This thread got oddly confrontational all of the sudden. Must be new Peaks withdrawal symptoms.
You guys, the nextepisodepart isn't that far away. We'll make it through this, together.
Why does whether or not the person is world renown come into it? Why does how recognisable the cast are come into it? Why does whether people who are involved have won awards at some point coming into it? Why does whether or not they are the cover of Entertainment Weekly come into it?
This 2 week wait is much more intolerable than I expected.
Call for help
Two things
-I watched Eraserhead today. In the protagonist's room, there was a b&w photo on a wall of a nuke explosion (well, the entire film is in b&w, so maybe the photo was in color...).
-I watcher today a 'Twin peaks lodge moments' from the first two seasons. In what I think it's one of the first lodge scenes, Laura appears with a dress, and the arm presents her as 'a cousin'. Given what we know of her possible origin, it makes more sense??!!
Twin Peaks was mainstream at one point. There's plenty of documented proof of this including the 34 million who watched it when it premiered and it never dipped below 17 million in season. Even the "failure" of season 2 still got 7 million viewers at its low while routinely getting 9-12 million viewers. Then there's the insane response it got in Japan, where it was popular enough that they did commercials for coffee there.
However, that moment is clearly over and not coming back. Compared to the original, this series might as well not exist in the cultural conscious. The ratings are dreadful and no one is going to be asking for Twin Peaks themed commercials or having viewing parties this time.
The hero got a hand-out, so his nemesis has to get one to keep things honest.Reqatched 8 and clued in on the obvious reference: Coop/Dcoop is really good at getting shot in the stomach then seeing freaky shit then being ok afterwards.
Okay just watched the latest episode finally. What the fuck did I just witness? Can anyone point me to any sort of theories or anything? Just what the fuck lol
ABC vs Showtime.
1990 vs 2017
Not trying to offer a snarky response. I just don't think much more needs to be said.
I few things I noticed on rewatch.
Mr C is shot in the same bodily area as Cooper in the season 1 finale. Both assasination attempts are surprising for the uncannily prepared characters. The camera angles that show them lying on the ground are similar too. Cooper slowly awakes from unconsciousness surrounded by those that saves his life. Mr C suddenly awakes from unconsciousness alone.
We approach the Nuclear blast from high above and descend into it. We approach the structure in the purple ocean from below and ascend into it. i did not time the approaches but would not be surprised if it took a similar length of time.
Beings inside both "places", as they float, release forces from their heads. ??????? leans backward as it does this and the material is ejected above. The Experiment leans forward as it spews the material below.
The Gold Orb with Luara's face moves closer to camera the same way the foggy Laura image does in the opening credit sequence.
Anyone make this comparison yet?
I thought of it the first time the episode aired, but forgot to bring it up.
Even for Showtime, it's near the bottom. Shamless, Ray Donovan, and Homeland all have season averages above 1 million. Dexter's final season average was well above 2 million viewers. We obviously don't have a final sample size but so far, TP is averaging 0.3 million viewers. That's just below a cancelled show called House of Lies and just above another cancelled show called Roadies.
Yep see my post. There are a lot of parallels between Episode 8 and Part 8.
Even for Showtime, it's near the bottom. Shamless, Ray Donovan, and Homeland all have season averages above 1 million. Dexter's final season average was well above 2 million viewers. We obviously don't have a final sample size but so far, TP is averaging 0.3 million viewers. That's just below a cancelled show called House of Lies and just above another cancelled show called Roadies.
I did call for help D:Make sense of it. Drink full and descend. Call for help.
Which post?
Even for Showtime, it's near the bottom. Shamless, Ray Donovan, and Homeland all have season averages above 1 million. Dexter's final season average was well above 2 million viewers. We obviously don't have a final sample size but so far, TP is averaging 0.3 million viewers. That's just below a cancelled show called House of Lies and just above another cancelled show called Roadies.
Okay just watched the latest episode finally. What the fuck did I just witness? Can anyone point me to any sort of theories or anything? Just what the fuck lol
I did call for help D:
In other wordsWe've seen in previous episodes that denizens of the lodges enter and exit the world through various changes in energy. In 1945, as the first atom bomb ever was successfully detonated, Babylon, the Mother of All Abominations used the opportunity to birth Bob and a host of evils into our world. The White Lodge received an alert and the Giant, caretaker of the Lodge, also uses the breach into our world to send the soul of Laura Palmer into the world to stand against Bob and the evils born into the world. 10 years later, Bob hatches in the desert and possesses his first victim.
That..makes sense, for this show at least. I'll go with it haha Thanks!I don't agree with everything like the egg is probably not Bob but this poster did a good job summarizing To add a bit more to it the atom bomb seems to have allowed the Lodge beings to come to our world somehow :
In other words
Why does anyone in this thread care about ratings? Eager to let us all know the 4th season that wasn't going to happen to begin with wont happen or something?
Lynch will make season 4 on an Inland Empire budget.
That..makes sense, for this show at least. I'll go with it haha Thanks!
I don't get it either. I understand it with most shows, but this is a pretty special case that always gave the impression that it was going to be an once in a lifetime sort of deal.Why does anyone in this thread care about ratings? Eager to let us all know the 4th season that wasn't going to happen to begin with wont happen or something?
Garmonbozia is pain and suffering which is depcited as creamed corn. Think about all the pain and suffering caused from WW2 to the detonation of the atom bomb. That's a ton of garmonbozia.
Oh, man that's pretty bad. What ever will Lynch/Frost and Showtime do? Seeing how it's all in the can and going to be aired I don't think they give a fuck. Just like I don't give a fuck. Seems like the only one who cares is you. I'm just going to continue enjoying some good television.
It's within the context of the conversation we were having about Twin Peaks being mainstream at one time.
Haha, yes. There are times I stand back from the discussion thread and wonder how all of this can read without any context. Woodsman, cream corn, Major Briggs' floating head, Wally Brando, golden shovels.i love how only on twin peaks can sentences like this be something other than utterly ludicrous
Haha, yes. There are times I stand back from the discussion thread and wonder how all of this can read without any context. Woodsman, cream corn, Major Briggs' floating head, Wally Brando, golden shovels.
Hmmm, it's pretty dang hard to understand even with context. What a ride.
finished Inland Empire. Could hardly make any sense of the last two hours.
I loved it. My favorite Lynch film.
finished Inland Empire. Could hardly make any sense of the last two hours.
I loved it. My favorite Lynch film.
Mine too. There's so many absolutely tertifying moments.finished Inland Empire. Could hardly make any sense of the last two hours.
I loved it. My favorite Lynch film.
I rewatched it very recently and loved it immensely more than the first time I did. It's definitely a grower. I also read this analysis after watching it, it really did help putting things in place for me and I'll probably watch it again in the near future.I need to watch Inland Empire again.
Don't sleep on The Straight Story. It's a masterpiece.
Great summary. Straight Story is one of my favorite movies. That soundtrack is indeed wonderful.I can confirm that The Straight Story is A-tier Lynch. The reason that everybody says that it's Lynch's version of a Disney film is because that's exactly what it is. We've seen this type of story told numerous times, especially in the 90's. The difference is in the methods used to tell the story. Typically, this type of movie would have contained the usual audience manipulation techniques that are designed to specifically tug at the average moviegoers heartstrings. The result usually comes out as a dispensable piece of work that never gets talked about again. Instead, Lynch uses all of the tools available to him to make this a quintessential David Lynch movie. From the humor displayed from characters that will pop in and out (the woman that frequently crashes into deer) and even to his meticulous sound design (the sounds that come from Alvin losing control of his lawnmower are straight out of my nightmares). All components are his. The ending is pure emotion, but there is nothing artificial about it. It's earned.
Badalamenti's score is the cherry on top. It might even be Angelo's best.