She was with Richard at the bottom of the stairs after Becky shot her gun off.
It was the most overt Cooperism yet. The way he looked around the table was almost shocking, it's like switched on all of Young Coop's mannerisms. Seriously great performance."Damn good" in Coop mode, then back to Dougie. Kyle MacLachlan is so great.
But Dougie is the most fantastic thing of them all.I don't think I am the first nor the last. But I am actually okay with it if Dougie just stays like this. There is so much fantastic things going on besides Dougie.
"Damn good" in Coop mode, then back to Dougie. Kyle MacLachlan is so great.
What in the world are you talking about?
It was the most overt Cooperism yet. The way he looked around the table was almost shocking, it's like switched on all of Young Coop's mannerisms. Seriously great performance.
But Dougie is the most fantastic thing of them all.
You know what? I bet the people who can see the Woodsmen currently are people who've been inside the Black Lodge/Other Dimension, though I'm assuming there's times everyone can see them when near certain places like the New Mexico occurrence.
It seems like Cole and Albert both know the other dimension so they've probably been, meanwhile Tammy sounds like she hasn't. We know "Shaggy" has been inside the dimension before and it seems like he saw it. In the Hospital episode it seems like that one army lady sensed someone was there but didn't see him which maybe has to do with knowing some things but not having been inside herself? And if this theory holds any water, that would imply Diane has been to the otherside, which as she's in talks with Mr. C might have some implications.
I like how Bobby turned into a good person
Pretty cool how that actor can pull off crazy and unstable as well as the very opposite. All you need is 25 years!
Also Bobby is just the best. What a great guy he is now. It's a shame that Shelly still wants the bad boy archetype. Heck, Bobby cleaning himself up is probably what made them split up in the first place.
Yeah I totally agree. Its quite amazing. But with the episode before this I read that someone said he is still running a drug business in Twin Peaks?
People have said that Andy is in on the drug ring too, it's just dumb speculation.
I like how Bobby turned into a good person
Pretty cool how that actor can pull off crazy and unstable as well as the very opposite. All you need is 25 years!
Damn Shelly, Bobby is a damn murderer and he cleaned up his act.
Seeing Bobby in this show has made me question why Dana Ashbrook hasn't been in everything for the last 25 years. I really like the character of Bobby and it's almost 100% because of the acting
Its certainly possible. But last episode Steven was pretty terrifying against her.Becky was kind of scary in this episode. Maybe she's the real abuser, and last episode was an anomaly.
I mean, jesus, she was whipping that car around while her mom was clinging to the hood, then didn't even hesitate after sending her flying off.
Watching back, all I can think is that on a normal show with normal payoffs, this would definitely be the end of Dougie's arc. He's had all of life's pleasures, he's helped people, he's made enemies, he's overcome adversity (even if he had no idea), then he has a celebration thrown for him by his new best friends with the poor lady from the casino making a guest appearance. And he's eating cherry pie while showing the most humanity he's shown since way back in episode 3. On top of that, this strange wave of nasty seems to be hitting a fever pitch in Twin Peaks all while Hawk, Frank, Bobby, and The Log Lady are tracking something heavy. AND episode 12 is subtitled "Let's Rock"
But then this is Twin Peaks The Return, so I'm totally expecting the Dougie power hour for 4 more episodes![]()
MIKE said:This is his true face, but few can see it; the gifted... and the damned.
If the Woodsman work like BOB, this is also certainly one strong possibility.RE: Why certain people can see the woodsmen and others cannot.
Maybe it's a bit far fetched but I'm assuming it has something to do with what Mike once said about people who can see BOB:
The one last thing to suggest he MIGHT be coming back is right before he's sent back to his dimension in Part 3, the American Girl checks her watch and it's October 2nd, 2:53 PM. But it's not October 2nd in Dougie's timeline yet it seems, October 2nd should be next episode as that's where everyone is about to head to, the Sherrif's department, the FBI gang, Mr. C, etc., are all headed towards this one location at the same time, and it was the time on the woman's watch before sending Dougie away.
We might not get Cooper back, like what if he just fucking needs his damn shoes to go back to normal and they manage to fetch them when the portal opens but not give them to him yet? But things are certainly pushing for what's going to unravel in the next episode or two.
Given for Dogie's arc, he still has the 'final bosses', the Mulholland Drive guy told the other guy if the brothers didn't kill him, he'd have to. And Cooper/Dougie still hadn't met Mr. C yet.
Watching back, all I can think is that on a normal show with normal payoffs, this would definitely be the end of Dougie's arc. He's had all of life's pleasures, he's helped people, he's made enemies, he's overcome adversity (even if he had no idea), then he has a celebration thrown for him by his new best friends with the poor lady from the casino making a guest appearance. And he's eating cherry pie while showing the most humanity he's shown since way back in episode 3. On top of that, this strange wave of nasty seems to be hitting a fever pitch in Twin Peaks all while Hawk, Frank, Bobby, and The Log Lady are tracking something heavy. AND episode 12 is subtitled "Let's Rock"
But then this is Twin Peaks The Return, so I'm totally expecting the Dougie power hour for 4 more episodes![]()
Of course, in light of this episode the 'double header' could actually be The Mitchums.
Can we talk about Jim Belushi being unable to control his lust for murder at the breakfast table lmao
Jim Belushi has been great in this, didn't expect that at all.
I love how he said "dirty bearded men in a room" in the Lynchiest possible way. It seriously sounded like he was recalling pitching the idea to Frost.When Cole was looking up at the portal in the sky, I wondered what how Lynch would have delivered that weather report on his early 00s website. "Bright blue skies, thin clouds, 88 degrees, and a swirling portal to another dimension with dirty bearded men in a room."
Las Vegas is looking pretty good right now compared to Twin Peaks.
When Cole was looking up at the portal in the sky, I wondered what how Lynch would have delivered that weather report on his early 00s website. "Bright blue skies, thin clouds, 88 degrees, and a swirling portal to another dimension with dirty bearded men in a room."
Also, big shout out to Norma, creeping on everyone and knowing all their secrets.
AND episode 12 is subtitled "Let's Rock"
I'm so thankful that Harry Dean Stanton is alive and still acting.
In Twin Peaks: The Return "Let's Rock" mean that someone says "Let's rock" and the other people in the scene say "yes, let's do that!"
Then they all turn into rocks and the camera stays on the still rocks on the ground for the rest of the episoderest of the season
I've had to look this up because I'm sure I remember reading he died of cancer a few years back. Good to know he's still around.
In Twin Peaks: The Return "Let's Rock" means that someone says "Let's rock" and the other people in the scene say "yes, let's do that!"
Then they all turn into rocks and the camera stays on the still rocks on the ground for the rest of the episoderest of the season
Yeah, and the way she started smiling so much seemed pretty out of place.That scene in the diner where Shelley just up and left what seemed like a rather important family get together to kiss her boyfriend made me really dislike her.