Hands of Stone
Wasn't the guy Doop left the prison with gonna screw him over? He sent that woman in the motel to murder him right?
It's weird watching a show where almost everyone is old as fuck.
Also, that scene with the broom sweeping felt like Lynch is just straight trolling at this point.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
I think it has to do with the innate fear that comes from realizing that something is off about the world and you aren't sure what it is.
Wasn't the guy Doop left the prison with gonna screw him over? He sent that woman in the motel to murder him right?
So here's my thoughts on Ike the Spike (the hitman dwarf).
The only other dwarf we've seen in Twin Peaks is the Man from Another Place, who resides in the Black Lodge. This person, also known as The Arm, is the manifestation of Phillip Michael Gerard's arm. Gerard cut off his own arm, his killing arm, because he wanted to stop killing. This exorcised him of a certain evil and he left partnership with Bob.
So now we have a new dwarf, one that seems to kill exclusively, running around taking targets and seemingly relishing in his duties. I wonder if Ike is somebody else's "Arm"? Is he the wickedness of somebody else, having been severed from their body, and now he carries on a life of pure violence?
I don't know who he could have come from though. Just something I was thinking about. The only person we've seen with a severed body part is the body of Major Briggs, if that's even him, and I don't think Ike would he his head.
Maybe the humming is Josie having spread from the knob to the rest of the, mostly wooden, hotel.
Also, Sheriff Truman has one of the greatest computer desks I have ever seen...
It makes sense as she was humming in the pilot.
Realizing the person walking up the hall was the sooty guy from the jail in ep 1 made me feel a kind of genuine uneasiness that most horror films don't.
I have no idea why, especially given what a silly and ridiculous show this is. That's why Lynch is a master. He knows just the right combination of things to set you up and trigger you.
I think it has to do with the innate fear that comes from realizing that something is off about the world and you aren't sure what it is.
He (Ray) and Daria were going to kill him and split 500,000 to do it. I can't remember who hired them to do so, but it was just a job and they were partners on it.
Anyway, DarkCooper found out about this and killed Daria in the hotel. I don't know if Ray knows Daria is dead, or that DarkCooper knows he is planning to kill him, but I'm sure we'll see that addressed next week. I'm pretty much expecting DarkCooper to just kill him as soon as they are out of sight of the prison.
The truck belonged to the guy Andy was talking to.Loved this episode, maybe my favourite yet. I'm assuming Richard Horne was driving Jerry's stolen car. Maybe he's his son?
That was a good episode. I'm not looking forward to the break after the next one.
why are you such an assholeAnd that's ok. Lynch isn't for everyone. I mean this honestly and seriously, but 90s Twin Peaks was a parody of soap operas. Look up modern Nashville and General Hospital maybe? You never know...Maybe the melodrama and straightforward storytelling you want is already out there!
And that's ok. Lynch isn't for everyone. I mean this honestly and seriously, but 90s Twin Peaks was a parody of soap operas. Look up modern Nashville and General Hospital maybe? You never know...Maybe the melodrama and straightforward storytelling you want is already out there!
The show isn't called Lynch Peaks, it's called Twin Peaks. I don't think it's unrealistic for someone who was a fan of the original show to be interested in another season. Fortunately, if the latest episode is anything to go by, things are improving in that department.
The truck belonged to the guy Andy was talking to.
I think my favorite thing about new TP is the sense that Lynch really has no interest in doing more beyond this 18 episode run. It feels like a last hurrah and so he's going to take his sweet time with it.
ive been rewatching season 1 with my brother who is going through TP for the first time.
while season 1 and 3 are WIDLY different, theyve somehow started making more sense to me and fitting together.
season 1 just feels like such a product of when it was released, just so late 80s early 90s. everything about it.
then hopping forward 25 years, and i know it happened literally, but it just FEELS like the show twin peaks has aged 25 years. idk how to describe it, but watching early episodes actually makes me appreciate 3 more?
Have we discussed yet how the Sheriff's Department missed these new missing pages? Hawk says in the original series finale that they found the torn-out pages along with the bloody towel in the train car. Are these the same or new missing pages?
- Naomi Watts is the co-MVP of this show so far alongside Kyle MacLachlan. Janey-E is a wonderfully direct, aggressive, blunt character, and her choking out Ike The Spike while Dougie Coop tried to rip his hand off was a real ride or die move. Amazing.
huh, I guess I totally missed out on the implication that Mr. C had raped Diane, though that makes a lot of sense.
huh, I guess I totally missed out on the implication that Mr. C had raped Diane, though that makes a lot of sense. For some reason I was just thinking that Cooper and Diane had a fling at some point before he left for Twin Peaks, she was pissed that he never returned or spoke to her again afterward, and that Mr. C was either playing along with Diane (since he never really revealed anything) or was drawing on Cooper's memories for that conversation.
I reckon the badalamenti music is going to pop up more and more often throughout the series until episode 18 is just one long "oh angelo".
You sure about that? Could have sworn I read an interview with someone (think it was Frost?) saying they could see themselves making more Twin Peaks after this season.
I don't think it's meant to be offensive. Seems more like a reference to Señor Droolcup from season 2.I was looking at the avclub comments and some people are calling him droolcoop over there too.
I don't like when people call him "DroolCoop" cos 1. he doesn't drool at all, 2. it's gross to read and think about, not cute 3. it's kind of making fun of people with disabilities who do drool because coop is for all purposes mentally disabled right now and you're just making it out as a big joke by grabbing a tv tropish symptom of disability he doesn't actually have. dougie's funny but not because 'lol he's retarded'...it's just lazy, gross and kind of offensive.
anyway i probably put too much thought into that but it was bugging me
So... this is a thing that happens. ��
I don't even know what to say about it, it's so weird. The windows blink pure white, so I don't think it's even trying to pretend that it was a reflection.
I wonder if Audrey Horne is still in a coma.
ive been rewatching season 1 with my brother who is going through TP for the first time.
while season 1 and 3 are WIDLY different, theyve somehow started making more sense to me and fitting together.
season 1 just feels like such a product of when it was released, just so late 80s early 90s. everything about it.
then hopping forward 25 years, and i know it happened literally, but it just FEELS like the show twin peaks has aged 25 years. idk how to describe it, but watching early episodes actually makes me appreciate 3 more?
Oh man, it kills me to know that we'll never get more Albert & Gordon. I wish those two had their own spin-off.
Is this the last we've seen of them in episode 7?
I think they meant that after season 3, even if we get more Twin Peaks, we won't get more Albert & Cole action. It would have to be Cole solo.
Man, Chrysta bell is incredibly beautiful! Has anyone here heard her music? So good!
There's something unnatural about the way she moves through a scene, like she's constantly trying to model or something. Maybe it's just my eyes fixed on her, I dunno.
When Doc Hayward said he last saw Cooper leaving the ICU and assumed he was just checking in on Audrey, did anyone else think that it was actually Mr. C going to find and kill Annie (and maybe retrieve the owl ring)?