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Trump hires new deputy chief of staff whose wife's twitter feeds contains gems like "White people can't say N-word but Black people can"


Thats not your call to make. Not being allowed to use racial slurs does not mean you are being discriminated against. It means you are being told to behave like a decent human being.

If your first reaction to being told "Hey don't use this racial slur" is "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T USE A RACIAL SLUR OMG WHAT IS THIS DISCRIMINATION?!??!!?" then you need to take about 300 steps back and re-evaluate where you went wrong.

First of all you can not tell me anything what I am not allowed to. Or are you the law? Secondly I do not know HOW many times I have quote the definition of discrimination again. If you want to discriminate against people be my guest but be honest about it. I am white so I can not say it. thats discrimination. And as I said before you can not tell me anything I do not have to obey you and the more you want to pressure and force me the more and often do I say it. while I still being polite to people who treat me on the same level.

Secondly: Nigga is no racial slur anymore. Again words change. Nigga is being used in media every day it is pretty common word under teens as well these days. You and ANYONE else does not own words. As much as you want to believe this but this is not how words and language work. If we are talking about the hard R I agree and I will say NO ONE should ever say it. And you do not get a R free card because you are black.


I am a Christian, and I believe that Papa Papa 's should be edited. It is nice to want represantation and others to be decent human beings, but civility is a two-way street.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion

First of all you can not tell me anything what I am not allowed to. Or are you the law? Secondly I do not know HOW many times I have quote the definition of discrimination again. If you want to discriminate against people be my guest but be honest about it. I am white so I can not say it. thats discrimination. And as I said before you can not tell me anything I do not have to obey you and the more you want to pressure and force me the more and often do I say it. while I still being polite to people who treat me on the same level.

Secondly: Nigga is no racial slur anymore. Again words change. Nigga is being used in media every day it is pretty common word under teens as well these days. You and ANYONE else does not own words. As much as you want to believe this but this is not how words and language work. If we are talking about the hard R I agree and I will say NO ONE should ever say it. And you do not get a R free card because you are black.

I am not even trolling. I legitimately do not even know where to start with this. You are wrong on so many points and so many levels that I cannot decide where to even begin.

Your entire argument rests on the assumption that you as a white dude are entitled to use a racial slur that white people invented to use against black people and then after untold amounts of suffering the disenfranchised people that the slur affected reclaimed it by sheer force of will and then by rule of common decency and common sense the word was put into the "do not use ever unless you are actually black" category. But now in your INFINITE wisdom in 20 fucking 18 you are seriously gonna sit there and say "well come on guys yeah us white folks used that word to keep you down for a long ass time, but now you are saying it too so we should be able to say it again. I mean thats only fair right?.........Right??????"

I cannot even fathom how out of touch you need to be to even BEGIN to think that is okay. Yet you wanna fucking sit there and say that because they reclaimed the word and turned it into their own cultural keystone that you should still be entitled to use it because of fucking FAIRNESS??????

I swear to god you could not possibly be more tone deaf if you went to tone deaf university and majored in deafness and then went after your PHD.
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IF you are not straight do not use the word cis since it is commonly used a a degotary slur against straight people do it to random people on the street and catch a fist. Don't do it. because its basic human decency and survival tactics.

Also If you are not disabled please do not use the word disabled either since it is offensive to disabled people.

Or and if you are black doo not say redneck .

Let me come up with more ceonsorship so everyone can be use their own non offensive Dictionary.

I love how people want equality and then act like they have special rights because of their skin color, gender or sexuality...

None of these are a thing in our culture. Go up to the wrong person and call them a "pussy ass bitch" and you probably will get licked. Don't start none, won't be none.

Jesus fucking Christ, people. The argument is not that white people should be able to say the n word because black people can. It’s that no one should say it.

While this is a nice stance, this isn't going to be a reality until black people get tired of using it quite frankly. The culture has changed for young people so we will see how it evolves in use further.

Who here is suggesting this but you and @mckmas8808 (who implied he'd pay money to see a white person get attacked after calling black people n*****s)? If it's a sure thing that black people would return a verbal insult with physical violence, as you two claim, that honestly speaks very poorly of blacks and is pretty shameful. To be frank it would also go a long way to explain the high incarceration rates of blacks compared to other racial groups. Again, you made these claims of a black tendency toward violence, not I.

You're an idiot just for thinking this. Trump grabs women by the pussy, should I stop there, or go on?

I'd like to think I would never return a verbal insult with physical assault. Putting morality and ethical concerns aside, there is way too much to lose. If my employer found out, I could lose my job and then my house. I could be part of a lawsuit. I could go to jail and/or receive a criminal record. I could become injured or cause a serious injury to another. I could cause my wife and children a great deal of suffering, for what? Vain revenge for mere words? Only an idiot would respond like that. It's nothing to be smug or proud about.

Yes, there are consequences for actions. Words are also action.
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You're an idiot just for thinking this. Trump grabs women by the pussy, should I stop there, or go on?
What does Trump have to do with this discussion? Poor guy can't catch a break. (Only kidding, we both know he can't stop winning).

Yes, there are consequences for actions. Words are also action.

Now you speak of generic "consequences." However, you first said Whitey would "catch a fist" and that it was "survival tactics 101" to avoid offending black people with the N-word. You clearly implied violence would occur.

If you are white and you go around to random black people saying the n-word, you will catch a fist. Don't do it, basic human decency and survival tactics 101.
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What does Trump have to do with this discussion? Poor guy can't catch a break. (Only kidding, we both know he can't stop winning).

Now you speak of generic "consequences." However, you first said Whitey would "catch a fist" and that it was "survival tactics 101" to avoid offending black people with the N-word. You clearly implied violence would occur.

- Applying such types of generalizations.
- Obviously violence can, and does sometimes occur. The hard R N-word is super offensive, and itself is an attack. So don't go around wielding it. It's generic advice.
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Anyone will catch a fist if you call them a nigger and you don't know who they are.

Don't get it twisted.

This desire to want to be the ones to say "no, no one can use it" is an indication of wanting control over something that's above your pay grade.
Anyone will catch a fist if you call them a nigger and you don't know who they are.

Don't get it twisted.

This desire to want to be the ones to say "no, no one can use it" is an indication of wanting control over something that's above your pay grade.


Even if they are logically right, it's moot because that's not the way it's getting enforced in society. Most white people just don't go there in public settngs. Those that do engage risk.


These anti-trump shenanigans seem to be getting more and more desperate by the day, do you not realise you're doubling down on the rhetoric that lost you the last election?


Gold Member

I like you more now and wish we were neighbors! You are not sure of some things. Like if all President Trump supporters are racist or "right wing nutters". I wish I had an answer for you to calm your fears. I'll let you in on a secret about Americans. We value our liberty more than we fear death. Some of us see the violence and hate and are so upset about it, but what can we do? What can I do? I'm just one guy in a small town. I don't believe in the call for a "New World Order". To be really honest, I just want to be left alone so I can take care of me and mine. Mine means more than you think it does. I help in my community where I'm able. I buy locally when I can, to help my neighbors and friends. I make sure to smile at everyone who I make eye contact with. That is a hard thing to do, but I do it just the same.

I don't believe that more government intervention in my life will make it any better. In fact, I think it will make it worse. I believe that all government should be from the "bottom up" as it were. Let's co-ordinate on a local level, do what's best for us who live right here. I hate the ideas of crony and cartel capitalism. I see the merger of Disney and Fox as a bad thing, but again, what can I do about it? I want a diversity of options like I remember from when I was younger. Now, it's just a choice of two. And one is a shell company for the other.

I keep hearing how our political structure is more like a horseshoe where both ends are basically the same. But what about anarchy? Isn't that a political philosophy? Even if it's a dead end, where does it lay upon spectrum? Are my only choices really fascism and communism? I don't want either. The "liberals", as I see them anyway, are really just mini-Marxists. They say equality, but they mean equality of outcome. That is a fools errand and should never be striven for. I voted for President Trump and hope that he will think of America first, which is what I believed he promised. I can only wait and hope I was right. If I'm wrong, and a New Nazi party really starts. I'll be the first in line to defend that which I hold dear.

I hope you understand better, or at least can see me a human being. Just like you, just like all of us.

I tip my cap to you, sir. Well said.


Gold Member
Sarcasm, never seen THAT before in a tweet.. Something must be done!

Edit: Not thread complaining, on the contrary I find the diggers' desperation very interesting, so thanks for the heads up.
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I am not even trolling. I legitimately do not even know where to start with this. You are wrong on so many points and so many levels that I cannot decide where to even begin.

Your entire argument rests on the assumption that you as a white dude are entitled to use a racial slur that white people invented to use against black people and then after untold amounts of suffering the disenfranchised people that the slur affected reclaimed it by sheer force of will and then by rule of common decency and common sense the word was put into the "do not use ever unless you are actually black" category. But now in your INFINITE wisdom in 20 fucking 18 you are seriously gonna sit there and say "well come on guys yeah us white folks used that word to keep you down for a long ass time, but now you are saying it too so we should be able to say it again. I mean thats only fair right?.........Right??????"

I cannot even fathom how out of touch you need to be to even BEGIN to think that is okay. Yet you wanna fucking sit there and say that because they reclaimed the word and turned it into their own cultural keystone that you should still be entitled to use it because of fucking FAIRNESS??????

I swear to god you could not possibly be more tone deaf if you went to tone deaf university and majored in deafness and then went after your PHD.

No my entire Argument is that Everyone should be treated the same and everyone should use words in the same manner since discrimination is bad. And my reasoning for that is that you can hate white people as much as you want but the ones now alive especially the younger generation had NOTHING to do with slavery. Teens are not using this words as a slur. Teens grow up in all sorts of media with this word. They hear it daily and the one who entitlted is YOU to forbid someone who had nothing to do with the whole racist history of this word and you want to blame and shame white people for it. You do not own words. You do not own me I do not own you. You want to tell me that I can not do something make it ilegal but you will never ARCHIVE this since it is called over and over againdiscrimination. And With your K Word it is so out of context because jewish people do not use it either. It is a stigmatized word for everyone.

Here is the deal. You want white people not to say it. Forbid it for EVERYONE and you will archive this. Make a petition to change the law and I am all for it and for your support If you want to have some kind of stupid privilege becuase you ancestors did suffer. You will never get your wish.

And yes you can call me tone deaf as much as you want. I still beelive in equality. I do not fucking care about your skin color, your gender or sexuality. I will treat everyone the same and I expect you do the same if you stand for equality.

None of these are a thing in our culture. Go up to the wrong person and call them a "pussy ass bitch" and you probably will get licked. Don't start none, won't be none.

1. I never would use it as a slur or to stangers. And if you re black and you do that its fucking rude no matter what.
2. Wht I am alking most about is in your social cycle people you know and and most important in fucking media aka songs etc.

No one ever said I or ANYONE else should use it as a slur?
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Here is the deal. You want white people not to say it. Forbid it for EVERYONE and you will archive this.

Another one trying to decide who can say shit. I thought you people standed for the freedom of speech?

What you really stand for is supervising.

Make a petition to change the law and I am all for it and for your support If you want to have some kind of stupid privilege you will never get your wish.

Literally advocating for restricting speech



Another one trying to decide who can say shit. I thought you people standed for the freedom of speech?

What you really stand for is supervising.

Literally advocating for restricting speech

You want it banned not me. Do you even know how often I have said that word in real life? Almost none mostly because I hate rap music and also I am not american. I do not care about any word. HOWEVER I am for equal rights for everyone. And if you tell me I can not say it because I am white I will not accept it since I stand for equality

If you tell me that is is a racial slur and NO ONE should say it I am with you.
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You want it banned not me. Do you even know how often I have said that word in real life? Almost none mostly because I hate rap music and also I am not american. I do not care about any word. HOWEVER I am for equal rights for everyone. And if you tell me I can not say it because I am white I will not accept it since I stand for equality

I want it banned?

How'd you extrapolate that?

Scroll up bro.
You want it banned not me. Do you even know how often I have said that word in real life? Almost none mostly because I hate rap music and also I am not american. I do not care about any word. HOWEVER I am for equal rights for everyone. And if you tell me I can not say it because I am white I will not accept it since I stand for equality

If you tell me that is is a racial slur and NO ONE should say it I am with you.

Technically you can say it, but it won't always be free, and there can be consequences. You know who not to say it to, or in front of, so as you do now just don't mess with it. That's the best practice.
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Jon Neu

This is such a dishonest post. The N word was used to dehumanize black people to justify their slavery, their oppression, their subjugation, their rape, their lynching, etc etc. So I ask again, does it have the same history as applied to white people?

So are you going to police black people and prohibit them for using racists words like redneck, white trash and the likes?

White people can say those words though, only black people are banned from using them because they don't have the same history applied to black people.

"what about the descendent of someone who had his mother raped and murdered by black people? Can that person say the N word because it's historically justified then?" Are you asking me, if in this specific context, can racism be justified? Well let me help you answer your own question, are the descendants of slaves today allowed to hate white people because it is historically justified?

Are you asking me if the basis of all SJW and identity politics -hating the white heterosexual male- is justified because some cherry picked history?

You tell me.
So are you going to police black people and prohibit them for using racists words like redneck, white trash and the likes?

White people can say those words though, only black people are banned from using them because they don't have the same history applied to black people.

Are you asking me if the basis of all SJW and identity politics -hating the white heterosexual male- is justified because some cherry picked history?

You tell me.

What are you talking about?

I can't say the F word relating to homosexuality. It's an unacceptable slur.

Redneck isn't in the same universe, or dimension. No one cares enough to push back at the mere mention of it. The socialization is entirely different.

You have what's going on in the real world vs concepts. Concepts aren't going to cut it here.

Nice white male victim identity politics though.

Jon Neu

Your entire argument rests on the assumption that you as a white dude are entitled to use a racial slur that white people invented to use against black people

Seems like most americans should study history first before saying things out of their ass.

The N word was not invented as a racial slur, it was just a neutral descriptive word.

Redneck isn't in the same universe, or dimension. No one cares enough to push back at the mere mention of it. The socialization is entirely different.

And you know why? Because white people don't base their life in feeling offended and hating other people for things that happened to their ancestors.

Nice black male victim identity politics though.


And of course you don't care about racist slurs against white people.


Technically you can say it, but it won't always be free, and there can be consequences. You know who not to say it to, or in front of, so as you do now just don't mess with it. That's the best practice.
If these consequences result in violence than I will see that this person will not have a happy life anymore. Again In America i would sue up his ass until poverty. And that is his consequence. Also I am not arguing to say it to stranger which by the way you should never do (does not matter if black or white or asian etc.) I am arguing to use it with pop media to sing along songs etc. and also to peope you know, sopcial circle etc. I can not believe I have to say this over and over again.


You have the chance of having the job of your life, your wife posts a couple of tweets, you lose the job.

Am I suppose to take this shit seriously?

Every human being is responsible ONLY for their actions and words, not those of their spouses!
Seems like most americans should study history first before saying things out of their ass.

The N word was not invented as a racial slur, it was just a neutral descriptive word.

And you know why? Because white people don't base their life in feeling offended and hating other people for things that happened to their ancestors.


And of course you don't care about racist slurs against white people.

Listen closely.

Don't say the word. Thanks.
That Carlin quote is hilarious because what he was referencing at the time was the conservatives clutching their pearls at real talk.

Yall mother fuckers cant even co opt properly.
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I am still trying to figure out what is the problem with the original statement she made.
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Listen closely.

Stop being hypocritical. Thanks.

I don't care if it is hypocritical, if it's not 100% the right ethics or morals, if it's not politically correct, if it's 100% not supporting equality, or even if you perceive it as logical or not. You know what it is, I don't have to explain further.
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That Carlin quote is hilarious because what he was referencing at the time was the conservatives clutching their pearls at real talk.

Yall mother fuckers cant even co opt properly.
Carlin was an advocate of speech. He was refering to all kind of speech and how we censor ourselves.

And you should especially watch the second video.
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Don't say the word. Thanks.
What if he was an african american, would he be allowed? What if he said it with an "a" insted of an "er"? What if he used it in a friendly manner like a lot of black people do? Where is the line crossed?
At this point I'm actually asking genuinely because of how polarizing this topic is even for people on the same side.
I know.

You're misconstruing the censor ship he's talking about with the "shut the fuck up you ignorant asshole" that's happening now.

If Carlin were alive today he would be taking huge shits on all these racist assholes trying to fly the "free speech" flag to disguise their bigotted views.


I know.

You're misconstruing the censor ship he's talking about with the "shut the fuck up you ignorant asshole" that's happening now.

If Carlin were alive today he would be taking huge shits on all these racist assholes trying to fly the "free speech" flag to disguise their bigotted views.
No he would not. And we asre again do not talking about racism. We are fucking talking about Nigga in media, in social circles and not as slur. I also do not go to some strange guy and say "hey asshole how is it going" just like I would never say to a stranger "Hey my nigga how is it going" Carlin would also be one who would not discriminate people like you want to. because of history reasons.

Jon Neu

I don't care if it is hypocritical, if it's not 100% the right ethics or morals, if it's not politically correct, if it's 100% not supporting equality, or even if you perceive it as logical or not. You know what it is, I don't have to explain further.

I don't care how much do you crave for your Social Justice points. You know you are being an hypocrite just for the sake of your own ego, I don't have to explain further.
No he would not. And we asre again do not talking about racism. We are fucking talking about Nigga in media, in social circles and not as slur. I also do not go to some strange guy and say "hey asshole how is it going" just like I would never say to a stranger "Hey my nigga how is it going" Carlin would also be one who would not discriminate people like you want to. because of history reasons.

I want people to discriminate?

Have you even listened to carlins stand ups? Fuck.


I want people to discriminate?

Have you even listened to carlins stand ups? Fuck.
You want to dictate the speech of people based on heir skin color. Therefore my the quote. So AGAIN this is called discrimination. And yes I have listen to a lot of Carlin stand ups what do you not get, that people today mostly do not use it as racial slur. They use it because they hear it in different context in media, they use it as greeting. We are not talking about people use it as a racial slur like this one. Even use the hard R which again NO ONE should ever say.

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You want to dictate the speech of people based on heir skin color. Therefore my the quote. So AGAIN this is called discrimination. And yes I have listen to a lot of Carlin stand ups what do you not get, that people today mostly do not use it as racial slur. They use it because they hear it in different context in media, they use it as greeting. We are not talking about people use it as a racial slur like this one. Even use the hard R which again NO ONE should ever say.

Go find a quote where I say certain people shouldn't say shit.

I literally said "go ahead and say it"

Look up the history of that person and that placard his holding.

Keep fighting that imaginary fight about me saying you can't say something. Say it. Deal with the consequences.
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What if he was an african american, would he be allowed? What if he said it with an "a" insted of an "er"? What if he used it in a friendly manner like a lot of black people do? Where is the line crossed?
At this point I'm actually asking genuinely because of how polarizing this topic is even for people on the same side.

So with an A it's different. Obviously don't say it to random black people, or try to use it how black people use it to random black people.

If you have a group of friends that's between you guys. I've passed by groups of white kids calling each other -A, not ironically, but in legit expression. I didn't bat an eye. The new generations are different.

But you can tell when people are using -A in an unacceptable way, which is rare to see in real life due to how people have become accustomed to using it.
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Jon Neu

If Carlin were alive today he would be taking huge shits on all these racist assholes trying to fly the "free speech" flag to disguise their bigotted views.


Sorry dude, but he would be kicking SJW arses all the days of the week if he was alive today.

He said the N word all the time, by the way. He would have been the public enemy number one just for that already.

Jon Neu

I thought it was all Gamergates fault?

I thought it was those 50 russian bots on facebook. They destroyed the entire mainstream media, apparently.

Can you source that quote other than that image?

Right now I can give you more quotes, you can do the research.

This is something he said when talking about language control:

Now I probably got the feminists all pissed off at me because I’m joking about rape. Feminists want to control your language. Feminists want to tell you how to talk. And they’re not alone, they’re not alone, I’m not picking on the feminists, they got a lot of company in this country. There’s a lot of groups, lot of institutions in this country want to control your language, tell you what you can say and what you can’t say.

So I think it’s an exaggeration, and I like to piss off any group that takes itself a little bit too seriously, and it does not take a lot of imagination to piss off a feminist. All you got to do is run into N.O.W. Headquarters or Ms. Magazine and say, Hey, which one of you cute little cupcakes wants to come home and cook me a nice meal and give me a blow job? Blow job. Oh, that pisses them off. You want to piss off a feminist, call her a cum catcher, that’ll get her attention.

Sorry dude, but he would be kicking SJW arses all the days of the week if he was alive today.

He said the N word all the time
, by the way. He would have been the public enemy number one just for that already.
Are you just making things up as you go so that you can try to match your shitty worldview to someone you find funny?

Jon Neu

I did look, for about ten minutes and I couldn't up with the meme quote.

To your quote, fucking satire how does it work?

So when it doesn't suits you, Carlin was doing satire, but when it suit you, he was being very serious.

Carlin was doing satire all the time, and in those quotes, he is using it to criticize feminists and all type of groups that want to control how people should talk. If you think Carlin wasn't a champion of free speech and against the authoritarianism of the policital correctness, you didn't paid attention.

Are you just making things up as you go so that you can try to match your shitty worldview to someone you find funny?

I don't even find Carlin funny. A little bit entertaining more for his lack of political correctness than anything else. I wasn't the one in this thread trying to appropiate the George Carlin persona for my own political beliefs, I just contested to someone who did it by pointing to him that George Carlin today would be kicking all your arses for being SJW. He was already doing it in the 90's and early 00's, imagine if he could saw the american society of today. And imagine what the american society of today would be saying about him; he would be called a racist, to begin with.

And I'm a leftist (like Carlin himself), so if you find that the worldview of leftists that hate political correctness are shitty, that's your problem, not mine.

And if you don't believe Carlin said the N word, you can go do your own research.
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I'm completely cool with killing the N word forever hard R or not... the majority of white people are doing their part in letting it fade away in obscurity it's the other group that keeps it alive via popular music.
You can't keep using a word as a celebrity in your songs and get mad when your fans say it while singing your songs.

It's either an evil word that needs to go away or it's a regular part of your vocabulary, you don't get it have it both ways.
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