Dr Stabbingworth
There's no way they finish in 7 seasons. When are the others going to come in and wreck shit up?
When does that OSN thing normally leak the behind the episode?
I'm pretty disappointed with everything they've done with the North and by that I mean how they've completely ignored it.Speaking of Ramsay, is anyone else disappointed we don't get the horrible Lady Hornwood marriage he went through first? While we know he's a murderer of women already, it says a lot of his character (and a reflection of his father's) that he would marry someone just to starve them to death.
I'd say they could do it to Sansa, but I find it unbelievable he would....maybe...
I'm pretty disappointed with everything they've done with the North and by that I mean how they've completely ignored it.
Lady Dustin would have been great with Sansa/Reek as well.
Lack of Tyrells is still dumb as well. I can get Victarion being boring, but Damphair is truth.
I just want TWOW.![]()
Sam doesn't need to complete his maester training, he just needs to find out about whatever conspiracy stuff is happening and how it fits into the world. The end goal isn't seeing Sam tend wounds and feed ravens on the wall.
They have plenty of time. TV shows can get a lot done in an hour. There will be 20+ hours of the series left, that is 8 movies.
I'm sort of surprised we are getting Euron, I thought that whole thing would be cut. Hopefully they streamline and there is no lengthy kings moot.
If this all comes to pass the only major plot that will be completely cut is FAegon.
I found Victarion a lot more fun than Damphair
I like your story, which means something totally different will happen.
Speaking of Ramsay, is anyone else disappointed we don't get the horrible Lady Hornwood marriage he went through first? While we know he's a murderer of women already, it says a lot of his character (and a reflection of his father's) that he would marry someone just to starve them to death.
I'd say they could do it to Sansa, but I find it unbelievable he would....maybe...
We can't kill Shireen until Jon gets stabbed!
Man, this is a shitty season for women, isn't it? I almost feel bad for those women who started watching the show because of all the powerful women.
Now they see the women raped, attempted rape, arrested, beaten, killed, dragged down from power, refused, etc.
One other thing. It doesn't have to be a blood sacrifice per sè. Could just be that his daughters death at Bolton hands drives an enraged Stannis to victory, and leave you to wonder if R'hllor WAS in fact the reason Stannis won. Could have Ramsay do it, survive the battle, but have him go back to Winterfell in defeat. Roose is pissed, puts Ramsay in a super weakened position at home, etc.
I was thinking during that scene where Ramsay talks about flaying Lord Cerwyn, they should have rewritten it to be about the Hornwoods, just as a little book shoutout.
Sounds like we're getting Victaeeuron
The priestess is not Ashara Dayne or Septa Lemore, the casting call says in her 20's, and no way is Ashare or Lemore in their 20s when the show has aged everyone up.
I think the priestess is going to be another red priestess, probably a Quaithe/Moqorro merge.
I'm guessing an aged-down, sexed-up Galazza Galare.
They couldn't just call it For the Watch.
it's on HBO asia's website
I could swear 10 showed there as well but I don't see the title.
I think if episode nine is a play on ADWD (The Dance of Dragons), episode ten should be a play on AFFC (The Feast for Crows or something). Would still tie into the NW angle (crows).
For the Watch is good too though.is kind of lame.Winter
Oh, and the sand snakes. All of them. In a fire.
They couldn't just call it For the Watch.
I think that would be too obvious, anyone using Google (not that they should, with this show) would have it instantly ruined.
Like "The Rains of Castamere"?
I was really drawn into the Oldtown story, but part of the interest for me in the books was thinking that it was the Faceless Men (arguably Jaquen H'gar) acting in Oldtown, but the fact that the show has him placed an ocean away and has made him a regular character makes me less interested.
They should just cast the original Daario as the new Greyjoy.
They should just cast the original Daario as the new Greyjoy.
even tyene?
Is there a site that lists the book-show differences on each ep?
So predictable.Nah, she can stay.
Is there a site that lists the book-show differences on each ep?
Season 5
-Pyp and Grenn are still alive.
You know I just realized something about the High Sparrow's rise that makes no sense and now bugs me. If you remember correctly in the show the Sparrows attack the current High Septon, strip naked, and make him do the walk of shame. Afterwards, Cercei actually removes him from power. Now, originally that all just swept by me but now that I think about it those scenes make absolutely no sense. First, the High Sparrow may be a more fundamentalist fanatic but I highly doubt that he would attack or allow for the attacking of the current High Septon. We're talking about a guy who in his words is the voice through which the Gods speak, assaulting him is thus assaulting the Gods no matter what alleged crimes he is believed to have committed. Afterall, to do so would be to suggest that the Gods were incorrect in choosing him as their voice.
Second, Cercei with a simple gesture removed the High Septon from office. Um, again the High Septon/the Faith is not controlled by the Crown he is essentially the Pope. Now, we know that the in the past the crown has had certain influence over the High Septon suggesting who next should be picked but they can't just outright remove a High Septon. Remember, Baelor made like a 7 year old boy the High Septon and even then the crown didn't just remove him by some royal decree instead very likely poisoning the child to remove him. Afterall, if the HS can be removed so easily then why doesn't Tommen just draft a decree right now removing him from office? Now I understand why pure show watchers are confused about the rise of the Faith Militant and the power they hold.
The Pope comparison isn't particularly apt, the current High Septons are nowhere near that powerful. Though even Papal elections were highly influenced by monarchs and emperors. The show simplifying the High Septon's selection process isn't that big of a deal. I don't see anything out of character for a fanatic to sanction the removal of a corrupt and false religious official.
The books or the show? In the books GRRM makes it clear the the HS is a parallel to the Pople and the Seven is basically Catholicism.
The books or the show? In the books GRRM makes it clear the the HS is a parallel to the Pople and the Seven is basically Catholicism.
The books or the show? In the books GRRM makes it clear the the HS is a parallel to the Pople and the Seven is basically Catholicism.
Season 5
-Jorah does not have greyscale.
The books or the show? In the books GRRM makes it clear the the HS is a parallel to the Pople and the Seven is basically Catholicism.