United Airlines violently drags a doctor off a plane so employee could take his seat

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Absolutely. But if you have to remove someone from a flight, it probably shouldn't be someone whose absence is going to cause other people to not receive the medical care they need.

Indeed. In fact I was on a flight where someone needed medical attention and it was announced requesting a medical professional to assist, if one was on board.




It is standard practice unfortunately especially against minorities.

Meanwhile the CEO of United and the Chicago Police blatantly lie in their statements about the incident like witnesses and video aren't being widely circulated.


He wasn't "denied boarding" since he was already on the plane

He did not fall, there is video of the officers beating him
They was on video and still lied



Well surprise surprise, scumbag cooperations unite to reject any wrong doing from their continuous fuckery. If they're writing hit pieces about the victim, they're most certainly fucking people over themselves. Got to stick together, y'know.

It's so transparent what they're doing it's almost laughable.


41 > 38
You guys, he is rich and may or may not have committed a crime in the past. So, in light of that, its OK that United had some goons beat him bloody and physically remove him from a flight.

So, what? Finally, justice is served?

Already seeing this on FB as "Now you can't use the 'He's the doctor!' argument!" Well, how about I just use "This is a shitty way to treat a paying customer argument?" What does his past have to do with ANY of this? You think those officers ran a damn search on his history before they decided to drag him out of his seat?



Wow, he sounds like a bit of a scumbag. Not that it's relevant to the discussion at hand - no one at United knew of his past and if they for some reason did, it shouldn't be taken into account.

But this guy would make an amazing Persona confidant - the gambling/card skills, the medicine, the sordid history to be slowly revealed... he's got it all.
You'd think with the amount of investigations police departments/officers have received in the last decade they'd learn there lesson and not lie

Seems there's some thick skulls

Why would that be the lesson when they're never held accountable by their supervisors, the community, or the courts?

If you can get away with bold-faced lies even in the face of HD audio/video, and you'll have a good chunk of the public nodding in agreement no matter what the evidence or eyewitnesses or chain of logic says, and the new Attorney General is saying "our own department's recent investigations into local policing are disturbing, because they imply that cops are corrupt, and we know that isn't true"...why would you not continue to lie?


I do empathise with employees who had nothing to do with this - it isn't fair if stupid/greedy management policies cause them to be laid off for something that they had no involvement in.

Still, some of the comments from that group...:

show so little empathy to the victim!

Wow, fuck those asshole employees.



Dude did a crime in the past, had his license suspended, and is now back to practicing medicine. Who gives a shit in the context of what happened? Oh yeah people that were looking for a reason to justify this. People that can now say "glad this happened" and feel justified instead of racist.


Yo it's messed up what they did but all that info that tmz divulged is all people need to turn on someone. Once the public hears that things might change. Wouldn't be surprised if this guy just tucks his tail between his legs and tried to forget about this....Who am I kidding. Any lawyer would kill for this case


Interesting that these "no angel" stories only tend to come out when a victim of brutality is a minority....I wonder why that is. His past has no bearing on what happened on that plane so I'm confused why that article is even relevant.

I don't care if he was a member of the Third Reich. If he wasn't a threat to the safety and wellbeing of those onboard the aircraft, there's no excuse for him being battered and dragged down the aisle. Posting irrelevant shit like this is tantamount to cheerleading for the idea of a corporate police state.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
The poker one is wierd. BREAKING: Guy successfully engaged in legal activity. Like wtf kind of character assassination in that.


Unconfirmed Member
This is completely irrelevant.

Even if he wasn't a doctor it would change how awful the situation is.

Helps build up the "he's no angel and therefore deserved it" narrative though. Not that it matters because United is completely to blame for this case.


These hit pieces and character assassination articles makes it out to be that is infact United that is commissioning these "news sites" to find dirt on him in an effort to salvage their reputation. Got to quickly direct attention elsewhere instead from their sinking rep and their tanking stock. The most hilarious part is that almost everyone is seeing through their bullshit.

United's stock is falling 3.7% and wiping $830 million off the airline's market cap

Shares in United Continental Holdings Inc. were falling 3.7% in morning action on Tuesday, as the airline continued to draw flak for having a passenger forcibly dragged off a plane Sunday.

If the carrier's stock is that much lower at the closing bell, United UAL, -3.89% will have about $830 million wiped off its market capitalization. The company's market cap was $22.5 billion as of Monday's close, according to FactSet data.

Early Tuesday ahead of the market's open, United shares had been down by as much as 6% in premarket trading

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