Ether_Snake said:Because it's a pretty clear message that women don't belong in this industry.
What the hell?
Ether_Snake said:Because it's a pretty clear message that women don't belong in this industry.
Thunder Monkey said:
No offense, but that has to be the dumbest logical jump I've ever read. Women shouldn't be in movies, or music, or anything then? This bit on Jade is far from the worst I've seen.
Yes, this is the only argument being used to defend the comic and not a strawman at all. You really owned the entire thread man, good job.RurouniZel said:"LOL THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS COMIC THERE'S 100X WORSE OUT THERE!"
RurouniZel said:*sigh*
Ubisoft is definately barking up the wrong tree (They should be going after Chugworth, not SA), but anyone who defends this comic is a pretentious cocksucker.
"LOL THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS COMIC THERE'S 100X WORSE OUT THERE!" Yeah, and so Waterboarding is a-ok because it's not as bad as the Iron Maiden, right?
Fuck you, get a life. Better yet, get a brain! Just because she's in the fucking limelight doesn't make it right. Just because its been done in the past doesn't make it right. Way to advance the public perception of gamers fellas. I'm getting tired of trying to defend this dick-wadery. For every one step forward we take with a "Child's Play", we take ten steps back with this shit.
Shit like this and its defenders are why assholes like Jack Thompson exist in the first place! He may be the biggest fucking idiot I've ever seen, but we aren't doing ourselves any favors defending this smut. Jesus fucking christ!
Zeed said:Yes, this is the only argument being used to defend the comic and not a strawman at all. You really owned the entire thread man, good job.
RurouniZel said:anyone who defends this comic is a pretentious cocksucker.
Armitage said:wow big surprise, the guy with a jade avatar supports her
RurouniZel said:*sigh*
Ubisoft is definately barking up the wrong tree (They should be going after Chugworth, not SA), but anyone who defends this comic is a pretentious cocksucker.
"LOL THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS COMIC THERE'S 100X WORSE OUT THERE!" Yeah, and so Waterboarding is a-ok because it's not as bad as the Iron Maiden, right?
Fuck you, get a life. Better yet, get a brain! Just because she's in the fucking limelight doesn't make it right. Just because its been done in the past doesn't make it right. Way to advance the public perception of gamers fellas. I'm getting tired of trying to defend this dick-wadery. For every one step forward we take with a "Child's Play", we take ten steps back with this shit.
Shit like this and its defenders are why assholes like Jack Thompson exist in the first place! He may be the biggest fucking idiot I've ever seen, but we aren't doing ourselves any favors defending this smut. Jesus fucking christ!
RurouniZel said:*sigh*
Ubisoft is definately barking up the wrong tree (They should be going after Chugworth, not SA), but anyone who defends this comic is a pretentious cocksucker.
"LOL THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS COMIC THERE'S 100X WORSE OUT THERE!" Yeah, and so Waterboarding is a-ok because it's not as bad as the Iron Maiden, right?
Fuck you, get a life. Better yet, get a brain! Just because she's in the fucking limelight doesn't make it right. Just because its been done in the past doesn't make it right. Way to advance the public perception of gamers fellas. I'm getting tired of trying to defend this dick-wadery. For every one step forward we take with a "Child's Play", we take ten steps back with this shit.
Shit like this and its defenders are why assholes like Jack Thompson exist in the first place! He may be the biggest fucking idiot I've ever seen, but we aren't doing ourselves any favors defending this smut. Jesus fucking christ!
quadriplegicjon said:i believe the comic falls under parody. she's a public figure.. and thus is fair game.
buckfutter said:The comic is actually targeting the rather woman-unfriendly tactic of foregrounding Jade in the publicity just because she's reasonably attractive. I can't speak for the Chugworth dude, maybe he does want to target her personally, but the most straightforward interpretation of the comic is that it's a satirical attack on Ubisoft and the stuck-in-the-past gamers you apparently think you're not one of - it isn't pro-sexist, it's anti-sexist.
RurouniZel said:Point taken. However this whole "point" of his could have been accomplished without using her name/game/reference and it would have been just as "funny", probably better.
Its just distasteful.
APZonerunner said:Bu bu bu it has semen!
RurouniZel said:defamation =/= parody.
Well, yeah it's disappointing, and irritating, but what the fuck do you expect?Ether_Snake said:In case you didn't realize this; Jade is practically the only women in the game business that we actually see in interviews, magazines, etc., talking about the game she works on. Someone said nobody made a fuss about the Kutaragi/Reggie pictures, but considering the male/female ratio in the industry compared to the amount of insults this one woman gets for no reasons; yeah, it's a pretty clear message that all women in the game industry should avoid the camera, especially if they are good looking. I don't think a lot of other women working in this business feel like getting this kind of attention just because they're doing their jobs, giving interviews about the games they work on. You can bet they'll avoid doing what men can do without a problem because unlike most men in the business they will be immediately targeted by childish insults.
End of the world? No, but disappointing and worth calling out? Yeah.
RurouniZel said:defamation =/= parody.
RurouniZel said:Point taken. However this whole "point" of his could have been accomplished without using her name/game/reference and it would have been just as "funny", probably better.
Its just distasteful.
stellar logicRurouniZel said:My point is that no one deserves to be depicted this way unless they willingly allow themselves to be (i.e. porn actors).
Ether_Snake said:Because it's a pretty clear message that women don't belong in this industry.
They would have the BEST-LOOKING CHILDREN EVER.Chipopo said:
RurouniZel said:I wasn't trying to "own" anything. I was trying to point out that defending shit like this is complete bullshit and needs to stop.
I agree. Now lets go arrest 9/10 political cartoon artists out there.RurouniZel said:I wouldn't give two shits about this whole thing if it weren't defaming a specific person, hell if that were the case I could see the comic as an actual... gasp... parody!![]()
Dolphin said:I agree. Now lets go arrest 9/10 political cartoon artists out there.
Thunder Monkey said:
No offense, but that has to be the dumbest logical jump I've ever read. Women shouldn't be in movies, or music, or anything then? This bit on Jade is far from the worst I've seen.
I've seen some truly twisted stuff about Paris Hilton, Margaret Thatcher, hell any woman in anything ever. Guys get just as bad of treatment. The problem here isn't that this comic got made. No, if you're in the limelight you have to deal with this crap regardless.
The problem is people making a big deal out of it. The idiots, chauvanists, just all around fucktards will always exist. They will always be doing this same kind of crap. You can't stop them, no one can.
The only thing that can be done, is ignoring them. Because they won't go away. As time goes on, and more and more women make it big in the industry, this crap will continue.
Spotlight = mocking. By those that are jealous, those that are all around stupid. Deal with it, or stay out of the spotlight. Jade can deal. Just like every other woman and man in that spotlight must.
You think Tom Cruise lets all the gay jokes get to him? No, he just lathers up and hops into his tub of philipino men.
Okay, all of them.Great Rumbler said:Only 9 out of 10?
grandjedi6 said:Ubisoft will probably lose if they try to bring this to court then. They would have to sue under the Defamation tort, specifically libel.
But to prove defamation you need to prove 5 things:
1.) the information was published
2.) the defendant was directly or indirectly identified
3.) the remarks were defamatory towards the plaintiff's reputation
4.) the published information is false
5.) the defendant is at fault
However since this is an internet forum it would be difficult in the first place to fault SA as the publisher or even force the user's identity out of SA. As per Stratton Oakmont v Prodigy that no provider or user of an interactive computer shall be treated as a publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider, Thus forums can't be faulted for third party posts.
Also as per Hustler Magazine v. Falwell, statements that are considered so ridiculous that it would be believed by nobody are not enough to prove libel.
JohnTinker said:There's too many of you to quote in this thread, but it applies to a lot of you,
That's great.:lolJohnTinker said:There's too many of you to quote in this thread, but it applies to a lot of you,
The fact that Ubi knows the game is underwhelming and they need a sex symbol to get internet nerds to buy it.ParticleReality said:What can Jade take credit for exactly? What makes her so God Damn great that everyone else has to stand 10 feet behind her?
HomShaBom said:The fact that Ubi knows the game is underwhelming and they need a sex symbol to get internet nerds to buy it.
HomShaBom said:haha Rurouni loses so he makes up a story so he can bail out.
RurouniZel said:Not quite, I was just going out to be social with something other than a keyboard is all. And a little drink doesn't hurt either. :3
The problem I personally have with this comic (and I will state outright that I have no "legal" basis for my argument, just morals) with this compared to various political cartoons is that, unlike this comic, they actually succeed in making an important point, usually to call someone out on their bullshit and present it in such a way that makes the situation more obvious visually. If this comic was trying to make a point, it didn't do it well at all. I may hate George W. Bush with a passion, but even I would defend his retarded ass if political comics depicted him sucking dicks to get his way (or implying as such). The only thing this comic succeeded in doing is implying that the woman in question is a stupid whore who'll suck anyone off if they'll buy her game. Its not fair to her at all. I didn't even know who she was before this whole thread started, but I just imagine what I'd do if I were in her shoes. I can't even imagine how difficult it must be to be an attractive woman in the videogame industry; frankly if I were her I'd get out of there and find a better place that isn't going to make snap judgements about her simply because she's an attractive woman who's also found some success. God almighty she can't have done that on her own without sucking people off right? RIGHT?
And no, I'm not sticking my nose in this because she's a woman. I don't care male, female, gay, straight, black, white doesn't fucking matter to me. People are people, and there's just some lines of common decency that shouldn't be crossed. I get pissed off when people defend these things simply because they're protected by law. Yes, people have the right to say what they want, but being a responsible adult means knowing when its time to speak and when its time to keep it in check. I kind of burst in anger a bit earlier and I apologize for calling people pretentious cocksuckers.
But I'm getting sick and tired of trying to defend our community when stuff like this goes down. I'm a pretty hardcore gamer, and just like many of us here, I've had my fair share of being misunderstood by "normal" people. I don't want to be associated with crap like this, all it does is bring the rest of us down. What I love about Penny Arcade's "Child's Play" is that it not only helps kids in various hospitals all across the country, it helps give us gamers a better name in a world that tries to depict us as crazy serial killers who undergo hours of murder simulation every day.
Shit like this... its just not defendable. I don't care how perfectly legal it may be, I can't and won't defend it. If we really want to put a stop to the likes of assholes like Jack Thompson, we have to rid ourselves of this rep we don't deserve. We have to rise above it, not sink down to their level.
Dry.kylej said:I wonder if Jade likes anal.