Man, for a show that doesn't have all that many episodes left, IBO sure doesn't feel like it's going anywhere.
They're going to earf.
Man, for a show that doesn't have all that many episodes left, IBO sure doesn't feel like it's going anywhere.
That's because it has a lot of episodes left. Like a full second season. They knew from the start it was a 50 episode showMan, for a show that doesn't have all that many episodes left, IBO sure doesn't feel like it's going anywhere.
I don't think anyone was thinking earlier than 2018 for the dub.Correct me if I'm wrong but Viz has historically been the slowest company in terms of license show -> dub release. Anything is possible of course but I wouldn't bet on seeing OPM S2 on Toonami till later next year at the earliest.
I'm on episode 3So good. Watch it twice to see if you can pick out all of the changes.
They put real ass effort into endless eight, which makes the troll even better.
The fact they redid all the animation of every single episode is just fantastically funny. They're basically saying, "Yea, we could adapt more of the series, but we won't. At least not this season."
That was a mistake.
No Haruhi since then, other than a movie.
Hold on, the movie is almost three hours long? What the hell?
Season two is literally an ad for Disappearance. They added the one episode necessarily to set up the movie, then did endless eight+finish the story on how the Mikuru Asahina movie was made.
In fairness, outside of the Endless Eight troll, they did adapt like two books worth of material.
...kinda. The episodes about the movie are in fact one whole book.
Endless eight is like a third of a book. The episode used to set up the movie is like a third of a book. So you're pretty close actually.
The movie covers a book, very completely I must add. The first series covers about three books total, though not complete books, it takes bits and pieces and adds them to the first book.
All together the series+movie covered 40% of the material in the books.
Seasons one and two cover pretty much everything to the movie and the movie covers book four. The next few books are actually really good, though I would wonder how they'd handle the last two given the plot.
I planned it out in my head awhile ago. There's one book that's tailor made to be a movie, then the other ones would have to be a season or two of the show. The book series ends in fact with another, third movie caliber set of books.
God I wish there were more books.
Whens haruhi s3
I only watched the last episode of endless 8
Am I a bad person
Absolutely not. If anything, you are a smart person.I only watched the last episode of endless 8
Am I a bad person
SKEEETTCHI only watched the last episode of endless 8
Am I a bad person
I think I might have found a legitimate reason to hate Teen Titans Go. This is like an awful abridged series attempt.
i got this pm a few weeks ago
i got this pm a few weeks ago
Should stick to this thread. Don't know why JoJo would be the exception.