That's Steve Bannon's stated goal.
After parts of the US are under water:
"No one knew climate change could be so complicated."
I really hope Trump expedites global warming. I want him to be alive and well when Trump Tower gets flooded by rising sea levels. Seeing his face at that moment would rival the day my kids were born.
I hear it mentioned now and then among people who follow politics closely, but I guess Democrats have focused on the white supremacist angle since a lot of Tea Partiers would basically agree with him?what the fuck. How is this not talked about more? and if it is, how does it not matter?
what the fuck. How is this not talked about more? and if it is, how does it not matter?
You can clearly see the ice going back to the same level as in the beginning of the chart on the left. Nothing to worry about! Donald is making ice great again.Everything is fine. Nothing is ruined.
Because the cost of new electricity generation using natural gas is projected to remain low relative to coal, it is unlikely that utilities will change course and choose to build coal-fired power plants, which would be more expensive than natural gas plants, regardless of any near-term changes in federal policy. Although methane emissions from natural gas production are a serious concern, firms have an economic incentive over the long term to put in place waste-reducing measures consistent with standards my Administration has put in place, and states will continue making important progress toward addressing this issue, irrespective of near-term federal policy.
The economics is in favor of renewables, but subsidies for the wrong ressources and toxic new laws can still do irreparable damage.
Americans need to take responsibility and show actions on every level, locally and statewise.
This policy is in keeping with President Trumps desire to make the United States energy independent"
Even with this, what incentive is there to revert back to coal? It's a dead industry and you will get left behind in the global energy landscape if you stick with it. Honestly just don't get it. All things being equal I doubt most people would choose to use carbon based energy if the green alternative was available at the same cost/performance.
Well, climate change is still a major problem, but if it helps put you guys at ease, Trump's push for coal is bullshit, mostly because its not economically feasible. He's feeding his followers the crap they want, knowing full well that those coal jobs aren't coming back.
Wind and solar farms are springing up more and more, not because it saves the environment, but because its becoming more and more economically efficient to create energy this way.
When the next democrat president undoes all of this, it will be pained as a dictator by the right.Energy independence... With Coal.
Uhuh. The problem with these orders is a lack of continuity. His successor could just impose restrictions again.
what the fuck. How is this not talked about more? and if it is, how does it not matter?
We are already past the point of no return for serious climate damage and Trump plans to accelerate the issue in of the world's worst offending countries. Insane.
Americans living in the darkest timeline right now.
Wind energy is going to be much cheaper than coal in the near future too.The thing is, he really can't accelerate it that much. Not only is it very likely that this EO will get challenged in court like the Travel Ban, but coal as a power source just isn't economically feasible anymore. Even CEOs of coal companies have said this.
Power Plants aren't going to suddenly start using coal again because the market knows that natural gas and renewables are much cheaper.
Conservatives are frequently like "well why should corporations have to spend extra money to employ people they don't need?" Yet now they seem to want coal industry owners to spend extra money to employ people they don't need.
He can try to deregulate coal but the fact that natural gas is cheaper and cleaner will mean most electricity producers will still prefer that over coal.
Haha that's good