The "got a light?" guy is the ghost that was in the prison cell in the second episode, right? He possesed the school principal and murdered that woman?
There appears to be many of those dudes. They all look similar but different.
The "got a light?" guy is the ghost that was in the prison cell in the second episode, right? He possesed the school principal and murdered that woman?
The "got a light?" guy is the ghost that was in the prison cell in the second episode, right? He possesed the school principal and murdered that woman?
The "got a light?" guy is the ghost that was in the prison cell in the second episode, right? He possesed the school principal and murdered that woman?
The "got a light?" guy is the ghost that was in the prison cell in the second episode, right? He possesed the school principal and murdered that woman?
Different actor, actually. Different from the one we saw in episode 7 as well.
He's credited as the "Woodsman" though, who was a Lodge resident in FWWM.
I could see myself coming around on this episode if a few things end up being true.
1. It's not Laura in the dragonball, but merely her picture as a premonition and a symbol of Twin Peaks itself. Senorita Dido smiled because she thought it was a nice picture, not because Laura is a Chosen One. The Lodges seem to exist outside of time, so this isn't too crazy.
2. That dragonball allowed the Giant to manifest in Twin Peaks, and isn't actually tied to Laura or the doppelgangers or anything else silly.
3. All this stuff about Babylon ends up being BS. The MOTHER isn't a god, just some mindless being that acts as a passageway for otherworldly beings. She didn't birth BOB or the other Lodge revenants, she just allowed them to enter this plane of existence.
The further we get from any possibility of this being a preordained struggle between Lodge gods and midichlorian-Jesus Laura Palmer, the better.
This show is about to lose me. This most recent episode bought it time, because it was visually enticing, but Dale Stupor has all but ruined things for me, and the pacing here is starting to get noticeably horrible (3 minutes of cleaning trash on the ground?)
Hoping this show veers into territory that is actually enjoyable to watch. The first two episodes were brilliant, the two after had strong moments, but 5,6,7 were just...
It's a chunk of Ike's hand. The tree was telling Dougie to "squeeze his hand off". If you slow down the scene when he lets go of the gun you can see a chunk of his palm is missing.
I rewatched the scene multiple times, and you can't see any chunk of his palm missing in the scene. The gun is clean when Cooper pries the gun off Ike's hand.
There's a red splotch on his hand as he backs off.I rewatched the scene multiple times, and you can't see any chunk of his palm missing in the scene. The gun is clean when Cooper pries the gun off Ike's hand.
-Mother is seen floating around in a dark place (I almost wonder if this is the Black Lodge?) and spits out from her open mouth a sac of Egg's, one of which seem to include BOB, and that sac is earlier seen being pulled out of Mr. C.
Asked a couple pages back but didn't get a reply: How sure are we that the thing we're calling Babalon is the Mother being? While they are both milk white and have breasts Babalon doesn't have nipples, Mother does. Babalon has no face, Mother has a mouth and eye holes. Babalon has backwards arms/hands, Mother doesn't. Babalon has horn like protrusions, Mother doesn't (though Mother is kind of obscured so they might not be visible). Not saying they aren't the same but as of right now they don't seem to be.
Also, after Mother's escape from the box and her banging on the door, what was the third time we saw her? Can't recall for some reason.
I have nothing to say about the Babylon stuff, but I've had the theory the thing in the box is Mother mentioned in Part since the premiere and it's only been further established with this episode. What I said back then I still say now, the form is a woman, in the timeline there's something referred to as Mother banging on the door in the purple place and then in the timeline after Cooper is zapped into the machine would be when Mother appeared in the box (presumingly after Cooper but went after where he came from, not where he went). Plus the first thing the thing in the box does is bang on the glass (shattering it after a few hits), and the Mother in the Purple Ocean place is just continuously banging on the door.
Third time we saw her was in the newest episode, she's floating in a pure black space and then begins to vomit up an egg sac. It certainly doesn't hurt that Mother seems to be giving birth through her face, that's for certain.
Well the picture in the gold orb wasn't just any picture, it was the one to memorialize her after she died. It's only because she died that it had any influence. So I think she was supposed to die. Maybe I'm thinking too much into why they chose that picture though idk
I'm not disagreeing that the thing in the box is the Mother from the purple place. I'm saying that, despite her name, Mother might not be the thing giving birth to the stream/BOB.
For what it's worth I don't think she gave birth to BOB, this will not be known until later maybe bit I'm thinking more Bob came with her. I don't think Mother is the point of creation, I think some people describing her as a portal isn't exactly wrong, or maybe giving birth to being from the Lodge into the real world. Not like they originated from her, I am right now taking it more like she gives them form in our world. That's just my theory though.
So, I found out that the actress who played Marcia on the Brady Bunch (Maureen McCormick) was born on August 5th 1956. She was also at the premiere of season 3, although she isn't listed in the published cast.
As such I have decreed that we call the bug 'Marcia'.
This seems to be gaining some traction![]()
I enjoy this show on some level, but this is on point. There have been charming character moments peppered throughout the season, but it's been a whole lot of weirdness.
Different actor, actually. Different from the one we saw in episode 7 as well.
He's credited as the "Woodsman" though, who was a Lodge resident in FWWM.
Oddly this got my googling about turning energy into matter, and a theory from a few years back that pops up in a few articles sounds strangely relevant.I am right now taking it more like she gives them form in our world. That's just my theory though.
So my personal thoughts on these:
1 & 2.) I think people marking Laura as some cosmic force of goodness or something have been watching too many sci-fi movies. I said this several pages back, but I don't think this scene was supposed to be about some conflict Laura and BOB are in. Laura's orb was generated in response to the events that happened by The Giant, but I don't think she was made to combat the forces of evil. Not only does that directly contradict her character and things the show has emphasized several times, and doesn't really make sense with the series as a whole, but there's multiple ways to read into this scene. It could do with Laura's doppelganger, it could be representative of her tragic fate at the hands of BOB, like it could be so many things but I think too many leapt at "COSMIC DESTINY LAURA TO DEFEAT BOB" stuff simply because that's a common trope with these kind of things, but when has Lynch ever been a trope follower? And like Laura wasn't all good, that's like the whole point of the series. She wasn't a bad person but she wasn't as good as many people thought she was either and was involved in all kinds of shit. And she's been dead for years now at this point in the series (she's actually been dead now longer than she lived), I just think this line of theory is people jumping the gun at taking this at face value.
NIN being canon in Twin Peaks kills me.
I will forever say this, but god I wish Tom Waits got to act in a Lynch film. idea proposed by two US scientists, Gregory Breit and John Wheeler, who worked on the Manhattan Project"
Is the soot a retcon or do you think that's just how they appear in our world?
what a fucking tv show. Part 8 was a mind blowing artistic achievement for lynch and everyone involved.
It changed my perception of what tv could be instantly.
NIN being canon in Twin Peaks kills me.
I will forever say this, but god I wish Tom Waits got to act in a Lynch film.
I've been thinking about the episode all day, and it suddenly hit me what a missed opportunity it was to not have the schmaltz slow-dance lovemaking song play during the atom bomb detonation.
First, it would have been lowkey hilarious.
Second, tonally dissonant music is my jam.
Third, and most importantly: "Going up and down. Intercourse between the two worlds." We basically watched our world and the spiritual world get it on.