Chance Hale
Is there an image or gif of the arm screaming nonexistent,
Also, I assume this has been discussed already, but when the no eye'd lady in episode 3 tries to stop Coop from going towards the initial vault, the sound her arms make while she waves them is the exact same as the slicing sound we hear when Tracy and box watcher bite it in episode 1. Given the timing, I'm thinking she was either somehow causing their death's in the real world OR the other creature locked up in the basement is similar to her and pursues Cooper out of the outlet only to go down the wrong one and end up in the box where the victims are, leading to their deaths. Either way, I think Coop inadvertently lead to their discovery and death at the hands of... whatever it was.
Maybe a doppelgänger thing is going on between Diane and Annie.
Oh that's awesome. Lines up pretty well.
Also, on the subject of intimidating/scary characters being unintentionally hilarious, pretty sure the guy who appeared briefly in the prison cell drinks Bailey's from a shoe....
Ugh, fine... I guess I'll watch it....
This kinda sucks because I was planning on skipping this one. I find that skipping random episodes really helps #KeepTheMysteryAlive.
Edit: Peter Deming is also being a huge tease.
Ugh, fine... I guess I'll watch it....
This kinda sucks because I was planning on skipping this one. I find that skipping random episodes really helps #KeepTheMysteryAlive.
Edit: Peter Deming is also being a huge tease.
What are you talking about man? Skipping random episodes 'keeps the mystery alive' only in that you're basically just depriving yourself of part of the story
This is the first I've ever heard of people doing this, lol pretty strange
I just chuckle at this, we take it seriously and its literally a tree brain mr miyaging a catonic lobotimized man into squeezing the hand off a midget hitman.
Bless David Lynch.
My current head canon:At first when I saw the scene I thought Diane and Coop had a consensual thing and Diane was pissed because Coop essentially never came back, but maybe I wasn't thinking dark enough.
My current head canon:
It was consensual at first. Diane carried a torch for Coop and didn't realise until they were mid coitious that it wasn't him. At which point it became rape.
Bob is a passenger in Mr C, as far as I can tell. I think Mr C provides him more than enough garmonbozia to keep him from wanting to take over.I find it odd that BOB is less murderous in Mr C though. There's no reason Diane wouldn't get Maddy'd, and if the Audrey theory is correct surely how would have killed her when he was done? Or is plot armour BOB's archilles heel?
I'm looking forward to the new episode tomorrow morning, although I think those hyping themselves up for a mid-season finale-type epsiode might be setting themselves up for disappointment. Would love to be proven wrong though.
Yeah I'm not getting too excited for anything mind-blowing beyond what we've seen tonight. I'll be pleasantly surprised if the episode is as good as last week's and very happy if it's even better.
...wut.This kinda sucks because I was planning on skipping this one. I find that skipping random episodes really helps #KeepTheMysteryAlive.
Bob is a passenger in Mr C, as far as I can tell. I think Mr C provides him more than enough garmonbozia to keep him from wanting to take over.
Yeah, the way I take it, is Bob wants garmonbozia. If his host is providing that, he'll just sit back and enjoy it, but if not he'll influence and poison and even take over if needs be. Plus I still think he is compelled to kill people who wear the clothes of his former victims, but we haven't seen any of that yet this season.I like to think that Bob has really been a passenger in other bodies too. I mean, I'm not sure if Bob is really about the possession of people as it is more about being "with" someone, like a parasite just as Mike said when he was explaining what Bob is. I think when Bob said Leland has been a good vehicle and he had enjoyed the ride, he meant he has been a passenger there too. He is there for the rush of the ride.
Like Bob said in FWWM, he wants to taste through Laura's mouth. He is not the one who would do the eating, but as someone else does it for him, he tastes it. Spiritually it's Bob who feels the core of what punching people is all about, but physically it's someone else doing the punch.
I mean, I think that when Bob kills, it's not he who punches with the fist that is under his direct control. But he is there to move along with the punch and enjoying whatever is happening.
But of course as his influence is great, it's might as well be him who is doing the punches because people act on the influence, but then again I think people might have the power to resist it too, although it's extremely hard as it is with any addiction where habits and withdrawal symptoms and stuff like that is tough to resist, so it's not really him who is in complete control of the actions when people kill or do anything bad.
It could be that Bob really never "takes over."
Of course this season could prove me wrong at some point though.
But it's just that Lynch has always talked about Bob being with someone instead of saying he is in control or is possessing someone. I think the word "with" is very important in understanding what Bob is all about and I think it has always been about him being with someone rather than having taken over someone.
What are you talking about man? Skipping random episodes 'keeps the mystery alive' only in that you're basically just depriving yourself of part of the story
This is the first I've ever heard of people doing this, lol pretty strange
Give this man the joke award
Two week break? WHAT? I thought it was a one week break.
One week off = two week wait betweenTwo week break? WHAT? I thought it was a one week break.
Oh my god.
Is "Diane" actually Annie??
Her experience with the Lodge and whatever happened with Evil Coop after would explain her current attitude...
This is the first break thoughAnother break ?!
Oh god no.
Coop better be back today then.
They could have scheduled the show to put the break somewhere else, but they scheduled it to happen after episode 8.They didnt write the show anticipating any kind of break. Itll be no different than usual.
They didnt write the show anticipating any kind of break. Itll be no different than usual.
Sonny Jim sat on the toilet, a bomb in the cistern. "Cut the blue wire!" screams Janey-E to Dougie/Coop who, with wire cutters in hand, starts to snip. "Cut blue wire." he repeats, with a slightly confused look on his face. "Not that one, you fu..." Janey-E shouts as the screen quickly fades to black.
You mean the "fuck you Cooper" thing? That's a fan edit. We don't hear Diane in the actual Missing Pieces scene.Judging by The Missing Pieces footage, Diane had the same type of attitude back then as well.
I just finished EP7 and i think it was one of the best ones yet imo. I don't remember for sure or not, but i feel like it was the first episode that used a classic Twin Peaks theme during the show. The darker slower version of the theme plays while Andy is standing in the middle of the road. Even if it wasn't, it was effective in a way that made it stand out in a way that allot of Season 3's episodes haven't. Don't get me wrong, im loving this season. : )
Whenever Bobby sees the photo of Laura in the police station they play the ominous Peaks music.
Cannnn't wait for tonight's episode.
Well, David ... yes, he was busy with different things if he wanted to add something to the scene, usually it was some kind of design element. He could spend a lot of time on this. He did something. I can not tell, because it will just be in the next episode. But he worked on something for one of the characters. And for a few days no one knew what he was doing - until finally he gave up and told what it was and what it was for. And we then thought: "Ah, well, now it's clear." Also, I think it was he who came up with the shape of a ship that is on top of a glass box hovering in space.
I saw that it was a joke moments later but didn't care enough to make a face-saving edit. >___>C'mon Zach, off all people you should know a work when you see one!