I think a Diane reveal is justified on the basis that even non-superfans who watched the show would be somewhat shocked to finally see the woman Cooper was referring to whenever he recorded his tapes.
She wasn't exactly a mystery per se, but he does mention her name a lot in the original show and she never appears, so I don't think you'd need to be super into it to feel intrigued. I couldn't care less about the actress playing her either since I purposely didn't keep up with casting news, but it was still a cool scene for me in a "oh wow, that Diane!" sort of way.
Sure, but this is supposed to be a show for also those people who haven't watched the original series. And I think that even for those who know about Diane, like maybe those who watched the original series and maybe were fans back then but who haven't invested any time for the series after the initial viewing, this wasn't that much of a reveal. I mean, there really isn't anything more to it in the scene than there is a woman who is Diane, or THE Diane for thos who know the name, and that she wears a wig and drinks in a bar and looks dramatic and looks like Laura Dern.
That really just mostly feels like fan service. Sure, she might become super interesting later, but the actual reveal wasn't really much of anything. Even the scene where James met Evelyn Marsh they were setting up more than what they did in this scene
But at the very least each scene is there to set a mood.
Yeah, and one of those moods is made by a little man brutally killing someone while a completely unfitting hiphop beat plays on the background, so......... at least that's
a mood?

(really, I don't think that even the "but it's the contrast of the music and what's happening" explanations make that decision any better)
They are abstract, bizarre, out of this world and seemingly disjointed. Inappropriate acting and poor cgi add to that. They are supposed to create a desired atmosphere and spezific unusual, uncomfortable emotional responses from the audience.
You can not know that.
You can't know what the intention is.
One of the greats, Dario Argento, made a 3D Dracula some years ago. He probably also was very much ok with the effects and acting in that movie. But him deliberately making that doesn't make him a genius who wants to create unusual and uncomfortable emotional responses. It just it what it is. No need to force some intelligence on it.
Now you don't need to like it. I understand. But saying the poor cgi and inappropriate acting were mistakes or oversights by Lynch is madness. He is not an amateur or a buffoon, he is a veteran of decades in the industry and has used these methods before.
Being a veteran in the industry doesn't necessarily mean anything.
Some people just lose their touch.
Now, I have to say that I personally like season 3. And some of the scenes I absolutely love.
I didn't like the first two episodes but from the 3rd episode onwards I have really gotten into it.
And I get the slowCoop. I understand that without making the scenes super long and slow and really dragging him being slow and simple, the scene where he is at the statue at night wouldn't be even nearly as great as it is now. If he wasn't set up like that before that scene we couldn't quite feel for his "senility" and sense the little spark of consciousness he still has within him and feel for his primitive longing for something he doesn't and even can't set his mind to. That's very touching stuff about the small sparks of nostalgia in the minds of people who just don't have well working brains anymore, like people with Alzheimers disease or people who've had a stroke. Absolutely beautiful stuff. Both heartbreaking and hopeful at the same time.
But even if I think Lynch can do so amazing moments and I in general am a huge Twin Peaks and David Lynch fan, I don't think he's above criticism or that everything he does is good and fitting.
Hell, he almost managed to ruin the FWWM scene with Jeffries and the bellhop by letting the bellhop say "the shit came out of my asshole" in the Missing Pieces. For me, that was a thing that shouldn't have ever been filmed and should've been erased from the script completely. Yeah, sure there's some "contrast" there and whatever, but for me that's just a bad joke in an unfitting place. And while it could be interesting to put an unfitting joke in an unfitting place, this wasn't good even in that sense.
I love Dougie, I loved Wally Brando, I love a lot of things in S3.
But this season still has issues even if David is in complete control.