Turns out there was 4 cops there while the shooting was happening. All 4 stayed outside. If only they were teachers they could have stopped him and saved who knows how many lives.
Link? Have only seen reports of one officer there during the shooting.
(CNN) When Coral Springs police officers arrived at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on February 14 in the midst of the school shooting crisis, many officers were surprised to find not only that Broward County Sheriff's Deputy Scot Peterson, the armed school resource officer, had not entered the building, but that three other Broward County Sheriff's deputies were also outside the school and had not entered, Coral Springs sources tell CNN.
Full article here.
Full article here.
Doesn't seem to indicate much of a time line like we know for Peterson but it doesn't exactly look good. Do we know if the Coral springs police entered while the shooter was still active? The actual shooting did only last about 6-7 minutes all up.
did school shootings happen from time to time in America during the early and mid 1900s and even before that? My friend made an argument how its just people changing because of the internet and how this isnt a gun issue.
It worries me that I can't tell if this is a serious post or not.Turns out there was 4 cops there while the shooting was happening. All 4 stayed outside. If only they were teachers they could have stopped him and saved who knows how many lives.
Can someone explain what Second Amendment is to a non-american?
Yes, a need that is exacerbated by the fact that guns legislation is a trophy item for any politician on the make. 10 years ago this was video games but thankfully that's mostly gone away.Asking for clarification on your stance before telling your membership if they're pro 2nd is not a terrorist act, what the fuck. That's literally what the NRA exists to do - to inform their base who is or isn't pro 2nd.
Thats messed up but we know thats business as usual for the NRA. Thats how they exert influence.
It's a lobbying organization. What do you think other lobbying organizations do?
This is mostly untrue.
Sure, there would be some people out there who can still illegally buy guns; mostly gang members and high-income drug dealers.
For the average person, though, the cost of buying a black market weapon, much less finding a person who has access to them, would eliminate essentially any chance of ever getting their hands on a firearm.
Admittedly, so many people in the US own guns that the black market would thrive for quite a few years. We probably wouldn't see any significant change in gun-crime for a substantial amount of time. Once the gun-owners stopped selling their weapons, weapons were confiscated over time, guns wore down, etc., though, the issue would be all but eliminated. And yes, I realize that could take a very long time. It would still be a viable long-term solution, though.
Gun laws in Chicago is very strict only one gun at a time was allowed to be kept in a usable state. You must have an Illinois Permit to Carry a firearm in Illinois and yet in 2016, 771 people were killed in Chicago, its highest homicide tally since 1996 and the largest number of murder victims by volume of any U.S. city. Per capita, this wasn’t the highest rate in the nation—it ranked ninth among cities with a population of 250,000 or greater.
Gun laws in Chicago is very strict only one gun at a time was allowed to be kept in a usable state. You must have an Illinois Permit to Carry a firearm in Illinois and yet in 2016, 771 people were killed in Chicago, its highest homicide tally since 1996 and the largest number of murder victims by volume of any U.S. city. Per capita, this wasn’t the highest rate in the nation—it ranked ninth among cities with a population of 250,000 or greater.
I’m sorry.. but I really can’t wrap my head around this mentality.. I’m not trying to be offensive.. but the way you say that you have a guy at church who is ready to spring into action if the church was attacked.. doesn’t put the picture in my head of a free Society.. sounds more to me like you live in the outskirts of Baghdad or something.. is it really that bad over there?I think arming a subset of teachers who voluntarily agree to become "guardians" of the students is brilliant. Of course they should have to pass strict background and training tests to qualify. I say give them a yearly bonus for the added responsibility and effort and the value/safety they'd bring to the table. Of course there would have to be protocol and standards on weapon types, ammo types, trigger locks, etc. I think in order to qualify for monetary compensation they should have to sign an oath saying that in the event of an active shooter situation they will respond with their weapon.
A neighbor of mine is both a teacher and a gun enthusiast and I would certainly feel more safe knowing that he was armed and present at a school where one of my children went. An ex-Marine and weapon's instructor attends mass at my Catholic church every Sunday with a loaded pistol ready to defend the church. Not everyone knows, but I do and the priest does. I'm glad he's there when I bring my family.
I’m sorry.. but I really can’t wrap my head around this mentality.. I’m not trying to be offensive.. but the way you say that you have a guy at church who is ready to spring into action if the church was attacked.. doesn’t put the picture in my head of a free Society.. sounds more to me like you live in the outskirts of Baghdad or something.. is it really that bad over there?
Should our governments give out warnings before we travel to the US?
The amount of paranoia..
I don’t see the problem if the Teacher gets training and wants too do it... but that has to be backed up with metal detectors and armed police and nobody should know what teacher has the gun and /or it should be on a fingerprint safe.
I don’t really understand the” I would rather have a shooter countinue killing until the police arrive instead of maybe a person with conceal and carry helping out”
You are not getting 250 million guns out of America...., we need to come up with salutions that adhere to that fact.
I’m sorry.. but I really can’t wrap my head around this mentality.. I’m not trying to be offensive.. but the way you say that you have a guy at church who is ready to spring into action if the church was attacked.. doesn’t put the picture in my head of a free Society.. sounds more to me like you live in the outskirts of Baghdad or something.. is it really that bad over there?
Should our governments give out warnings before we travel to the US?
The amount of paranoia..
Well, looks like there's a shooter at Central Michigan University. Two people have already been shot and killed and the shooter is still at large
Yeah, it looks like this guy still has not been caught? It's been a few hours now.Stay safe everyone![]()
Appears to be a domestic issue if other comments i have read are true; meaning its not a random kill everyone indiscriminately.Well, looks like there's a shooter at Central Michigan University. Two people have already been shot and killed and the shooter is still at large
I'm sorry I still don't understand the mentality.We aren't so afraid of guns as you are. A law abiding citizen with a concealed permitted sidearm is a very safe and effective way of protecting people. We see it as tool to be used, if the need should arise, to stop not only violent gun crimes, but all manner of threats and violent crime. For example, it's the great equalizer for females when confronted by violent male criminals. If an unarmed woman fears for her life and is being stalked by an aggressive male, she has few options. If she unholsters a sidearm and threatens to open him up with a few hollow points unless he relents, that's effective (whether he complies and lives or doesn't and dies). Countless crimes have been prevented by armed citizens. It's not just about preventing (rare) mass shootings. Have you seen the statistics on violent assault, rape and murder in this country? They aren't so hot. These are wildly underreported by the fake news media in the US (and I suspect Europe) because they don't fit the lib agenda that "guns=bad".
We aren't so afraid of guns as you are. A law abiding citizen with a concealed permitted sidearm is a very safe and effective way of protecting people. We see it as tool to be used, if the need should arise, to stop not only violent gun crimes, but all manner of threats and violent crime. For example, it's the great equalizer for females when confronted by violent male criminals. If an unarmed woman fears for her life and is being stalked by an aggressive male, she has few options. If she unholsters a sidearm and threatens to open him up with a few hollow points unless he relents, that's effective (whether he complies and lives or doesn't and dies). Countless crimes have been prevented by armed citizens. It's not just about preventing (rare) mass shootings. Have you seen the statistics on violent assault, rape and murder in this country? They aren't so hot. These are wildly underreported by the fake news media in the US (and I suspect Europe) because they don't fit the lib agenda that "guns=bad".
We aren't so afraid of guns as you are. A law abiding citizen with a concealed permitted sidearm is a very safe and effective way of protecting people. We see it as tool to be used, if the need should arise, to stop not only violent gun crimes, but all manner of threats and violent crime. For example, it's the great equalizer for females when confronted by violent male criminals. If an unarmed woman fears for her life and is being stalked by an aggressive male, she has few options. If she unholsters a sidearm and threatens to open him up with a few hollow points unless he relents, that's effective (whether he complies and lives or doesn't and dies). Countless crimes have been prevented by armed citizens. It's not just about preventing (rare) mass shootings. Have you seen the statistics on violent assault, rape and murder in this country? They aren't so hot. These are wildly underreported by the fake news media in the US (and I suspect Europe) because they don't fit the lib agenda that "guns=bad".
An interest group attempting to gather information to inform their members about how a politician stands on a certain issue is now a terrorist act? Give me a break.
This overreaction to the NRA and 2nd amendment advocates overall is going to backfire. For the past few weeks all we've heard is that NRA members (and 2nd amendment advocates overall) are racists, white supremacists, accepting of child murder, and somehow share the blame for the Parkland murders. Besides throwing a ton of red meat at the left wing base, this is getting many Americans who usually aren't very vocal on this issue fired up. This is a losing battle for the left, but hey keep it up I guess.
This is good. There is more going on here then "muh guns". Leftists won't understand in general as they are either not conscious enough of reality (they eat everything CNN tells them happily) or don't posses the intelligence needed to understand deeper concpets and longer laid out plans.
I know for a fact that many teachers already carry guns to school and have been doing it for years. I know of at least 3 personally because I've seen them when I was in school. I never thought much about it, and the teachers packin were good people so I felt comfortable with it
Reason #1245764 why this is a fucking stupid idea:
Let’s give her a gun
See above. I can’t even count how many stories we’ve read about some teachers sexually assaulting their students and now we want to arm them. Yeah...I’d rather not take chances.
I certainly wouldn't want her to be my nephew's teacher, but I think HuffPo is going to get into trouble for doxing her.
This is good. There is more going on here then "muh guns". Leftists won't understand in general as they are either not conscious enough of reality (they eat everything CNN tells them happily) or don't posses the intelligence needed to understand deeper concpets and longer laid out plans.