Where did the Donald Trump Jr. collusion thread go?
It turned into a meme circle jerk and it was closed.
Where did the Donald Trump Jr. collusion thread go?
But if you look at the combined effects of the cuts and the revenue raisers, 76.3 percent of the benefits go to the top 1 percent, and 94.8 percent go to the top 5 percent. Getting rid of head of household filing status and personal exemptions are tax increases that overwhelmingly hit middle-class people and don't hurt the rich much at all, especially since the personal exemption currently phases out for rich taxpayers.
When do people start setting stuff on fire?
I mean, this is just ludicrous:
The whole child care tax exemption is garbage for parents who provide their own child care.
"Why do you want to punish the successful for being successful?!"
Anyone who supports this is an idiot.
You brought this shit on yourself US. Electing a millionaire megalomaniac under the guise that he's for the people. A man who's never worked a second in his life. A man who shits on a golden bowl. If you trust him to act in your best interest, you're naive, dumb and gullible.
Fucking trash. Ugh. I wish Fox News and Breitbart didn't exist so that all the poor Trump supporting idiots that will be affected by this would actually know about it and have to come to grips with it.
I'm not sure even normal Republicans would try to pass this.
They'd normally like give the middle class a $1000 cut to help hide lining their own pockets instead of raising taxes on them.
Cool can't wait to hear my dad explain how this will benefit me
Mod locked. Too many drive-by ****posts from Trump supporters.
Ehh, it's an incentive to allow women to stay in the workforce instead of childrearing. But I do wonder how effective it is.
All I ever hear is people saying childcare isn't worth it since such a big chunk of the mothers income just goes to paying it.
Family wise I get it, but it's a terrible economic argument that feels like they're trying to justify. Between the credit and the income after you don't need childcare anymore you come out waaaaay ahead.
boo.annual incomes between $49,000 and $86,000, those facing a hike would see an average annual increase of $1,000.
that is all I have to say >.<:
Seriously--this is a disaster for families in that range. Most Americans can't put money away at the end of every month, and this is an extra $83 in addition to that.
And the the oligarchy continues.
The stupid part is that we don't need to be cutting taxes at all. Even a couple thousand more in my pocket is nothing versus medical bills if I didn't already have decent insurance via my job.
Cool can't wait to hear my dad explain how this will benefit me
Cool can't wait to hear my dad explain how this will benefit me
Yeah right. The republican party has been about this forever and people still vote for it anyways.
As a pizza delivery driver, I make less than $25,000 a year. With the removal of deductions & write-offs, I'd no longer be able to claim mileage on my tax returns.
I don't get a $40 tax cut, I get a $560 tax increase.
What a fucking joke.