whispered narration: "Mother. Bob. Cooper. Always you wrestle inside me."
This is the funniest thing I have ever read. Well fucking done.
whispered narration: "Mother. Bob. Cooper. Always you wrestle inside me."
That's a suggested narration? I'm just checking it wasn't some weird thing I missed that subtitles unveiled.Tree of Life reference I assume. The "creation" sequence was a kind of perverse take on Tree's own creation sequence.
I think the soot men might be lesser spirits of sort. People like Bob are like the gods of the Black Lodge in comparison. This is why the soot men appeared once Mr. C was shot so they can save Bob.
No way. Again, Coop's body came out of the lodge physically. They aren't going to body swap.
like anyone could even fucking pretend to guess.
I know it was all stylistic. I just hated it.Do people actually think the bad effects in the first few hours were due to incompetence or budget?
It was clearly all stylistic.
I know it was all stylistic. I just hated it.
But effects in the lodge can be whatever. Everything out of it has been good. A few super imposed signs aside.
Nope, sorry. You didn't miss anything.That's a suggested narration? I'm just checking it wasn't some weird thing I missed that subtitles unveiled.
No way. Again, Coop's body came out of the lodge physically. They aren't going to body swap.
like anyone could even fucking pretend to guess.
I immediately assumed the soot hobos were basically lesser demons. Possibly because they bizarrely reminded me of the shadow devils that dragged people to hell in Ghost, ha ha.
That atom bomb imagery combined with the shrieking music sting...
This is prime time to play Julee Cruise
Psst, someone should tell the Experiment that she put her hands on backwards (awkward!).
You do realize that without the original series, you wouldn't be watching this right now?
There's a reason Twin Peaks garnered a huge cult following for over 25 years. There's a reason fans begged him to return.
As one of those fans, I'm pretty disappointed so far. I can appreciate this for what it is, but a continuation of "Twin Peaks" it is not.
This is what sucks if you liked TP and even had hope it would be continued beyond this season. The show's ratings are already abysmal and episodes like this should worry you that more people will give up on watching. What incentive does Showtime have to make more Twin Peaks at this point? It was already a big risk for them as it is.
Who cares?This is what sucks if you liked TP and even had hope it would be continued beyond this season. The show's ratings are already abysmal and episodes like this should worry you that more people will give up on watching. What incentive does Showtime have to make more Twin Peaks at this point? It was already a big risk for them as it is.
This is what sucks if you liked TP and even had hope it would be continued beyond this season. The show's ratings are already abysmal and episodes like this should worry you that more people will give up on watching. What incentive does Showtime have to make more Twin Peaks at this point? It was already a big risk for them as it is.
This is what sucks if you liked TP and even had hope it would be continued beyond this season. The show's ratings are already abysmal and episodes like this should worry you that more people will give up on watching. What incentive does Showtime have to make more Twin Peaks at this point? It was already a big risk for them as it is.
Live ratings don't mean much anymore when channels sell their own streaming services (which is where everyone is watching this anyway). Streaming ratings are pretty solid and increasing every day.
The bug is not Bob... It was birthed by the egg that the giant created. Basically Laura is a creation of the white lodge (?) sent to fight Bob. I think...maybe...I expected the boy walking the girl home to become the host to Bob, and now I'm wondering if she'll give it back to him. Given that was the 50s, it could work time wise with how old Bob appears in the original series but I'm remembering Leland talking about seeing Bob, as we always see him, when he was just a boy.
So as usual, who knows?
Loved that episode though.
This is what sucks if you liked TP and even had hope it would be continued beyond this season. The show's ratings are already abysmal and episodes like this should worry you that more people will give up on watching. What incentive does Showtime have to make more Twin Peaks at this point? It was already a big risk for them as it is.
I'm totally with you on this. The people that view success on ratings, and 'how many more seasons we're gonna get', are largely looking past the point.Who cares?
This was never about relaunching the show.
This is the most creative and artistic drama that has ever aired on TV. A show that worries about ratings could never come close.
What we just shared is worth so much more than an audience friendly Twin Peaks reunion lasting multiple seasons.
The last thing I saw on TV that effected me this much was probably Ghostwatch.
TV just doesn't do what this does.
Like, never. Ever. Ever ever.
If you want something safe, then I hear Riverdale is legitimately brilliant and very Twin Peaks.
This is worth so much more than a few more hours of what we got back in the 90s.
Finished. Edited. Scored. 100% done. This was always billed as a complete stand alone thing.As far as I know all of the episodes are finished. Even if 1/10th of the expected audience was watching they would be fools to pull the plug when the content is done and payed for. Besides, Showtime got what they wanted when they broke their streaming record.
I'd like to see some further numbers on this because people say ratings don't matter and it's all about streaming, but you can stream the 90 other shows that beat Twin Peaks in the live ratings too.
What is the ratio of streaming TP viewers compared to a typical live Sunday night audience and how does it really make up for it?
The bug is not Bob... It was birthed by the egg that the giant created. Basically Laura is a creation of the white lodge (?) sent to fight Bob. I think...maybe...
Did Twin Peaks go full End of Evangelion yet?
It's Experiment-chan who threw up a whole bunch of those eggs along with Bob's Space Placenta (can't decide if that's my new band or restaurant).The bug is not Bob... It was birthed by the egg that the giant created. Basically Laura is a creation of the white lodge (?) sent to fight Bob. I think...maybe...
This episode went beyond that already