Just gonna drop my own few cents here. I was doing a research before upgrading the tv, and settled down on 55' C9 quite a while ago. I still believe that it is the best TV you can get for a moment for mixed use (Streaming/Video playback from external sources/gaming). Yes, the HDR is not as bright as Samsung's top-tier QLEDs, and motion (de-judder) setting are too extreme out of the box, but everything is perfectly fixable with the settings. I usually play in the evenings/nights due to work schedule, so OLED fits me due to inherited suitability for dark rooms. However, even on the bright day I cannot say that I have a need to close the curtains or anything like it. That said, I suppose that if one have a really sunny and bright room, LED/QLED will do better job for viewing comfort.
With my PS4 Pro, I haven't spotted anything wrong with motion on 30FPS resolution mode in GoW, or 60FPS locked in COD:MW for that matter (using game mode, naturally). 24fps movies are going smooth as well, with de-blur and de-judder set to 2 each, Real Cinema on and OLED motion turned off (I keep it turned off for all modes, it does not make much sence to use it tbh), and needless to say that the image quality with HDR/Doulby Vision content is just
so great.
One more good thing about -9 and -X LG series is the support of HGIG HDR sub-format that improves the HDR quality of the games that support it (COD:MW is in the list at the moment, not sure about any other games). I am not sure if HGIG is supported by XH90, but as soon as Sony is a member of HGIG group I believe that support should be there. AFAIK HGIG removes the double-HDR application by source and TV on some occasions if dynamic tone mapping is used (it actually substitutes DTM for game content), plus carry the HDR metadata (as HDR10/DV), making picture subjectively brighter and increasing contrast.
Instant game response (and VRR!) is actually not supported by PS4, but manually assigned game mode to the respective input works just fine. I hope PS5 will support instant game response though.
Few cents on burn-in as well - RTINGS test for older panels (7-series LGs) does not show any kind of extreme degradation within a reasonable time:
Since then, panels' pixel layouts have changed to diminish the burn-in effect more. That said, if you would like to run an OLED as a PC screen, I would be worried, too.
By the way, here in Poland we have a huge LG assembly facility where those OLEDs are made. I got in touch with LG rep before purchase, and I got informed that officially none of LGs from series 9 have ever been returned/called for warranty due to the burn-in. That said, if any significant burn-in occur, the usual practice it to grant 1 panel replacement within the standard 2-year warranty period.
Last but not the list - I have been looking for XH90 as well. However, 2 things have stopped me from going for it:
1. Only 1 port supporting HDMI 2.1 features - I am planning to get both consoles eventually (PS5 first ofc

), so I don't really want to plug and unplug those constantly;
2. Price. Here in Poland, 55XH90 costs exactly the same money (max $100-150 cheaper) as 55C9:
Should we have XH90 cheaper (as it is, let's say, in US) then it would have some great leverage.
Anyways, if anyone around is interested in any kind of info on this set, I would be glad to share more first-hand reviews