So now everyone is for trump? I'm confused. Nothing he has done over the last few months shows me he has any sort of deal with anyone. C'mon gaf
So now everyone is for trump? I'm confused. Nothing he has done over the last few months shows me he has any sort of deal with anyone. C'mon gaf
So now everyone is for trump? I'm confused. Nothing he has done over the last few months shows me he has any sort of deal with anyone. C'mon gaf
Glad to hear that there is a Christian voice calling for daca to be made law because it's the good and right thing to do and not all Christians just follow the republican anti-immigrant dogma.
Immigration is a complex issue but it's hard to argue against letting people who have lived here their entire human experience that they can recall become citizens.
It's an audio only story, but it seems that Christians might do something good for the country at large by pushing for and supporting Dreamers, meaning DACA has a much better shot at becoming law and maybe even be expanded upon if Republicans want to continue to push "Christian" ideals come midterms.
Trump's thinking is that since Obama had to protect "Dreamers" via executive order, he's going to "one-up" him by doing it via legislation. It's all about accomplishing something Obama couldn't.
There is no way that in 6 months America could handle having pictures and video across the nation of ICE storming homes and forcefully removing these innocent working citizens from their homes and families.
Yup. Imagine a phone call between the two.Obama would be part of that accomplishment. The fact that DACA brought ~800,000 Dreamers out of the shadows changed the equation, and set the groundwork for a permanent, legislative solution. He probably saw this coming.
Many Republicans were furious with President Donald Trump's budget deal Wednesday, stunned that the president quickly gave in to Democratic demands to pair hurricane relief with a three-month debt limit hike — though getting nothing in return.
But in calls with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Thursday morning, Trump raved about the positive news coverage it had received, according to people familiar with the calls, and he seemed very pleased with his decision.
Trump specifically mentioned TV segments praising the deal and indicated he'd been watching in a call with Schumer, two people said. And he was jovial in a call with Pelosi and agreed to send a tweet she asked for about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, these people said, while also mentioning the attention the deal had gotten. He indicated to both leaders he would be willing to work together again.
"He seemed super upbeat," one person familiar with the calls said.
Another person familiar with the calls said Trump told Pelosi her coverage was even better than his. ”The press has been incredible," Trump said.
Pelosi herself bragged that she had gotten results after asking him to tweet reassurances that Dreamers shouldn't worry about being deported over the next six months while lawmakers try to secure a DACA fix.
”I was telling my colleagues, ‘This is what I asked the president to do,' and boom boom boom, the tweet appeared," she said at a news conference Thursday.
Yup. Imagine a phone call between the two.
Trump: "I got DACA passed! You couldn't! Admit it, I'm better!"
Obama: (in the background, a giant party) "Yup, you got me good Donald, I can't believe it"
It's like in DBZ when Vegeta finally surpasses Goku and brags to him about it, and Goku is just like "cool, way to go bro!" And then Obama takes off his weighted clothing.
Obama would be part of that accomplishment. The fact that DACA brought ~800,000 Dreamers out of the shadows changed the equation, and set the groundwork for a permanent, legislative solution. He probably saw this coming.
So now everyone is for trump? I'm confused. Nothing he has done over the last few months shows me he has any sort of deal with anyone. C'mon gaf
This is both pathetic and hilarious at the same time
Maybe he actually will keep helping Dems if all he cares about is what CNN says, and Fox proved they'll back him no matter what he does.
When Kennedy steps down next year, Schumer and Pelosi need to remember this routine.
This is both pathetic and hilarious at the same time
Maybe he actually will keep helping Dems if all he cares about is what CNN says, and Fox proved they'll back him no matter what he does.
At least until the Russia stuff starts up again and Dems start calling for impeachment.
As long as he keeps working with them, I don't think the Democrats will push for impeachment even if damning evidence comes out. If anything, they could use it as leverage against him. It's better to ride it out to 2020 than be stuck with Pence or Ryan. If and when Trump sways back to the other side, Democrats could then push for impeachment. Alternatively, if they somehow get control of the House in 2018, they could push for impeachment then.
Man...what if the Dems just play Trump for the next four years by promising him they'll make him look good in the media?
As long as he keeps working with them, I don't think the Democrats will push for impeachment even if damning evidence comes out. If anything, they could use it as leverage against him. It's better to ride it out to 2020 than be stuck with Pence or Ryan. If and when Trump sways back to the other side, Democrats could then push for impeachment. Alternatively, if they somehow get control of the House in 2018, they could push for impeachment then.
Nope. Nancy and Chuck are not going to agree to that.
If DACA is passed they will give the Republicans nothing in return (or next to nothing).
It's a weird feeling reading somthing that's completely unbelievable and yet makes perfect sense at the same time
This is what happens when you claim credit for "Art of the Deal" without actually writing it. You don't realize it's being used against you.
The man thinks the world is a whole reality show.
Just keep telling him "this will make you popular" and manipulate his ass.
Certainly Planned Parenthood, which is something the Republican base, Republican leadership, and Trump all agree on.