True Detective - Season 2 - We get the Season we deserve - Sundays on HBO

What's really sad, to me, is that this will likely de-rail Vaughn's legitimacy as a serious actor.

The dialogue he had to work with was beyond awful. Too bad, I thought he was okay.

I agree with you. Personally, I thought Vaughn killed it. He was fantastic in the role, despite the shitty dialogue he was saddled with. He definitely brought it these last two episodes.

Does he have a Twitter? Should tweet him.


That was a horrible waste of 1.5 hours of my life. What a terrible episode and a terrible show. Everything was fucking such a mess.


McAdams' character noticed right away that his party boy hip hop accent was just a front. And they showed him organizing the sex parties and shmoozing it up with the big wig politicians.

I thought they did a good job of revealing that he was a clever manipulator and in firm grasp of that household in just a few moments. Revealing that he was organizing the parties showed he not only held vast blackmail material over very powerful people, but that they at least begrudgingly trusted him enough to allow themselves to be placed in that position.

And about Frank in general and his subplots (replying to other posts), I think the writer wanted to show that despite how tall he once stood he was still small time compared to many of the players and a cog in the criminal machine to be chewed up by powerful people during their ascent. His main story feels secondary and pointless because it kind of was; he was doomed from the start, heavily foreshadowed during Velcoro's hallucination (Velcoro's father took his place at the table in what I assume was an allusion to purgatory).
Wow this was a bad end to a middling-at-best season. I think my favorite part is how almost every line out of the characters was read as though they were reciting a monologue.

If there's a third season, they seriously need to fix their awful writing.


Most parents have a hard time seeing the bad in their children even without being drunk.

There was a line early in the season where he thought his children were nothing but failures, and he didn't give a fuck about them. He just gave enough money to live the rest of their lives.


That was another amazing moment in the finale. Where right in the middle of what is supposed to be a tense scene, one of the baddies starts rambling off an info dump on how shit went down, and casually drops a bomb that retroactively turns a minor plot point into Surprise Incest (TM). Lololol.
That seemed like the only plot point he had left that no one could conceivably guess because there's no reason to go that way. Everything else during the train terminal info dump even the thread basically figured out and they more or less did spell out last week minus the two kids being involved in the way they were (the son being the birdman and killing Capsere). And that was all in maybe 5 minutes so the other time was spent watching them slowly die.


Does anyone have a screen of that paternity test at the end? When Ray's ex wife was crying? I didn't quite catch the significance of it.
He was meh to good for the most part, but the stuff he had to do was real dumb so its tough. His execution scene though? Flawless, he played that fucking perfectly.

This. Frank's last scene was far and away the highlight of the season for me and one of the best scenes in a TV show I've seen.

Overall S2 was alright, definitely not as good as S1 for me but I've always been luke-warm on noir so it was kind of a tough sell.


Will be interesting to see how HBO handle S3. I cannot imagine they are happy would how S2 ended up after all the critical praise S1 got.


Why does he wear the mask!?
What a downer of a finale.

Hoped everybody would live. Ruined my good mood. Didn't even has his voice recording get sent to his son ffs


Console Market Analyst
After season thoughts...

Vince Vaughn and Taylor Kitsch are indefensibly bad. The shitty characters and dialogue they were given was a cruelty by the creative team, exposing an utter lack of talent by both men.

Colin Farrel and Rachel McAdams fared much better creating something compelling out of soap opera.

The plot wasn't incomprehensible for me, but it was needlessly convoluted and delivered in the most banal way possible.

Huge disappointment. Hoping for a return to something more intimate in Season 3, and that they learn the very basic rule of "show don't tell".
What if the random guy whom Bezzerides talked to in the end was supposed to be Pizzaman? An ending like that would have consecrated this whole mess to a new level. "While that well written female character was talking to me about the most interesting case ever concieved by faith itself, I realized the world needed my nihilism. I stood up. I said shut up and kissed her mouth. You'll thank me later, damaged yet strong un-clichèed character. This is me now, showing to you what real quality is. Humanity is a piece of shit, God is dead, pain is the only real thing, emo were right. The truth is...I am Pizzaman" throws the microphone away, puts 90's sunglasses on and flies away with a nu metal version of Iron Man by Limp Bizkits.


Will be interesting to see how HBO handle S3. I cannot imagine they are happy would how S2 ended up after all the critical praise S1 got.

Ratings-wise the show is still doing all right, it hasn't dropped too badly, but it didn't experience any growth. Who knows what HBO will do. Pizzaman should probably go.


What if the random guy whom Bezzerides talked to in the end was supposed to be Pizzaman? An ending like that would have consecrated this whole mess to a new level. "While that well written female character was talking to me about the most interesting case ever concieved by faith itself, I realized the world needed my nihilism. I stood up. I said shut up and kissed her mouth. You'll thank me later, damaged yet strong un-clichèed character. This is me now, showing to you what real quality is. Humanity is a piece of shit, God is dead, pain is the only real thing, emo were right. The truth is...I am Pizzaman" throws the microphone away, puts 90's sunglasses on and flies away with a nu metal version of Iron Man by Limp Bizkits.

What if fat red head kid was actually us, the viewers.

He just wants more of what's comfortable (pizza and Friends re-runs) while dad (season two) is acting weird and desperate for approval. The sealed police badge he carries with him are his memories of season one (lol).


Unconfirmed Member
Well, you can't please everyone. Great finale, great S2. The reviews are hilarious. People have been waiting AGES to shit on this season. I'm sure at least half of these reviews were pre-written and they were just waiting to release them. You have to wonder what they're comparing this season to in their minds for it to measure up so badly.


I can only presume a lot of you watch this show flat out drunk, if you can't follow straight forward plot points, such as the paternity test or who was the father of the baby at the end. Blows my mind.

Then to turn around, in the next breath and dump on the show? lol
I actually liked the idea of corruption, occult, Vinci, etc, I liked the atmosphere and cinematography overall, and I liked Velcoro's character.

Yet somehow we ended up with a shallow convoluted piece of garbage? The height of the show was the birdman shotgun surprise I guess and everything after that was downhill. Hopefully HBO gets desperate and can get another win because this show was way under the mark.


I don't even want to talk about it, I think the finale was a little bit better than the rest, but that season was really not good, and compared to season 1 an incredible downfall, wow.
I mean I knew they would not reach season 1, that was just a cosmic coincidence where all the planets aligned and it worked out perfectly. season 2 was just a trainwreck.
What if fat red head kid was actually us, the viewers.

He just wants more of what's comfortable (pizza and Friends re-runs) while dad (season two) is acting weird and desperate for approval. The sealed police badge he carries with him are his memories of season one (lol).
Mind blown.
wtf did I just watch...



What a fucking bummer that was. I was actually enjoying it up until the last 20 minutes, they could've ended it there, on a sober (yet relatively high) note. But then they totally, totally didn't.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I can only presume a lot of you watch this show flat out drunk, if you can't follow straight forward plot points, such as the paternity test or who was the father of the baby at the end. Blows my mind.

Then to turn around, in the next breath and dump on the show? lol

They're jumping aboard the bandwagon


I liked the stuff with Velcro this episode. His finale scenes were the only moment in this show where I actually cared about something.

But, overall, I'm glad it's over. This was a mess of a season with too much plotholes, to many underdeveloped characters that were important in the end (like the two corrupt cops) and just a baldy told tale that didn't make the viewers care and didn't present it's story in a good way.

Maybe if they had a cut VV and Taylor Kitsh characters, showed or gave the villains more screen time and overall just took some bloat out this could've been great but, in the end, it was just boring and bloated television.
Well, you can't please everyone. Great finale, great S2. The reviews are hilarious. People have been waiting AGES to shit on this season. I'm sure at least half of these reviews were pre-written and they were just waiting to release them. You have to wonder what they're comparing this season to in their minds for it to measure up so badly.

In my mind I compare it to these shows from HBO:

Boardwalk Empire
The Wire
Six Feet Under

True Detective season 2 didnt even live up to any of the shittiest seasons from the shows in that list imo it was that bad.


After-credit scene should've been Marty putting the finishing touches on the first draft of his novel entitled "Trouble in Vinci". He reflects, then proceeds to delete it. Just then we notice a figure in bed in the background. We focus rack... Rust Cohle, smiling.


After-credit scene should've been Marty wrapping up the first draft of his crime novel and then immediately opting to trash it. Just then we notice a figure in bed in the background. We focus rack... Rust Cohle, smiling.

There was an after credits scene, or are you just saying it needed one?
What if the random guy whom Bezzerides talked to in the end was supposed to be Pizzaman? An ending like that would have consecrated this whole mess to a new level. "While that well written female character was talking to me about the most interesting case ever concieved by faith itself, I realized the world needed my nihilism. I stood up. I said shut up and kissed her mouth. You'll thank me later, damaged yet strong un-clichèed character. This is me now, showing to you what real quality is. Humanity is a piece of shit, God is dead, pain is the only real thing, emo were right. The truth is...I am Pizzaman" throws the microphone away, puts 90's sunglasses on and flies away with a nu metal version of Iron Man by Limp Bizkits.

What if fat red head kid was actually us, the viewers.

He just wants more of what's comfortable (pizza and Friends re-runs) while dad (season two) is acting weird and desperate for approval. The sealed police badge he carries with him are his memories of season one (lol).

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