Green Wiggly
I am, apparently... lacking a brain.
From smoking the "reefers" with your hippie friends, no doubt.

I am, apparently... lacking a brain.
My question is that if they're going to write a marijuana hit piece, why not point out the probably legitimate link between marijuana and schizophrenia? There are lots of scholarly papers to be cited there. Why half-ass the smear piece?
People get high and then eat Jack in the Box and then get obese and then have heart attacks and then die.
This is all marijuana's fault.
To reply to the following post you made here's some good information as to why people drop dead after smoking weed:
My view is that if you aren't extremely sick or have chronic pain I would advise against smoking or ingesting marijuana it. Ignoring the legality of it in this situation, alcohol and smoking cigar/cigarette's are no different than casual use of weed, alcohol and smoking give you no benefits at all except for a buzz to make a person feel better.
What the fuck are they talking about? You get these sentences about general emergency room visits on the rise, but literally none of the information you want: why? What are they going to hospitals for? Are they just super high and think they're dying when they're totally fine?
"Marijuana-related health problems" is just an easy scare. Give us the meat.
But they do regulate the maximum alcohol by volume. Some states don't allow sales of 151, for example. You also just can't go buy 200 proof. So, in effect, "higher potency" is already regulated for other drugs.I don't understand the concerns about higher potency strains. If I typically drink five beers on a night out, then they invent liquor, it doesn't mean I'm going to drink 5 full bottles of tequila on another. People don't consume the same volume of expresso shots as they do drip folgers coffee.
Calm down. I said there's still scientific research to be done before all the facts are known. It should still be legally regulated but too much of anything can be a bad thing, and it's likely the smoke inhalation that will cause health problems.
What the fuck are they talking about? You get these sentences about general emergency room visits on the rise, but literally none of the information you want: why? What are they going to hospitals for? Are they just super high and think they're dying when they're totally fine?
"Marijuana-related health problems" is just an easy scare. Give us the meat.
The study noted an association between marijuana use and serious health problems, including sudden cardiac death, myocardial infarction and stroke.
My question is that if they're going to write a marijuana hit piece, why not point out the probably legitimate link between marijuana and schizophrenia? There are lots of scholarly papers to be cited there. Why half-ass the smear piece?
I love how people jump to defend weed, I like smoking the stuff too but shot I wanna know what the side effects are. Sick of all this weed is a cure all bullshit. Just want the facts so I can decide for myself.
Have you/ do you know anyone who has actually smoked it long-term? I always find that people who say shit like this are the people who have zero experience with the drug.
I love how people jump to defend weed, I like smoking the stuff too but shot I wanna know what the side effects are. Sick of all this weed is a cure all bullshit. Just want the facts so I can decide for myself.
Yeah, there's no actual trending connection to be made with higher potency weed and health problems. The connection's just made for political reasons. When people are too high, they stop, and good weed definitely hits you faster than alcohol, so you know when you've had enough.I don't understand the concerns about higher potency strains. If I typically drink five beers on a night out, then they invent liquor, it doesn't mean I'm going to drink 5 full bottles of tequila on another. People don't consume the same volume of expresso shots as they do drip folgers coffee.
You are making an extreme assumption.I'm sure everybody with a brain knows that using weed for non-medical reasons screws you up.
We all want the same thing as you. We're not finding it in this bullshit scare article with no actual facts or information.I love how people jump to defend weed, I like smoking the stuff too but shot I wanna know what the side effects are. Sick of all this weed is a cure all bullshit. Just want the facts so I can decide for myself.
But they do regulate the maximum alcohol by volume. Some states don't allow sales of 151, for example. You also just can't go buy 200 proof. So, in effect, "higher potency" is already regulated for other drugs.
Yeah, there's no actual trending connection to be made with higher potency weed and health problems. The connection's just made for political reasons. When people are too high, they stop, and good weed definitely hits you faster than alcohol, so you know when you've had enough.
That's fine if they do, I'm just saying people don't consume the same volume of liquid for each alcoholic beverage. If you order whiskey, they don't pour you an 12oz glass like a beer and you don't drink 6 of them, because it has a higher concentration of alcohol. Likewise for pot, they just take 2-3 hits for higher potency types instead smoking an entire cigar's worth.
I'm surprised they didn't pull out the ol' "TODAY'S MARIJUANA IS 60x MORE POWERFUL THAN IT WAS IN THE 60s." It's master spook trolling of boomers to make them scared of their kids smoking weed.
I love how people jump to defend weed, I like smoking the stuff too but shot I wanna know what the side effects are. Sick of all this weed is a cure all bullshit. Just want the facts so I can decide for myself.
"Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths"
Driving. Did you see that in the article?
I know a few people IRL who definitely felt this way. It's only a gateway because you realize everything people have been telling you is bullshit, so of course you assume the harder stuff isn't that hard.I am genuinely interested in real side effects as well, but there is no denying weed has had a long history of bullshit thrown it's way.
People call weed a gateway drug, but I think weed disinformation is a much more dangerous gateway. It can lead to people questioning any information they hear about any drug. When they find out weed has been so unfairly attacked then they might start thinking that Meth, Crack, etc have been as well
I know a dude who had a pretty good life before smoking, he smoked for about 5 years and he quit his job, became a shut-in and alienated everyone from his life, and then he quit, and shortly after he got a better job, new friends, and married.
I'm sure everybody with a brain knows that using weed for non-medical reasons screws you up.
What the fuck are they talking about? You get these sentences about general emergency room visits on the rise, but literally none of the information you want: why? What are they going to hospitals for? Are they just super high and think they're dying when they're totally fine?
"Marijuana-related health problems" is just an easy scare. Give us the meat.
Smoking Marijuana will give you cancer and other related health-risks.
So there's that.
Where do you people get this stuff.
Where do you people get this stuff.
To reply to the following post you made here's some good information as to why people drop dead after smoking weed:
My view is that if you aren't extremely sick or have chronic pain I would advise against smoking or ingesting marijuana it. Ignoring the legality of it in this situation, alcohol and smoking cigar/cigarette's are no different than casual use of weed, alcohol and smoking give you no benefits at all except for a buzz to make a person feel better.
I love how people jump to defend weed, I like smoking the stuff too but shot I wanna know what the side effects are. Sick of all this weed is a cure all bullshit. Just want the facts so I can decide for myself.
Smoking any combustible will increase your chance for cancer and upper-respitory issues. Vaping is different mind.Where do you people get this stuff.
I suspect edibles are going to be at fault. The potency of edibles can flatten someone who isn't a regular cannabis user.
The interesting part of that article is that researchers noted a net drop in traffic fatalities in states where marijuana was legal because it supplanted alcohol."Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths"
Driving. Did you see that in the article?
Pretty much. Make people go to the doctor to check for problems, give them a license, and let's sell it to everyone who wants it. Jack up the price a lot and put all sorts of warnings on it.The amount of stupidity in this thread is frighhtneing. Of course weed is bad for you, paritcularily when consumed by inhaling hot smoke into your lungs. Any induced state of altered mental perception can also be a problem for anyone with a pre existing mental problem, either dormant or known. And yes cannabis can kill you - say by triggering a panic attack and heart palpitations in someone with a heart condition.
That said almost anything can kill you! Crossing the road, waking under a cocunut tree etc. Alcohol and smoking is legal and is proven to be dangerous. In my opinion cannabis should be too, despite the fact I no longer smoke it due to panic attacks and heart palpitation. Banning everything that's unsafe is stupid, let people know the facts and decide if it's worth it for themselves.