One more day...hold me

Are you expecting anyone in this thread to tell you no? The finale of Season 2 is worth the dip in quality. But each episode has good scenes and important plot and character moments. Even if they are surrounded by truly turgid shit.
Fire Walk With Me is incredible too. But leans heavy into the dark depressing side of the world.
that's cheatingI'm really just trying to gauge reading the plot summaries vs watching it
I think I'll read up to and then watch the finale
I'm really just trying to gauge reading the plot summaries vs watching it
I think I'll read up to and then watch the finale
The biggest hurdle I think will be having to endure all the news outlets saying "It doesn't make any sense" or my co-workers saying "It's just weird random stuff to be weird".
There's always been a logic to his work, and having people write it off as just being obtuse for the sake of being obtuse always gets under my skin.
Well Japan did love Twin Peaks, had a big influence on Silent Hillgot to episode 6 of season 2, probably gonna stop soon
my headcanon says that harold's orchid room + the music was a big inspiration to resident evil's save room aesthetics
Well Japan did love Twin Peaks, had a big influence on Silent Hill
Yeah I guess logic isn't the best word. I guess I'm just thinking of cases like Eraserhead, where many people I know consider it to just be abstract nonsense, when it's really a somewhat comedic, stylized portrayal of a new fathers anxieties of raising a child. The Lynch feelings and style (in all forms of his art) often have straightforward roots.I'd say there is more of a feeling, rather than a logic. He does what feels right. Which is the opposite of being weird just to be weird. That's just how Lynch's instinct operates.
In before Cooper dies in the first episode
But which Cooper?I would not be at all surprised if this happens
Monday night for the UK, can't wait!
The next episode is pretty important
You really could fill a book with the number of video games inspired by Twin Peaks (and/or Lynch in general)
Is there a full list of who didn't make it? Those who aren't returning like Donna and those who passed away before filming like Bob and Pete?
You really could fill a book with the number of video games inspired by Twin Peaks (and/or Lynch in general)
Here's what I don't want......everyone to get all pissy if "nothing" happens in the first episode. Twin Peaks isn't a show where everything happens smoothly. I hope in today's instant analysis/everyone has an opinion without putting any thought into it world, the true appeal of Twin Peaks isn't lost.
Biggest omissions: Michael Ontkean (Sheriff Truman), Heather Graham (Annie), Lara Flynn Boyle (Donna), Michael J Anderson (Man from Another Place), Eric Da Re (Leo), Joan Chen (Josie)
That's most of the notable ones. There's more at the link.
I think a lot of people will bounce right off this. Lynch films tend to be pretty dense and inaccessible. I really expect no compromises for audience gratification.
Straight into my veins!
Great job on the OP! Subscribing.
Are we all agreed that spoiler tags should be used for parts 3 & 4 until they officially air on the 28th?
Laurie Piper too.
Biggest omissions: Michael Ontkean (Sheriff Truman), Heather Graham (Annie), Lara Flynn Boyle (Donna), Michael J Anderson (Man from Another Place), Eric Da Re (Leo), Joan Chen (Josie)
That's most of the notable ones. There's more at the link.
MY SOCKS ARE ON FIRE!I haven't been this excited since I punctured Caroline's aorta!
Piper Laurie.Laurie Piper too.