Trump Fires James Comey

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It won't. Not because people aren't angry but because Republicans are largely not going to do town halls. My congressman is refusing, calling it "political theater." They say these angry constituents are just organized outside agitators and hand wave the whole thing.

"Tea Party? What's that? I don't know what you're getting at."

Ran rp


How does this make the case dead? Him wanting to do a public hearing could be a good thing.

Ousted FBI Director James Comey has declined an invitation from the Senate Intelligence Committee to testify in a closed session on Tuesday, according to committee aides
That's that.

This case is dead.
PSY・S;236685276 said:

A fired FBI agent doesn't want to testify in the midst of a media firestorm. Ergo the FBI investigation is dead?

I heard he'll want to do a public hearing. But the case ain't dead I'm pretty sure the WH would be a lot more chill if it was dead.


Brian Stelter‏Verified account

"They're not available." White House not providing spokespeople for the big five Sunday shows

Lmao, won't be able to defend the President after his latest interview and threatening Comey?


Comey willing to testify, but only in public: report
Why would him not wanting to testify privately but wanting to publicly mean the case is dead?

PSY isn't posting from a perspective of someone who actually knows jackshit about the mechanisms of investigations and politics. He's just allowing his emotional blabber to substitute for intellectual analysis of the situation.

Don't expect an answer that goes beyond superficial paranoia. Same goes when you encounter DrForester having his latest defeatist meltdown. It's not rational.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!

Remember the early days of this presidency when supporters were asking why no one was giving him a chance? That was like a month ago...



Remember the early days of this presidency when supporters were asking why no one was giving him a chance? That was like a month ago...

One knew within the first 24 hours there was new use giving this monster a chance. The second he started whining like a petulant child about the size of his crowds, the honeymoon was over.

This guy is an abomination on America, and it will forever be a black stain on our history. His supporters are complicit and demonstrably hate America for voting Trump. They are judged by the pages of history already.
Trump voters pissed that their healthcare is being taken away....
If this development is enough to win over some Trump voters without abandoning civil rights causes, I say welcome them into the party.

One knew within the first 24 hours there was new use giving this monster a chance. The second he started whining like a petulant child about the size of his crowds, the honeymoon was over.

This guy is an abomination on America, and it will forever be a black stain on our history. His supporters are complicit and demonstrably hate America for voting Trump. They are judged by the pages of history already.

I would make a distinction between current Trump supporters (those that still approve of him) and Trump voters that only voted for Trump because they fell for all the anti-Clinton propaganda.


Unconfirmed Member

Remember the early days of this presidency when supporters were asking why no one was giving him a chance? That was like a month ago...

But don't you see: the reason all this shit is happening is because Democrats, still upset about his big league Electoral College win, are sabotaging all his efforts to MAGA.

If sad liberals would just give him a chance he'd help us all win bigger than before. Believe me.


Would there be consequences if the white house just stopped talking with the press? (Aside from the huge embarrassment of course)
Would there be consequences if the white house just stopped talking with the press? (Aside from the huge embarrassment of course)

I would think that eventually there would be a lawsuit if the WH tried to only let Breitbart types to press briefings.

Clinton Derangement Syndrome was a real problem with 60% of voters last year, but the great thing is that with Clinton out of the picture, there will be more voters willing to vote against Trump.


Would there be consequences if the white house just stopped talking with the press? (Aside from the huge embarrassment of course)

Trump won the presidency despite admitting on tape he likes to sexually assault women. He hasn't divested from fucking anything at all. He just fired the man investigating him and then lied about it.

There will be no consequences. His base will like him even more.

Ran rp

Comey willing to testify, but only in public: report
Why would him not wanting to testify privately but wanting to publicly mean the case is dead?

A fired FBI agent doesn't want to testify in the midst of a media firestorm. Ergo the FBI investigation is dead?

I heard he'll want to do a public hearing. But the case ain't dead I'm pretty sure the WH would be a lot more chill if it was dead.

PSY isn't posting from a perspective of someone who actually knows jackshit about the mechanisms of investigations and politics. He's just allowing his emotional blabber to substitute for intellectual analysis of the situation.

Don't expect an answer that goes beyond superficial paranoia. Same goes when you encounter DrForester having his latest defeatist meltdown. It's not rational.

Dudes. I was mocking The Lamp and his hot take. Jesus, lol.


Unconfirmed Member
Would there be consequences if the white house just stopped talking with the press? (Aside from the huge embarrassment of course)

I honestly think it's for the best. They're struggling to spin every Sunday and trying to make sense of Trump's senselessness just leads to horrible sound bites.

They won't win any moderates or Dems by not doing interviews but at least they'll stop bleeding their base. The establishment GOP certainly won't like it but their relevance is dwindling each day they stand on the sidelines.


Is it possible that Obama requested a FISA warrant for Trump?
No, I very much don't think so. Maybe one of the Intel agencies requested one for one of the Russian owned suites at Trump Tower.

From this article:


aw yiss
This thread is very hard to keep up with, I just read 7 pages and then was confronted with the WALL OF TEXT that was the last page (yeah, 50ppp), but this post, this post made my day.

Would there be consequences if the white house just stopped talking with the press? (Aside from the huge embarrassment of course)
It would be the smartest thing they could do, but nobody there can stop the Man-child from tweeting.


PSY・S;236686539 said:
Dudes. I was mocking The Lamp and his hot take. Jesus, lol.

Then consider it a success, because in this environment that is a typical post we get from the defeatists. You imitated it a little too well. :p


Clinton Derangement Syndrome was a real problem with 60% of voters last year, but the great thing is that with Clinton out of the picture, there will be more voters willing to vote against Trump.

And if those voters want to come along on their own, the grass is always greener on the other side and all that, welcome aboard.

But at this point? The left would be dumb as fuck to waste a single penny trying to convince a Trump voter of anything but staying home.

Depress their vote. Don't welcome their vote.
Trump won the presidency despite admitting on tape he likes to sexually assault women. He hasn't divested from fucking anything at all. He just fired the man investigating him and then lied about it.

There will be no consequences. His base will like him even more.
His base isn't big enough for him to win reelection. It isn't big enough to avert disaster for the GOP in the mid terms. The more he abandons anyone outside his base the more unfavorable to him the legislative branch is going to get.

Lots of people for better or worse voted for him because he wasn't Clinton. Lots of other people stayed home or voted third party because they didn't like either choice.

He can't afford to keep ignoring those people. If he continues to, there will be wide sweeping political consequences and those could lead to legal consequences.

"But his supporters will still love him" is pretty meaningless in the big picture. He won by a razor thin margin. Moderates that voted for him are deserting him. He can't afford to lose any group that voted for him.
Since this is already so surreal, it can only go one way: Comey brings Trump down and somehow works his way to become president.

In all seriousness though, Comey is becoming a very popular figure. He could definitely run in 2020 if he wanted to. His conservative views aside, having someone competent as president feels like an unobtainable fantasy at this point.


Did you read Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein's letter about Comey's competence in his last job? His conservative views and incompetence is a recipe for disaster.
My ultimate dream is for Comey to go on all the late night shows directly after Trump is impeached/arrested/pardoned. To see Comey and Colbert having a sensible chuckle together at Trump's expense. My God.


His base isn't big enough for him to win reelection. It isn't big enough to avert disaster for the GOP in the mid terms. The more he abandons anyone outside his base the more unfavorable to him the legislative branch is going to get.

Lots of people for better or worse voted for him because he wasn't Clinton. Lots of other people stayed home or voted third party because they didn't like either choice.

He can't afford to keep ignoring those people. If he continues to, there will be wode sweeping political consequences and those could lead to legal consequences.

"But his supporters will still love him" is pretty meaningless in the big picture. He won by a razor thin margin. Moderates that voted for him are deserting him. He can't afford to lose any group that voted for him.

By comparison, though, disbanding the press briefings would be one of the least crazy things he's done until now. I don't really see that many abandoning him because of that when the didn't because he admitted to sexual assault, got into a fight with a gold star father, and fired the guy prosecuting him, etc, etc, etc.


Nobody should want this. We are in a constitutional crisis, but we can survive. Nobody comes back from being a failed state.

We should pay less attention to Trump's insanity and more attention to what the Republican party is doing behind the scenes, because the truth is this: The United States becomes a failed state in one generation's time if Republicans get to implement even half of their agenda.

I wouldn't advocate for a military coup because that is just silliness, but I think a lot of people are still blind to how close to the precipice we really are. How many news segments, and editorials, and historians have to come out and say "we have never before experienced something like this in our government" before we all get it?

Our democracy is on the brink of failure, and that goes much deeper than Trump. It centers squarely on the truth that the Republican party has long since given up being a fair player in our government. They're a cancer.
By comparison, though, disbanding the press briefings would be one of the least crazy things he's done until now. I don't really see that many abandoning him because of that when the didn't because he admitted to sexual assault, got into a fight with a gold star father, and fired the guy prosecuting him, etc, etc, etc.

Trump is President because he won enough swing states. He won those swing states by razor thin margins. That's part of how it is that he got more electoral college votes despite losing the popular vote. Overall, where he won, he won by smaller margins than where Clinton won.

It doesn't take many abandoning him for it to have real consequences. His base aren't enough to prop him (and the GOP) up.

His base is mostly holding for now. But that's pretty much the only group where he isn't clearly losing support.


I'm anticipating this to be the next move:

"The press briefings as they exist now obviously don't work because the information is not relayed correctly. The American people want the facts and they're not getting them. It shows that this format is clearly outdated. Instead, we'll now send you more press releases and you can ask your questions by email if you have some".


Unconfirmed Member
Trump is President because he won enough swing states. He won those swing states by razor thin margins. That's part of how it is that he got more electoral college votes despite losing the popular vote. Overall, where he won, he won by smaller margins than where Clinton won.

It doesn't take many abandoning him for it to have real consequences. His base aren't enough to prop him (and the GOP) up.

His base is mostly holding for now. But that's pretty much the only group where he isn't clearly losing support.

Swing voters not showing up plus a decent Democrat candidate should be enough to bury him.

At this point it feels like 2020 is the Democrats race to lose... again.
I'm anticipating this to be the next move:

"The press briefings as they exist now obviously don't work because the information is not relayed correctly. This format is clearly outdated. Instead, we'll now send you more press releases and you can ask your questions by email if you have some".

Oh, it has to happen. I mean, that way they can formulate an answer without staring down the barrel of a camera, or having people laugh at them when they give it.

I don't think it'll stop Trump nuking the White House press office's version of events though, and it sure as hell won't stop the press tearing the lies and spin to shreds. If anything it will only make the press more apt to go after the White House, as the less access the White House gives the press, the less the White House has to threaten to take away from the press.
Swing voters not showing up plus a decent Democrat candidate should be enough to bury him.

At this point it feels like 2020 is the Democrats race to lose... again.

I wouldn't go that far, I mean it's a long way away, and an awful lot could happen in the next three and a half years.

But when Trump is basically shitting himself on TV, and then trying to get other people to eat his shit because he's claiming it's chocolate, that his base actually eat the shit and say it tastes like chocolate isn't anything we should be worrying about.

If he starts successfully appealing to moderates, say, then I'll be worried about the fact his base will stick with him no matter how moderate he gets. But right now? I'm not going to worry about them sticking with him when he's clearly demonstrating to the world that he isn't fit for the office.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
When does the White House start turning off the lights and ignoring the doorbell when people start coming by?
Oh, it has to happen. I mean, that way they can formulate an answer without staring down the barrel of a camera, or having people laugh at them when they give it.

I don't think it'll stop Trump nuking the White House
press office's version of events though, and it sure as hell won't stop the press tearing the lies and spin to shreds. If anything it will only make the press more apt to go after the White House, as the less access the White House gives the press, the less the White House has to threaten to take away from the press.

Whew, this sentence started off horrifying.

When does the White House start turning off the lights and ignoring the doorbell when people start coming by?

Oh, I do this so much.


Clinton Derangement Syndrome was a real problem with 60% of voters last year, but the great thing is that with Clinton out of the picture, there will be more voters willing to vote against Trump.

That's why they bring up Clinton whenever they can, keeping her fresh in the minds of voters.
I'm anticipating this to be the next move:

"The press briefings as they exist now obviously don't work because the information is not relayed correctly. The American people want the facts and they're not getting them. It shows that this format is clearly outdated. Instead, we'll now send you more press releases and you can ask your questions by email if you have some".

Looking forward to the first Trump Direct!
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