
I can see why this might seem like a valid reason to invoke the slippery slope, by I often find such an invocation disingenuous. I'd be more open to the notion that political correctness is running amok when we're discussing a more consequential change. As it stands, we're talking about something that happened three years ago the probably had next to no impact on the UNC campus, but was latched onto simply because it sounds like something that anti-PC advocates can get behind as egregious.
Because you haven't established that Policeman, Freshman, or Chairman arose before it was the case in ENGLISH that "man" refers to male and "woman" to female. Unless you can, all this business about 13th century meanings and police dogs is so much irrelevant hand-waving that does not establish the FOUNDATION of anything.
*sighs at all of the knee-jerking*
This seems perfectly fine.
Well ok I guess that does change the situation a little. However this whole thing reminds me of the time when someone was offended over the word whiteout years ago and wanted a name change, from that time forward I swear that people just try and find anything offensive.
But are you hurt by it being removed? If someone is upset over the term freshman because it offends them, changing it to a more specific term doesn't really affect anyone negatively, does it?
I'm upset about the change. It negatively affects me. Change it back.
In what way? I'm seriously curious.
I'll be happy to stand corrected, but this sounds like something that was in actuality a joke that some perhaps erroneously thought was a legitimate request.
(Today, 12:55 PM)
Your name is not gender inclusive. Please change it.
Also, "member" is a patriarchal appellation implying that only those with a penis are worthy members of a social group. Mods should change "Member" to "Associate."
Because you haven't established that Policeman, Freshman, or Chairman arose before it was the case in ENGLISH that "man" refers to male and "woman" to female. Unless you can, all this business about 13th century meanings and police dogs is so much irrelevant hand-waving that does not establish the FOUNDATION of anything.
It actually could have been, but my problem is more that it gives more people the idea that they can just do things like this and you know everything brought up isn't going to be a good reason for it.
I don't really think it gives anyone any ideas. I could be wrong and will be happy for someone in the know to tell the whole story, but my suspicion is that the change had nothing to do with outraged students/parents and everything to do with someone in an administrative position randomly suspecting that it's an insignificant change that might make a minor, positive impact in terms of being progressive.
Once again, is 'freshman' a repressive term?
I don't really think it gives anyone any ideas. I could be wrong and will be happy for someone in the know to tell the whole story, but my suspicion is that the change had nothing to do with outraged students/parents and everything to do with someone in an administrative position randomly suspecting that it's an insignificant change that might make a minor, positive impact in terms of being progressive.
Well, I'm deeply offended that in my Spanish class they are trying to shove down this "masculine" and "feminine" sexist bullshit down my throat. Every word should be gender neutral (when I told my teacher this she seriously said that it can't be changed because its "tradition" and it's just the way it is - no really), and I'll be damned if I'm graded lower on my tests because I refuse to add an "-o" or "-a" at the end of every noun just to appease fucking sexist cave men in fucking 2012.
This shit is out of control.
In what way?
Yeah I know it isn't. I slightly drunk.I really don't think this is the same thing.
It's offensive to me that you keep questioning his being offended by this change. I'd like you to stop.
I don't think so. The plural of "freshman" is "freshmen," not "freshmans."
Will do. Thanks for explaining nothing.
My alma mater has been calling freshman "first-years" for years now. Not really a big deal
A lot of colleges are doing this now. Instead of the Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, it's First-Year, Second-Year, etc.
It's whatever. I'm a Fourth-Year Sophomore.
Just use 'fresher' like we do in the UK.
In what way? I'm seriously curious. Also, you have to demonstrate that the new term is what negatively affects you, as it's pretty difficult to prove hardship based on not being able to call someone else something.
Well, I'm deeply offended that in my Spanish class they are trying to shove down this "masculine" and "feminine" sexist bullshit down my throat. Every word should be gender neutral (when I told my teacher this she seriously said that it can't be changed because its "tradition" and it's just the way it is - no really), and I'll be damned if I'm graded lower on my tests because I refuse to add an "-o" or "-a" at the end of every noun just to appease fucking sexist cave men in fucking 2012.
My right to be offended supersedes your right to a response.
I know that Universities have a ton of people who make their livings finding out new ways to be offended (We call them liberal arts majors) and I'm offended as a STEM major and business school graduate student that I have had to subsidize their bullshit.
Right. I can't fathom how much of your tuition dollars went into subsidizing paying that one person to go through documentation and hit Ctrl-H -> Find "freshman" -> Replace "First Year Student." What a colossal waste of time and money.
My right to be offended supersedes your right to a response.
I know that Universities have a ton of people who make their livings finding out new ways to be offended (We call them liberal arts majors) and I'm offended as a STEM major and business school graduate student that I have had to subsidize their bullshit.
Well japan I think has always done this with highschool and middles school.
My tuition and fees subsidizes the whole fields of study that make this thing even a "thing" to begin with.
Well, NeoGAF is technically a patriarchy.Also, "member" is a patriarchal appellation implying that only those with a penis are worthy members of a social group. Mods should change "Member" to "Associate."
Come now, this change is completely within reason.No, it doesn't. You can't please everyone. That's what businesses and universities don't understand. Some people are going to be offended no matter what decisions are made. Making widespread change to appease a small group of people that are offended over something is never a good idea.
I think you are being intentionally obtuse. These ARE English words but the formation of these words has a basis in the preceding foundations like the basis of a lot of English language.
"Man" is also the categorical term for 'human' in the English language by the way. Darwin's Descent of Man does not mean Descent of males and that was a work in English.
If there is a lack of understanding of the English language, it is on your end.