People will defend anything. Book Jaime was terrible at this point. I'm willing to give D&D more than one scene before I make a judgement.Might have already been posted
People will defend anything. Book Jaime was terrible at this point. I'm willing to give D&D more than one scene before I make a judgement.Might have already been posted
Look at this shot from the preview.
The sand snakes even look stupid in a three second clip.
They don't have time for Cersei and Jaime to spar in Kings Landing for half a season if they want to get to the end of Dance in Kings Landing (which I think they do).All that would have needed to be transferred would be him talking to Edmure. Then perhaps he could talk to another evil Lannister or Frey to show the difference in character. He could have come across Blackfish. And Bronn could have still accompanied him and trained with him. Of course it would end with Brienne. But remember, there were only about 1 or 2 chapters of Jaime in the Riverlands. For much of Feast of Crows, he was in King's Landing arguing and being at odds with Cersei. That could have been the first half of the season.
Any of this would have been better the scenes of Jaime in Dorne so far.
I was talking about Jaime's internal transformations. Half the book readers didn't pick up on the chances to the Kingslayer's character, and I doubt any significant numbers of show fans would realize why his travels are significant.
The scenes in Dorne have been bad and overly simplified, but consolidating plotlines makes a little sense. Fans would violently hate the Dorne sequences otherwise.
They don't have time for Cersei and Jaime to spar in Kings Landing for half a season if they want to get to the end of Dance in Kings Landing (which I think they do).
giants, yo
Someone on Reddit compared the Sand Snakes to any antagonist groups that appear in shounen anime/manga. They're the Ginyu Force of GoT.
I see it.
But the time hasn't existed for Cersei's plot to allow for Jaime to also be a factor in Kings Landing thus far.It's already been half a season and Jaime has accomplished nothing. We have plenty of time for lots of stuff.
Really? Because the Unsullied are loving the Jaimie and Bronn adventures
already? Well, nothing really happened.
But the time hasn't existed for Cersei's plot to allow for Jaime to also be a factor in Kings Landing thus far.
Jaime isn't the problem with the Dornish storyline. It's the Spanish telenovela.
The time's existed and was used on Gilly being bad at spelling/books, unpopular Grey Worm/Missandei romance, Brienne telling a story about Renly to Pod, oddly random Brienne chase sequence, sex scene with Ramsay, sex scene with Loras, sex scene with Tommen, unneeded scenes with Jaime and Bronn on a boat, or Jaime and Bronn fighting random Dornish guys. Even if you stick with going to Dorne, those aren't crucial scenes and they're just making his character progression stall.
More than enough for 2 or 3 small Cersei/Jaime scenes to create a split. Let's say one fight either after Cersei made changes to the small counsel or said something nasty to Margaery or sent Mace Tyrell to the Iron Bank. Definitely one fight after she armed the faith militant.
He could still go to Dorne and be there for episode 6, we'd be where we are now but his character would be off for it. I guarantee people would be more invested right now in Jaime if he was on the outs with Cersei. Many are bored with him. If non-readers care about Dorne, it's probably because they like Bronn.
Anyone surprised that Jaime suddenly wants to kill Tyrion after Tywins death? If they were going that route they really should have just kept Tysha as that felt really weak.
Okay now you're just being silly. He clearly has to keep up appearances in front of people he may not be able to fully trust, and also, Tyrion betrayed his trust. He's hurt.
What else was he going to say? Yeah sure I'll say hello to him.
Trusts? The guy he's secretly trained with and is now on a covert ops with and happens to be one of Tyrions very few friends? His relationship with his dad has always been strained and he was willing to condemn his own son to death.Okay now you're just being silly. He clearly has to keep up appearances in front of people he may not be able to fully trust, and also, Tyrion betrayed his trust. He's hurt.
What else was he going to say? Yeah sure I'll say hello to him.
He has to keep up appearances? Didn't he basically admit to Bronn that he was the one that freed Tyrion?
Trusts? The guy he's secretly trained with and is now on a covert ops with and happens to be one of Tyrions very few friends? His relationship with his dad has always been strained and he was willing to condemn his own son to death.
So he is just telling the truth. Fine. There wasn't much indication that Jaime cared for his dad over Tyrion either. Jaime knew enough to see that it was pretty justified on Tyrions end. I guess I'm wondering if that is really a good enough reason for Jaime to actually want to kill him.There is absolutely nothing about Jaime's character in the show that would indicate that he would rejoice in, condone, or otherwise support Tywin's death at the hands of Tyrion.
Jaime let him go. He didn't say okay go kill Dad.
Is it happening?[IMG][/QUOTE]
Please don't do this to me
Is it happening? Don't click on the link if you want to go into Episode 6 blind. It might ruin the surprise, if the below is accurate.
Anyone surprised that Jaime suddenly wants to kill Tyrion after Tywins death? If they were going that route they really should have just kept Tysha as that felt really weak.
Tyrion hates Jaime now? Tyrion does his 'whore goes' thing for 2-3 chapters. He drinks and whines to Varys for a similar amount before being taken by Jorah on the show. I don't buy it.tysha had to go because she was the reason why tyrion's chapters in ADWD were among the worst of the whole saga.
many people rightfully complained it's a problem that tyrion and Jaime don't hate each other as in the books. and I think it works the way they did it now.
Is it happening? Don't click on the link if you want to go into Episode 6 blind. It might ruin the surprise, if the below is accurate.
According to The Sun, the Chris Martin-fronted rockers have dropped a very strong hint that their forthcoming seventh album could be inspired by the saga, putting their name to a string of GoT-themed titles on the ASCAP music database.
They include Rastafarian Targaryen, (which lets face it sounds like an awesome song title in anybodys book), Red Wedding and even a song called Im A Real B*****d reportedly dedicated to Kit Haringtons character Jon Snow.
Given that the only two actors mentioned are her and Nikolaj, given that it's accompanied by a Season 1 still, given the track record of where you linked to, and given the bloated clickbait nature of the post itself, I'm calling bullshit.
Right. I might have missed something, but what happened to Gendry (Robert's bastard)? Isn't he the rightful heir? It's been what? Two seasons since we saw him last.
Fairly disappointed with this season so far. Not just the lack of action, but some of the stuff are happening way too slow. We're at the midway point, and the stuff from last season still haven't been resolved.
Eh, there were such comments last season as well. The thread is overall very positive.Straight from the Unsullied thread, and people wonder why they are cutting so much of AFFC/ADWD.
Not at all, I could easily put the image on display here for all to see but I didn't in case it might spoil the episode in the slight chance it does turn out to be true. Just wanted people to be aware of it before clicking, that's all I intended. My post was never meant as some kind of clickbait.
I kind of wonder if Tyrion wouldn't have been a safer bet for Littlefinger to establish Sansa as Lady of the North. He protected her from Joffrey and spared her virginity while Ramsay is pretty much an adult Joffrey who would eat Margaery alive.
I guess Sansa needed to be trained but that was too boring to show in any capacity.
Maybe Im getting mixed up, but I thought that was the whole point of the marriage. If Littlefinger went with this plan Tywin and Joffrey would be alive and the Lannisters still the strongest House with all the leverage to make this happen. Bolton bastard/Lannister Imp, not sure the North hates one that much more than the other. Youre right that he has no power base. It would be more in name like Harrenhal maybe...or they would have Bolton support if Tywin was still alive.I'm not sure how this would have worked at all. Tyrion has no power base in the North, he's not even likely to go there unless he's taking his child by Sansa with him.
Maybe Im getting mixed up, but I thought that was the whole point of the marriage. If Littlefinger went with this plan Tywin and Joffrey would be alive and the Lannisters still the strongest House with all the leverage to make this happen. Bolton bastard/Lannister Imp, not sure the North hates one that much more than the other. Youre right that he has no power base. It would be more in name like Harrenhal maybe...or they would have Bolton support if Tywin was still alive.
Oh no, that's not what I meant! I meant WiC has descended into clickbait territory. There was nothing wrong with your own post. Sorry about the confusion.
But that was Tywins initial plan wasnt it? To have Sansa and her heir rule the North? I'm not sure at what point he granted that to the Boltons instead but I doubt the Boltons alone had much leverage against Tywin or the Freys earlier. They would have to settle with not being decimated along with the Starks in a losing war instead of gaining Wardenship.Why would the Bolton's ever support Tyrion & Sansa taking away Winterfell and the North from them? This scenario essentially requires a Lannister invasion of the North to depose the Boltons. It's something not really feasible until years away, probably until after Sansa bears Tyrion a male child.
But that was Tywins initial plan wasnt it? To have Sansa and her heir rule the North? I'm not sure at what point he granted that to the Boltons instead but I doubt the Boltons alone had much leverage against Tywin or the Freys earlier. They would have to settle with not being decimated along with the Starks in a losing war instead of gaining Wardenship.
Yeah, that makes sense. Tyrions route would at least need an heir first which didn't seem likely. Though now I'm wondering about the Eyrie which Littlefinger could have easily controlled with Lysa. Guess Whiteharbor doesn't exist in the show. Eh, perhaps it's just hindsight and knowing things about Ramsay. Everything may just not blow up in Littlefingers face.Tywin's plan was long term, and it would have required some sort of hostilities against the Boltons as it's really the Lannisters who would lack leverage against the North consolidated under the Boltons. An invasion of the North from the South is never going to be very practical, and the Freys have a marriage alliance with the Boltons.
It's not really something Littlefinger could have done anyway, even if he was willing to wait, which he probably wouldn't be. Sansa undermining the Boltons from within while Stannis is still an enemy and the North hasn't been secured is quite different from the alternative you are proposing.
The Sand Snakes in the book were terrible. I have literally no recollection whatsoever what actually happened with them or what they did. Sand Snakes, Darkstar, Oakheart,...uninteresting characters unnecessarily introduced 5 books into a series to have uninteresting and in my case literally forgettable storylines.
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