Joseph. Kars can use Hamon.
So does he now have a Stand, too?
So does he now have a Stand, too?
Still not as strong as Kirito.Kars too strong. Pls nerf.
I can't imagine that pillar people actually reproduce.I can't imagine wamu and Santana as babies
lawls that bump.
The folks at Toonami sure love showcasing Joseph running away.
It was too obvious not to use.Oh hey. A new bump.
Guess it was too funny not to use.
This will be his undoing: every attack needs a name otherwise it won't work.Did you say Ha MONVERDRIVE
Yeah! Old school toonami amv!
Remember when DBZ was cool, you guys
UGH, they just had to cut to commercial before the hypest sequence in the series
One of he hypest sequences I've seen in shonen <3
FTFYGuys, its been an honor. I can't wait to experience part 3 with you all
But now we need to experience Grade-A Bullshit™.
I don't think JoJo's is shonen.
I don't think JoJo's is shonen.
I don't think JoJo's is shonen.
I don't think JoJo's is shonen.