If anyone wants HxH the game just play Phantom Dust for the Xbox or the remaster when it comes out in the near future. The setting isn't very similar but you play a psychic powered amnesiac in a post apocalyptic setting. Your character starts simple and begins to acquire abilities as they play through the game to build a deck of powers with different categories and several variations of each power in a category and even different levels of strength for certain abilities. All these powers are handled like a deck of cards and randomly generated on the battlefield for you to pick up. You could start with a powered up jump, then learn the ability to hover for a little while and then eventually get outright flight power.
You could build some incredibly specific character builds and a lot of the powers weren't just sword this or laser that, though there is a lot of that, but you could get powers that let you do things like reset the gravity of a battlefield similar in idea to Gravity Rush and shift it so up is down and down is up and people actually fall to their deaths in the sky. There were some really creative and expansive powers that could be combined with others to do some really cool stuff.
Hell the kicker is that all these special powered people drew on an inner power that is called... you guessed it aura. You have to gather aura points and then decide where to use them and there were several abilities for boosting your aura points in a variety of ways.
Anyways just play Phantom Dust, its awesome and the remaster is coming out soon.