hydrophilic attack
Yeah... Euraario doesn't exist in the show, but Daario does, along with what seems like a certain someone else.
another show change, I see
Yeah... Euraario doesn't exist in the show, but Daario does, along with what seems like a certain someone else.
Daario = Euron (role-wise), but isn't actually Euron on the show?Yeah... Euraario doesn't exist in the show, but Daario does, along with what seems like a certain someone else.
Maybe it's another show only inventionGRRM is a hack confirmed.![]()
I'll just say this: It looks like we were wrong about Euraario.
Something should be going up on Watchers over the next hour or two. I won't be able to link it as I'm just in my lunch break now.
Yeah... Euraario doesn't exist in the show, but Daario does, along with what seems like a certain someone else.
Disclaimer: it's my own personal interpretation of a casting call, but I don't know who else it could be. It seems very obvious.
Yeah... Euraario doesn't exist in the show, but Daario does, along with what seems like a certain someone else.
Victarion then? I was hoping that Ray Stevenson would be cast as him. Or cast as anyone really. I just want him in the show in some capacity.
This is obvious bullshit! Euraario forever!
Maybe it's another show only invention![]()
So will they change Daario back to the blonde douche now?
Disclaimer: it's my own personal interpretation of a casting call, but I don't know who else it could be. It seems very obvious.
We are missing his band of friendly coworkers though. I would have liked to see those jolly rapists and skinners joking around and grabbing beers.
S3 Daario is an imposter and tricked everyone, eagerly awaiting the triumphant return of the real Daario
The evidence for Euaario in the books is staggering actually, only issue is his eye is fine as Daario.
Arya ready? Not long now. I'm going back to work now, but I expect at least three more pages of hype discussion to greet me in two hours when I'm finished.
The evidence for Euaario in the books is staggering actually, only issue is his eye is fine as Daario.
Pirate, man in his 40s to late 50s. Hes an infamous pirate who has terrorized seas all around the world. Cunning, ruthless, with a touch of madness.
Hes a dangerous-looking man. A very good part this season.
Father. Aged 50s to 60s, hes one of the greatest soldiers in Westeros- a humorless martinet, severe and intimidating. He demands martial discipline in the field and in his home. Its described as a very good part for next year and that hes centrally involved in a protagonists storyline.
An identity switch episode of a new show: "The swagger sea brothers".That's Victarion, filling in for Euron while he was at the moot. Euron came back later with a beard and Kelly C hasn't figured it out yet.
"You're better in bed," Kelly told new Daario. "Yeah," he said, "That's what blonde Daario's wife said, too..."
Watchers casting article is up.
The interesting ones imo:
Victarion didn't look like the cunning kind to me.Those are clearly Victarion and Randyll. No, that's not Euron. NO. NEIN.
Victarion didn't look like the cunning kind to me.
Victarion didn't look like the cunning kind to me.
Yeah, very cool. Weirwood visions I'd guess.The trio of kids are Robert, Ned, and someone else.
D&D probably wants Asha to do the fighting for Seastone Chair stuff for Victarion.But... but... he is a pirate and...
Fuck, this casting news is the worst shit ever because this means no Victarion and no Euraario. Fuck this show.
I don't think its brothers...and they want Dany to get the fuck out of Meereen.So, if the Greyjoy brothers are in, does that likely mean one more season of Dany in Meereen, since the idea of their arc is one of them traveling to find her in Essos?
The evidence for Euaario in the books is staggering actually, only issue is his eye is fine as Daario.
He gives the amazing speech to brienne about broken men and the houndWho is Septon Meribald? I don't remember that name.
They used a body double for that scene anyway (according to reports).
Liam Neeson for Tarly please!
A large boy, with an actor who is 10-12 but playing 7 or 8. He’s described as “a clever boy” who seems too large for his age. He’s big and tall but not fat. “Characterful squat features” are a plus for this part. it’s specified that this is a one-time appearance.
12 year old boy, with brown hair and blue eyes. He needs to use a Northern accent. He has scenes where he has to spar with a wooden sword.
The length of the role isn’t specified.
7 year old boy with dark brown hair, a narrow face and green eyes. He also has a Northern accent. He also spars with the wooden sword, so it’s safe to assume it’s the same scene. This role is similarly open-ended, the description only stating that the character is being ‘introduced.’
I'm thinking Brandon and Ned too.
No it's definitely her, they pretty much confirmed it.I thought Lena Heady was totally fine with the walk years prior? She wanted to take fewer nudity scenes to make the impact bigger when her walk happens.
The kid's roles sound like Ned and his brothers. Or Brandon, Ned and Robert. So that means Braninternet will be connected to Ned in various stages of his life. Will we finally get the Tower of joy? It makes somewhat sense as Jon will have been ressurrected by then.
That also means Sean Bean might get back to the series, at least for that scene. Add some make-up and CGI and he's good to go for sure.