Why is this an FPS? Between this and the Star Wars single-player game why do Ubisoft insist on Massive making anything but what they’re good at?
Who will make it? Ancel is gone.somehow im still hopeful for a sequel to Rayman Legends after all these years...
Here you go, a female game director too.Oh look another game with a female character. I like playing as females but jfc every game doesn't need to have them. Guess men are extinct
I caught that and almost spit up my drink.
Disney.who asked for an avatar game tho?
i dont understand, some parts of this avatar game looks next gen and some sections look straight from PS3 lol
Was thinking the same thing. That foliage was nice.Graphically it looks quite good to be honest.
Avatar looks good to me... don't understand why people are complaining.