... but is it an awesome study in technology, or psychology?
The human condition. Between the lines of this thread is the explanation of all our societal ills and shortcomings.
Just gotta find it somewhere...
... but is it an awesome study in technology, or psychology?
How long before VLC for Xbox One?
by manishs
I have an Xbox One, and its built-in media player just sucks. And there's no alternative! I know you guys have promised that VLC will be available later this year on Microsoft's gaming platform, but can you share exactly how long we have to wait. Also, will VLC support HEVC files?
JBK: I'd guess early September. Or compile it yourself
Else, yes, it will support HEVC in software and in hardware on the XBox One S.
At least all of this is better off being roped off here instead of polluting other threads.i feel the mods keep this thread open to test us.
Just did a quick search, might've forgotten to post this in this thread, though it was mildly interesting. Slashdot interview with the lead VLC developer:
Do you second my speculation that the current PS4 Media Player/DLNA renderer without DRM is temporary? It has features similar to VLC but "VLC basically runs everything!" and VLC is 20-30 MB while the PS4 Media player is 400 MB in size. Both have no DRM support.If only Sony paid so much attention to their media features, despite having a media arm O_O. Seriously, VLC in software is gonna be a 100x better solution than that crappy proprietary app Sony has on the dashboard, VLC basically runs everything!
That's multiple DLNA modes and more. BUT it's open source and no DRM support. Good because they can use the Shaders for codecs and support HEVC but bad because no commercial media can use it.https://interviews.slashdot.org/story/16/08/26/1338246/the-slashdot-interview-with-videolan-president-and-lead-vlc-developer-jean-baptiste-kempf said:"we need to break ecosystems and make them interoperable. There is no reason why you shouldn't Chromecast from a Windows Phone or AirPlay from Android. And I believe we are at the right position for that."
JBK: So I guess you are speaking about UPnP renderers, right? We're having the ChromeCast first, and then we'll do UPnP renderers, so you can push to those player easily.
So does everyone realize this confirms the game consoles will be more open compared to last generation. This applies to the browser too.JBK: I'd guess early September. Or compile it yourself
Else, yes, it will support HEVC in software and in hardware on the XBox One S.
This is what I brought up in the PS4 slim supporting 5 GhzWiFi thread. 5Ghz AC is needed for 4K WiFi which will be used by a LG combo ATSC 1 and ATSC 3 Tuner that demodulates and converts to IPTV WiFi streams (No HDMI pass-through needed) for use by all platforms in the home. Since a UHD capable console will likely also support UHD blu-ray, I stated consoles with WiFi N AC were likely to support all UHD media. Multiple tuners and multiple streams at the same time to multiple platforms in the home requires a very fast WiFi. The 5Ghz n AC-80 scheme can support this while G and plain old N can't. 1 Gbit Ethernet will strain to do so and plans are for 10 Gbit which will probably be supported with a Navi based console (2019).At least all of this is better off being roped off here instead of polluting other threads.
In the thread about the PS Slim supporting 5 GHz wifi, he started going on and on about UHD support in the launch version of the Xbox One, which...what? He didn't even bring that up in response to anything.
WiFi 5Ghz AC is needed for 4K WiFi which will be needed by, the example I used, a LG combo ATSC 1 and ATSC 3 Tuner that demodulates and converts to IPTV WiFi streams (No HDMI pass-through needed) for use by all platforms in the home. Since a UHD capable console will likely also support UHD blu-ray, I stated consoles with WiFi N AC were likely to support all UHD media.
Korea wants to broadcast ATSC 3 in 2017 and the Olympics in 4K early 2018. LG is a Korean firm. The FCC received a petition to allow US TV stations to start the transition to ATSC 3 in 2017. This will be a multi-year project with both ATSC 1 and 3 supported at the same time with the same programming. I assumed Sony wants to be part of this with the PS4 unless Patcher is correct and the XB1 is the only console that will support TV. ATSC 1 stations would pack-in more lower resolution channels which would force them to eliminate higher resolutions eventually and ATSC 3 would have those same channels at higher resolutions. Higher resolutions and more features with ATSC 3 would be the draw that gets consumers to buy the combo antenna and use ATSC 3 stations. Those extra features require something like a XB1 or PS4 with browser.
Oh, Vidipath will be used by Cable TV and Antenna TV Tuners to deliver media to all platforms in the home so the LG tuner is a Vidipath server with Cable TV DVRs as Vidipath servers since June 2015 and Cable moving to Cable modems supporting Vidipath when they move to all IPTV and eliminate cable boxes. Previous post made the case for the PS4 supporting Vidipath.
No one except those who are insiders can know that. Before the launch of the PS4 a Sony employee stated the PS4 has a HDMI 2 port.IDK, how can an individual be so stubborn and ignorant to accept the reality: The 2013 launch consoles don't have any sort of UHD (HDMI 2.0 & HDCP 2.2) support nor does they allow it to add such support via software patches. End of Story!
The PS4 was featured at the Show as a source for the 4K projection TVs.http://translate.google.fr/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.projection-homecinema.fr%2F2013%2F09%2F06%2Fprojecteurs-home-cinema-resume-de-lifa-berlin-2013%2F said:Note that for protection reasons, the VPL-VW500ES has only two HDMI inputs 2.0 ports. (The VPL-HW500ES will be provided upon its release, the VPL-VW1000ES should be updated for a fee and the new PS4 will be released in November of the same year will also be equipped with HDMI 2.0 ports).
IDK, how can an individual be so stubborn and ignorant to accept the reality
No one except those who are insiders can know that. Before the launch of the PS4 a Sony employee stated the PS4 has a HDMI 2 port.
2013 Home Cinema Show
The PS4 was featured at the Show as a source for the 4K projection TVs.
And this can be as screwed up as the efficientgaming.eu site with the Apple model where XB1s after 2016 are UHD capable not the launch models even though they are all called UHD capable.
What I have tried to do is to confirm it was possible;
1) 2013 Sony TVs have firmware upgrade-able ports.
2) Every phone with Miracast support since 2012 has a HDCP 2.2 software routine running in the TEE. The PS4 will have Miracast and Vidipath so it has a TEE with HDCP 2.2 in it. If you use a custom HDMI chip that passes HDCP negotiation to the routine running in the TEE you can have a cheaper HDMI 1.4 or HDMI 2 port.
The exposed pins on the HDMI chip in the PS4 are now not allowed if the video on those pins is unencrypted (HDCP must take place in the TEE not the HDMI chip). At a minimum the traces must be hidden inside the motherboard and the HDMI chip must use connections that are not accessible.
Personally, I believe Jeff actually died a few years back, and we've been arguing with a highly advanced "Jeff Rigby" chatbot.
In the early 80's, after being the lead programmer of "Custard's Revenge", Jeff realized his genius would someday leave this world and the human race would suffer for it. Twenty plus years of development later, at the cost of nearly $400, he perfected the world's only firmware speculating/personal investment bragging chatbot.
This might sound strange, but I find it oddly comforting to know that long after the Sun has boiled away Earth's oceans, this thread will continue to be updated and stand as the last testament to human achievement by posting incoherent randomly constructed bullshit paragraphs until the universe itself ends.
The media plans for the consoles have to take into account what the CE industry is doing. This is why the XB1 and PS4 are called UHD capable and we see in the XB1 support for the HEVC codec used for HD media even though Penello has told us the 2013 XB1 does not support UHD media. UHD support in 2013 was possible though more expensive for the HEVC codec, UHD support in the 2015 PS4, if the Media TEE is in Southbridge, would cost no more than the 2016 PS4 and I expect both the Slim and NEO to support UHD media.Even so in 2013 it seemed your hypothesis could have a chance to be verified as true why you not just admit that you were wrong about it, NOW.
Why you still defend that position when reality and those new console SKUs tells you otherwise.
There is nothing bad with admitting to have followed a wrong theory, that happens to everyone at some point in time. Scientists has to deal with it all the time!
So take some courage and just admit that you followed an illusion.
If only Sony paid so much attention to their media features, despite having a media arm O_O. Seriously, VLC in software is gonna be a 100x better solution than that crappy proprietary app Sony has on the dashboard, VLC basically runs everything!
Yes it's possible I was wrong and only 2016 and later consoles will support UHD media as it fits the timetable. If this is the case, if you remove my statements concerning Launch and 2013 consoles, they are then generally accurate as to how HD media is supported and UHD plans after 2016.
And yet it's still inferior to Media Player Classic, by a lot.
Stupid facts! Always getting in the way."If you igonore everything I have said up to this point... I am right!"
PS4 southbridge as Media TEE which is another speculation of mine. Goto HiroshiShigeru also stated the PS4 HDMI chip would be custom which proved to be correct.If only Sony paid so much attention to their media features, despite having a media arm O_O. Seriously, VLC in software is gonna be a 100x better solution than that crappy proprietary app Sony has on the dashboard, VLC basically runs everything!
If this is the case then only the 256 MB secondary chip/southbridge memory could be used to cache video gameplay so it's most likely all saved to hard disk.https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/column/kaigai/594708.html&prev=search said:Therefore, the secondary chip, unlike the chipset PC, appear to be multimedia and communications chip with significant functions.
The maximum point is that in PS4, these features, but that they are executed without consuming any resources of the game side. That it's because the function of the screen management of this share is carried out in a different chip.
"We are on separate chip hardware-based video decoder and encoder listed. Therefore, all the resources necessary for the game (play in the capture of the video) is not able to use. Memory also not be used at all the band CPU also," said SCEA will be explained.
Encoding of the video of the game play is not performed in the APU. All of the work is, it completely seen to be done in a different chip. If 10 years ago, I would have thought that with this description if the encoder-only chip, but it is impossible if the current. Because is progressing function integrated chip, the secondary chip side of the custom-designed hardware features for these shares are also seen to have been mounted.
In addition, SCEA had said that also listed decoder not only encoder to another chip in the description. This also video decoding, such as, for example, BD playback show the possibility of realizing only a secondary chip. Instead of the usual video codec of AMD GPU / APU, it might have the video codec of its own full function to the secondary chip.
Business decision and shown with the XB1 slim hardware breakdown, it costs no more from 2015 and later to support UHD Blu-ray than it does to support HD blu-ray given console economy of scale.Ito said:
 currently, corresponding policies for Ultra HD Blu-ray is of a currently under consideration.
 This is the only want to hear as a story of "For example," but (laughs), and the corresponding ways of setting the Ultra HD Blu-ray can be accommodated top model is considered.
Ok I'll post it in the Playstation meeting thread as PS4 Slim UHD or not is one of the themes there with some saying it will and won't support UHD. Essentially we will have to wait for Sony to make up their mind.Why not just post this to EVERY thread on gaf?
Ok I'll post it in the Playstation meeting thread as PS4 Slim.
This thread is a continuation of The PS4 will support 4K blu-ray thread after I found the efficientgaming.eu site and read the only paper released at that time which indicated in charts that started in 2013 the UHD Game console power savings. In the first page I indicated that it could be one or both consoles. The second letter I found was the Independent Lab testing the PS4 and XB1 launch consoles for HD power use and calling both UHD capable."Well, everyone knows that 2013 consoles shipped with support for standard Blu-rays only. What this thread presupposes is...maybe they didn't?"
http://eandt.theiet.org/magazine/2011/12/maasaki-tsu-interview.cfm said:Tsuruta says. “We are looking at an architecture where the bulk of processing will still sit on the main board, with CPU and graphics added to by more digital signal processing and some configurable logic.” [Xtensa DPU with the configurable logic the HEVC accelerators and more]
the target is not for 1080p resolution, but reflect a drive towards 8kx4k.
“We don’t want to limit what people do on the console and we will have to do more on the server side, account for some aspects of thin client computing. Many people like the ability to play simultaneously, and when the networks are available we would like to open the platform up to more complex content through them…So while there will be some features that aim to make the cloud-based gaming experience more immersive – “and, this is key, more secure”, Tsuruta adds – the focus remains local.
You don't appear to understand what "confirmation" means. If you have to qualify it with "maybe", then nothing's been confirmed.and the drive was following a 2010 BD-R spec with firmware update which is now confirmed by Penello (maybe).
This thread is a continuation of The PS4 will support 4K blu-ray thread after I found the efficientgaming.eu site and read the only paper released at that time which indicated in charts that started in 2013 the UHD Game console power savings.
If there is miss-information please point out the errors. This has been the problem,You don't appear to understand what "confirmation" means. If you have to qualify it with "maybe", then nothing's been confirmed.
Good on you for failing to recognize a riff on a line from The Royal Tenenbaums and responding with a wall of misinformation, though! Keep fighting the good fight.
No it's official, look at the people and companies representing Microsoft and Sony. If you look up the companies listed they mention in their sites that they represent Microsoft and Sony and point back to the efficientgaming.eu site.I still doubt the site. It is hosted at the Google Cloud and doesn't seem to be something official at all. It looks like a one man site with very little content, to be honest.
What's the point? No one takes you seriously anymore, so no one is really being misled by the garbage you're spouting off. You've been corrected by many, many people many, many times, and none of that has changed your mind. You've even sneered at a number of people from Sony and Microsoft -- including several who work directly with this technology and would be in a position to know -- as being incompetent and/or liars. There's no reason to think that another round of corrections would have any greater an impact.If there is miss-information please point out the errors.
don't understand the thread...even if hardware could do it ...what the point if sony/ms is not willing to bring it on the software side...
ps4 slim leaks indicate it don't t bring the feature..good indication they don't care (maybe for neo)
xbox one s has it but not the one...if they had to release it on one they would have done releasing the s...(but it seems better for them you trade the original for s version)
don't understand the thread...even if hardware could do it ...what the point if sony/ms is not willing to bring it on the software side...
ps4 slim leaks indicate it don't t bring the feature..good indication they don't care (maybe for neo)
xbox one s has it but not the one...if they had to release it on one they would have done releasing the s...(but it seems better for them you trade the original for s version)
Chû Totoro;216012949 said:Mods ffs kill this thread.
It's now more embarrassing than everything else... and not fun at all.
Absolutely not, far too entertaining.
It's like slowing down to look at a car crash.
It's like slowing down to look at a car crash.
don't understand the thread...even if hardware could do it ...what the point if sony/ms is not willing to bring it on the software side...
ps4 slim leaks indicate it don't t bring the feature..good indication they don't care (maybe for neo)
xbox one s has it but not the one...if they had to release it on one they would have done releasing the s...(but it seems better for them you trade the original for s version)