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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Last two episode titles:

Part 17 -
The past dictates the future
Part 18 -
What is your name?

Final Episode:

FRANK TRUMAN: "What is your name?"

Freeze frame, sepia filter.

♪ Making your way in the world takes everything you got.
Having a place to forget your worries sure would help a lot.
Wouldn't you like to get away? ♪

("TWIN PEAKS" appears on screen.)

♪ Sometimes you wanna go,
Where everybody knows your name.
And they're always glad you came ♪

(Humorously edited retrospective of all of Dougie's scenes intercut with various insert shots of diner pie and coffee)

♪ You wanna go where you can see,
Our troubles are all the same.
You wanna go where everybody knows your name ♪

(cast photo; fade to black)


Final Episode:

FRANK TRUMAN: "What is your name?"

Freeze frame, sepia filter.

♪ Making your way in the world takes everything you got.
Having a place to forger your worries sure would help a lot.
Wouldn't you like to get away? ♪

("TWIN PEAKS" appears on screen.)

♪ Sometimes you wanna go,
Where everybody knows your name.
And they're always glad you came ♪

(Humorously edited retrospective of all of Dougie's scenes intercut with various insert shots of diner pie and coffee)

♪ You wanna go where you can see,
Our troubles are all the same.
You wanna go where everybody knows your name ♪

(cast photo; fade to black)

I genuinely wouldn't even be mad.


Last episode: Dougie falls into a garbage compressor, nobody notices or thinks it odd. People laugh.

He claws himself getting stretched in the process. Also loses all hair in the process. Tammy takes him to Twin Peaks and the Lodge in pursuit of Diane.

Time starts to bend. Dougie starts to look exactly like The Giant. He says "I'm so sorry" to Tammy. Tammy gets trapped in Lodge.

Audience doesn't give a shit because it's Tammy

Cuts to Road House for 8 Min solo by Dutch rock band.

Truman: What's your name?
Dougie: Starring Kyle MacLachlan


Episode begins with a male and a female character we haven't seen before.

Male: "What's your name?"
Female: "Tina."

Episode then revolves around all of the people mentioned by Audrey having a chat about their mundane lives at the Roadhouse for the duration, aside from one 30 second cut to vegas where Sonny Jim teaches DougieCoop how to use a trampoline.

Eddie Vedder starts to play.

Starring Kyle Maclachlan...
I almost feel like that's what they want us to think, but that quote can go a hundred different ways.

Definitely, that's just where I'm going to place my expectations though so I won't be disappointed otherwise.

On another note, I just watched a video from SDCC where Entertainment Weekly interviewed members of the cast. It was accidently spoiled that *Spoilers and Speculation*
Bobby will have a scene with Big Ed. Knowing how close James was with Big Ed in the original series, I expect there's a good chance that the three of them will be working together in an upcoming episode. Based off the hatred and animosity that Bobby and James had there's a good potential for an emotional payoff for their characters. The idea of that really excites me. Along with the shot of Cooper standing next to possibly Laura Palmer, we've got some good stuff ahead of us.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
My guess for what the title for the last episode is all about:
Coooper, or someone, asks The Giant / ????? "What is your name?"

The Giant / ????? replies: "?????"

Actually that's a really good guess.
It's struck everyone with the first part and since why they don't just call the Giant by what he was called in the original series, they even specifically keep it a mystery at every turn and is the only character they just straight out call ????? in question marks in the credits. So the Giant's name may be something important and I can imagine it coming up in the last episode.

I don't think everything is going to be answered directly, but I've been noticing they've been planting purposeful admissions I feel are not just meant to be open-ended. There's multiple examples of this, but the series has been planting a lot of seeds slowly but surely I just get the sense are maybe going to eventually lead to something. But we won't know until we know.


LOL. It all makes sense now!


Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
You know, this seems obvious in retrospective but I just finally figured out what the Arm Doppelganger was doing in Part 2, though might be late to the party.

So Mr. C had a very elaborate plan to stop Cooper from replacing him as we know, manufacturing Dougie somehow in 1997, getting hitmen to try and murder Dougie , etc. But the Arm Doppelganger in Part 3 was totally working with Mr. C. I don't know why I didn't realize the Arm Doppelganger was working with him, as he was directly blocking Cooper from exiting the Lodge to where Mr. C was and instead sent him flying through space, then through the box which Mr. C had set up as we know now. The box I think was supposed to be a way to send him to the area in the Purple Ocean place, since otherwise he may have been sent to New York instead, but the box seems it was set-up to sort of 'catch' people going through worlds, it catches Cooper and then sends him to the Purple Place. It's also shown this connection is intentional as The Experiment/Mother later comes through from the Purple Place side into the box.

The rest is pretty much known, and this seems obvious so I bet some others caught it, but for some reason up until now I hadn't 100% put together that the Arm Doppelganger must've been working with Mr. C and the Box must've been to specifically been placed as it's some place between worlds where the Waiting Room, our world, and the Purple Place interchange it seems. However, if the Arm Doppelganger is indeed working with Mr. C, then that means he's got friends on the other side like Cooper does. I mean, We knew BOB was with him (though curious where he is now or what even happened to him), but Mr. C seemed pretty isolated from the Lodge to me in a lot of this but it definitely seems like the Arm Doppelganger is working with him.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Also, here's a list of current hanging 'mystical' plot threads/mysteries I bet will be at least touched upon more before the series finishes just to remind some of the greater mysteries at hand:

-What happened to Laura Palmer? We saw she got sucked up into the sky of the Lodge in Part 2, and Leland's doppelganger asks Cooper to help her, but it's not been fully touched on since then.

-Who is this current Phillip Jeffries (I posted my theory a few pages back, but I think this will be touched on more before the series wraps up).

-What is going on with Mother/The Experiment? We saw her at the start of the series and we see her briefly in Part 8 as part of the origin story, but she's been missing almost the whole series, though I think it's undoubted she's probably going to appear again before the series finishes up.

-The Woodsmen. They've had more screentime than some other elements mentioned here, and it seems we'll probably see and learn more about them before the series is up.

-What happened to BOB? We know the Woodsmen gutted him out of Mr. C, but why and what did they even do with him?

-The Giant/????? in general, I don't doubt he'll appear again before the series finishes. To be seen if we learn his identity or not though.

-This one I admit might be me somewhat wishfully thinking, but maybe we'll learn the identities of the kids in Part 8 and the Frog Moth that entered the girl's mouth in her sleep.

-One last thing I'm not sure Lynch will touch directly or not, but I wonder if he'll touch more on the sort of 'disease' that's seeming to begin to engulf the town, not just in a figurative sense but a sort of literal one now.

-Also Black Fire.


I don't doubt some of this will be left ambiguous, and I don't mean full answers either, but I think these are the hanging 'mystical' plot points that I think are most likely of these elements will appear at least again before the series wraps up.

(was typing that up for a bit, so sorry for double posting was just thinking about it after my last post.)
Also, here's a list of current hanging 'mystical' plot threads/mysteries I bet will be at least touched upon more before the series finishes just to remind some of the greater mysteries at hand:

-What happened to Laura Palmer? We saw she got sucked up into the sky of the Lodge in Part 2, and Leland's doppelganger asks Cooper to help her, but it's not been fully touched on since then.

Minor Production-related Spoilers:
We know, at the very least, she comes back before the series end, based on production shots.

-What is going on with Mother/The Experiment? We saw her at the start of the series and we see her briefly in Part 8 as part of the origin story, but she's been missing almost the whole series, though I think it's undoubted she's probably going to appear again before the series finishes up.

It's unclear if that shadow monster was Mother or something else. If I had to guess, I'd say it was not.

-The Woodsmen. They've had more screentime than some other elements mentioned here, and it seems we'll probably see and learn more about them before the series is up.

I think between the origin story in 8 and the hints in the Secret History book, we kinda know a lot about them already.

-What happened to BOB? We know the Woodsmen gutted him out of Mr. C, but why and what did they even do with him?

BOB is still in DoppelCoop. He only pokes his head out while they are repairing him.

-The Giant/????? in general, I don't doubt he'll appear again before the series finishes. To be seen if we learn his identity or not though.

Doubt it. He's just the "Good" force, likely head of the White Lodge. Don't think they will explain more than that.

-This one I admit might be me somewhat wishfully thinking, but maybe we'll learn the identities of the kids in Part 8 and the Frog Moth that entered the girl's mouth in her sleep.

I think we definitely will learn more about them. The Frog Moth might be the larvae form of Mother, and Mr. C is actively looking for it.
-What happened to BOB? We know the Woodsmen gutted him out of Mr. C, but why and what did they even do with him?

BOB's on his way home.


-This one I admit might be me somewhat wishfully thinking, but maybe we'll learn the identities of the kids in Part 8 and the Frog Moth that entered the girl's mouth in her sleep.

I'm pretty convinced she was brought up again as the woman who mentioned the blue rose, giving the task force their name.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Minor Production-related Spoilers:
We know, at the very least, she comes back before the series end, based on production shots.

It's unclear if that shadow monster was Mother or something else. If I had to guess, I'd say it was not.

I think between the origin story in 8 and the hints in the Secret History book, we kinda know a lot about them.

BOB is still in DoppelCoop. He only pokes his head out while they are repairing him.

Doubt it. He's just the "Good" force, likely in the White Lodge. Don't think they will explain more than that.

I think we definitely will learn more about them. The Frog Moth might be the larvae form of Mother, and Mr. C is looking for it.

The first thing is the one production thing I know, but that honestly raises a lot more questions than answers at this point I think.

For The Experiment I've had the theory it's Mother for a while, so I am biased since I've thought it since the first four parts were available. But on account it bangs on the glass in the same way and rhythm the door banging happens, and in Part 8 we literally see it giving birth to dozens of eggs and BOB, I'm guessing it's Mother, though we know its official name is The Experiment. At the very least it is A mother, as it seems to give birth to Frog Moth.

The Woodsmen are definitely more touched on than the other elements as I said, but they're also kind of undoubtedly going to be touched on more before the series ends as they've been kind of the most reoccurring 'mystical' element of the season.

I didn't interpret what they were doing as repairing him, but I can see it. I actually thought they took him away, but repairing might be what it was. I always do get distracted by the creepy sounds and ghost woodsmen dancing around him.

For The Giant, keep in mind I'm not talking about full answers here but I don't doubt we'll see him again before the series is up is more my expectation. I also think someone posting that the Part 18 title may be referring to asking for his name rather than Dougie's like most would assume.


I didn't interpret what they were doing as repairing him, but I can see it. I actually thought they took him away, but repairing might be what it was. I always do get distracted by the creepy sounds and ghost woodsmen dancing around him.
It's super hard to see what's actually happening in that whole scene but afterwards Ray says something afterwards along the lines of "I saw something in him that may be the key to all of this", he doesn't imply that whatever it was he saw went somewhere.
It's super hard to see what's actually happening in that whole scene but afterwards Ray says something afterwards along the lines of "I saw something in him that may be the key to all of this", he doesn't imply that whatever it was he saw went somewhere.

B(L)OB appearing in that scene could just be him showing his face to Ray to let him know he's fucked and to sleep tight.

Where is Ray anyway?? We haven't seen him for nearly four hours.

I think it's questions like this that make me resent the second half of this week's episode even more.

Random thought time - what was the black box in Buenos Aires all about? Any theories knocking about?


I still haven't read Secret History but I was told they refer to the experiment as "The Mother Of All Abominations".

Whatever it is, it looks like it created Bob, and it's also probably what the "great evil" is that has been in Twin Peaks forever.

So my guess is that it's actually
a James subplot


I think Bob is inhabiting Sarah.

This is pretty likely, or some variation of it anyway. In the original series the ceiling fan in the Palmer house was a signifier of Bob inhabiting Leland. And in the short scene with Hawk/Sarah; the camera looks at the fan twice.

Poor Sarah, she's been through so much shit.


This is pretty likely. In the original series the ceiling fan in the Palmer house was a signifier of Bob inhabiting Leland. And in the short scene with Hawk/Sarah; the camera looks at the fan twice.

Poor Sarah, she's been through so much shit.

I mentioned it earlier but I was so struck by her scenes this week, like I found it difficult to see people being so unhappy with the episode when the Sarah stuff was going on. Her "god damn bad story" line when speaking with Hawk has really stayed with me.
With BOB out of Doop, does that make him a....different person?

If Bob is not with Mr. C then it's still Mr. C. I think of Bob as a passenger lapping up all of the sweet Garmonbozia along the way. He could have had a bigger presence over the years though, we just haven't seen it.


I mentioned it earlier but I was so struck by her scenes this week, like I found it difficult to see people being so unhappy with the episode when the Sarah stuff was going on. Her "god damn bad story" line when speaking with Hawk has really stayed with me.

Episode was good just not "OMG GOOD" like the previous week. I just scrolled through and there were only like 5 distinct scenes in the entire episode. Also I think it was the shortest episode at ~53 minutes.


This is pretty likely, or some variation of it anyway. In the original series the ceiling fan in the Palmer house was a signifier of Bob inhabiting Leland. And in the short scene with Hawk/Sarah; the camera looks at the fan twice.

Poor Sarah, she's been through so much shit.

On the other hand, signs could be pointing to Sarah being the carrier of the frogmoth. Her grocery store scene suggested that she's got a second personality riding along in her body; she's the character most associated with the white horse ("the horse is the white of the eyes..."); the frogmoth could explain her visionary abilities throughout the original series.


On the other hand, signs could be pointing to Sarah being the carrier of the frogmoth. Her grocery store scene suggested that she's got a second personality riding along in her body; she's the character most associated with the white horse ("the horse is the white of the eyes..."); the frogmoth could explain her visionary abilities throughout the original series.

I keep thinking about the idea about the little girl from episode 8 being Sarah and how it effects the series. In the original series Leland said Bob came to him when he was just a boy--did Sarah move to Twin Peaks and somehow bring Bob to Leland?

Assuming the bug is Bob, of course.
I keep thinking about the idea about the little girl from episode 8 being Sarah and how it effects the series. In the original series Leland said Bob came to him when he was just a boy--did Sarah move to Twin Peaks and somehow bring Bob to Leland?

Assuming the bug is Bob, of course.

I don't think the Bug and BOB are the same entity. When you see B(L)OB in the stream of vomit in Part 8, the camera closes in on him and as he does, you clearly see an egg (just like the one the Bug hatches) from break out of the vomit behind him.

New AV Club article about the pacing of the show: http://www.avclub.com/article/lets-...utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Episode was good just not "OMG GOOD" like the previous week. I just scrolled through and there were only like 5 distinct scenes in the entire episode. Also I think it was the shortest episode at ~53 minutes.

I think there was one that lasted 52 minutes. Could be wrong though.


I keep thinking about the idea about the little girl from episode 8 being Sarah and how it effects the series. In the original series Leland said Bob came to him when he was just a boy--did Sarah move to Twin Peaks and somehow bring Bob to Leland?

Assuming the bug is Bob, of course.
I don't think they are the same, but I'm starting to warm up to the idea that Sarah is the little girl that frog moth climbed into. Whether it is or not, definitely some crazy shit still going on in the Palmer house, the fan is a huge clue, but the rattling of bottles in the kitchen, she says "not someone, just some-THING in the kitchen", then the "it's a goddamn..." line, I feel like Hawk should have busted the door down at that point.


Finally watched it. Good god, that Audrey scene sure was something. And what was up with that final scene, who the hell are these people?
Finally watched it. Good god, that Audrey scene sure was something. And what was up with that final scene, who the hell are these people?

I got nothing from the end scene, apart from recognising the woman from the second season of Eastbound and Down, which I found to be a bit jarring.

I think these small vignettes with random characters are supposed to be illustrative of the state of Twin Peaks as a town.
I think these small vignettes with random characters are supposed to be illustrative of the state of Twin Peaks as a town.

I think that's exactly it. It's Lynch's way of showing us what state the town is in these days - that the seediness is worse than it ever was. Plus most of the scenes seem tied into the drug storyline, which I imagine is going to have a pay off in these last few episodes.
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