Oh yes. There it is. He was in the original concept, but I replaced him with Shockwave.Cyclonus.
Oh yes. There it is. He was in the original concept, but I replaced him with Shockwave.Cyclonus.
Should also do Unicron for funsies.Oh yes. There it is. He was in the original concept, but I replaced him with Shockwave.
Should also do Unicron for funsies.
The Super Bowl Teaser for Age of Extinction is up!
Looking REALLY GOOD so far. Please, Mr. Bay, don't screw it up with immature sexual jokes and racist robots.
I will buy the shit out of those dinobots.
Made some big changes, most notably to Bumblebee (who might be my new favorite) and Rodimus. Also added Ironhide and Cyclonus. I'm actually quite happy with how Cyclonus turned out.
Looks like we got us a G1 homage.
Or...Magnus? The face does look a tad different from Movie Prime's usual.
Y'all know me. Know how I earn a livin'. I'll catch this bird for you, but it ain't gonna be easy. Bad fish. Not like going down the pond chasin' bluegills and tommycods. This shark, swallow you whole. Little shakin', little tenderizin', an' down you go. And we gotta do it quick, that'll bring back your bots. But it's not gonna be pleasant. I value my neck a lot more than three thousand bucks, chief. I'll find him for three, but I'll catch him, and kill him, for ten. But you've gotta make up your minds. If you want to stay alive, then ante up. If you want to play it cheap, be on welfare the whole winter. I don't want no volunteers, I don't want no mates, there's just too many captains on this island. $10,000 for me by myself. For that you get the head, the tail, the whole damn thing, yes?
That head doesn't look right at all...You're gonna need a bigger boat.
I've been wondering about that myself.
I assume it's not yet painted?
Save for the eyes.
I was really into the new Jetfire till I realized the canopy on the chest is a fake. Kinda kills it for me.
Lots of transformers toys have been utilizing such tricks now. While it might improve the look of the toy and making coming up with transformations easier I can't help but be disappointed.
Yeah, it's not like it's anything NEW exactly, but it certainly has been an increasing trend. It feels like there's really no excuse for it on a large collector-oriented figure like this.
There's actually a very good excuse for it: So they don't get sued by Harmony Gold. HG aggressively pursues legal action against any perceived "infringement" of Robotech in the U.S., because that's pretty much all they do now. One of the key elements of the visual trademark is apparently "a plane cockpit that becomes the robot's chest." By having a "fake" cockpit become Jetfire's chest, that allows them to make the plane mode's cockpit far more Valkyrie/G1 in appearance while hefting a well-deserved middle finger at Harmony Gold.
There is a reprint coming at the end of the year though, if you're patient.
I missed MP Sideswipe, so I know that waiting-for-a-second-run feel. Thankfully with all the other MPs due this year (or close to it), waiting shouldn't be too bad.
While HG is very suit happy, yes... it's not like they got sued for Classics Jetfire, which did have an actual cockpit chest. And seekers have had cockpit chests from day 1 too. That's not enough. And the robot mode isn't substantially more Valkyrie like than the Classics Jetfire, so I have a hard time believing the combination is enough either.
It's lazy design, guys. They do this all the time.
It's not lazy design. Classics Jetfire doesn't look like a Veritech. HG doesn't sue them for the Classics Seeker mold, either. The issue here is that Leader Jetfire's alt-mode is very obviously patterned off the VF-1S. If they were being lazy the fake cockpit would look like the real one. It does not, it looks like Skyfire's chest from the cartoon. This is a decision that allows the alt-mode to be a more accurate homage.
So whats the next Masterpiece?
I only have Grimlock, but I really want Rodimus and Megatron. One tax return day I'll hunt those down.
So whats the next Masterpiece?
I only have Grimlock, but I really want Rodimus and Megatron. One tax return day I'll hunt those down.
MP Sideswipe better come here.