They've been thinking about the Sansa/Ramsey rape since season 2, when Sophie Turner was 15.
Let that one sink in, then ask if this seems that weird.
*walks into D and D planning meeting.

They've been thinking about the Sansa/Ramsey rape since season 2, when Sophie Turner was 15.
Let that one sink in, then ask if this seems that weird.
We have his editor to thank for that. She convinced him to remove all the battles and put them in TWOW.Definitely the most bullshit thing about the last book. Monumentally dumb to have a book long worth build up with multiple character being involved and then just..stopping.
"Something, something, D&D was just making the storyline better! It totally makes sense!"I still believe the Sansa marriage in this season is bullshit.
"hey you're gonna marry the son of the man who betrayed your family lol"
"you don't really have a choice do you ?"
We have his editor to thank for that. She convinced him to remove all the battles and put them in TWOW.
Business-wise, it was the right call for the publisher: GRRM would obviously take his time to write these big events and the publisher wanted to take advantage of the show's success back in the first season.
However, George always says he never caves to publishers and writes things at his own pace, telling the stories he wants to tell, etc, so he really dropped the ball there.
I do think the Jon cliffhanger was planned in advance and wouldn't have changed, though.
According to "per HBO", 510 title: Mother's Mercy
According to "per HBO", 510 title: Mother's Mercy
Or that a heavily serialized drama for 10 seasons is almost guaranteed to become a drag...I have this feeling that D&D now understand what George was learning when he got this far. They're tired of GOT too. He spit out three novels that he was in love with, but his wandering eyes made him ready for other things. Same as the Ds. They got their Red Wedding on the screen, now they're like "wow, so many other projects that would be fun to work on - let's wrap this up quick..."
The title's direct reference is definitely Cersei.Hmmmmmm. Description:Stannis marches. Dany is surrounded by strangers. Cersei (Lena Headey) seeks forgiveness. Jon is challenged.
So, Cersei's walk (title could refer to this?) and Jon's stabbing confirmed. The Dany bit is kind of a question mark.
Hmmmmmm. Description:Stannis marches. Dany is surrounded by strangers. Cersei (Lena Headey) seeks forgiveness. Jon is challenged.
So, Cersei's walk (title could refer to this?) and Jon's stabbing confirmed. The Dany bit is kind of a question mark.
Hmmmmmm. Description:Stannis marches. Dany is surrounded by strangers. Cersei (Lena Headey) seeks forgiveness. Jon is challenged.
So, Cersei's walk (title could refer to this?) and Jon's stabbing confirmed. The Dany bit is kind of a question mark.
According to "per HBO", 510 title: Mother's Mercy
If they show the white eyes and/or Ghost it'll be fine - people will get what happened (or be told by their smarter friends.)I still think ending the season with Jon getting killed is a really bad move but it certainly seems to be their plan.
Hmm looks likeHmmmmmm. Description:Stannis marches. Dany is surrounded by strangers. Cersei (Lena Headey) seeks forgiveness. Jon is challenged.
So, Cersei's walk (title could refer to this?) and Jon's stabbing confirmed. The Dany bit is kind of a question mark. I'm also convinced Jon is gonnasend Sam and Gilly off to Oldtown, or at least out of Castle Black, in the wake of shit hitting the fan there in order to protect them, or something similar. Wouldn't be surprised if it's less an attack just on Jon then a larger massacre/battle with Jon and his supporters/wildlings vs Night's Watch.
Howland used the phrase "Mother's mercy" last episode in specific reference to how Loras / Marg will be treated if they confess and ask forgiveness for their sins.
I still think ending the season with Jon getting killed is a really bad move but it certainly seems to be their plan.
Hmm looks likeDidn't think it would happen in the show. But then what's going to happenDany actually is seeing the Dothraki then.back in Meereen with Tyrion and Jorah if there's no Battle of Meereen?
The "Stannis Dies, Melisandre sacrifices Shireen/Theon, Jon gets revived" theory seems likely, and that's simply not something you can do this season w/ Book 6 hopefully coming out next spring.
He didn't, which means his originally planned story for the book wasn't finished, but they decided to release it regardless.I don't blame the editor on that one. Apparently he didn't actually finish writing those battles, or at least one of them. Still, if one was finished, he could've cut a few Dany/Tyrion chapters to fit it in.
If Stannis died/dies this season...
Worst season CONFIRMED.
The "Stannis Dies, Melisandre sacrifices Shireen/Theon, Jon gets revived" theory seems likely, and that's simply not something you can do this season w/ Book 6 hopefully coming out next spring.
This really sounds like it could be structured with the books' full double cliffhanger. Stannis marches, we maybe see a bit of skirmishing, then cut away to Pink Letter and Jon's stabbing, both situations left up in the air for next season.
I think it could work well, but I'm worried they haven't really earned the right to end on a cliffhanger this season. The audience is pretty frustrated, and could be pushed over the edge with something like that, instead of being excited.
why would you want ramsay dead? the show needs good villains more than heroes, we got plenty heroes and next to no villains. unless the let loose the roose I don't want ramsay dead
why would you want ramsay dead? the show needs good villains more than heroes, we got plenty heroes and next to no villains. unless the let loose the roose I don't want ramsay dead
Because all he does is flay people and I've had enough flayed people scenes.
There are more scenes of flayed people than there are Joffrey killing anyone scenes.
Also, how does Sansa get out without killing Ramsay or Roose or someone?
why would you want ramsay dead? the show needs good villains more than heroes, we got plenty heroes and next to no villains. unless the let loose the roose I don't want ramsay dead
why would you want ramsay dead? the show needs good villains more than heroes, we got plenty heroes and next to no villains. unless the let loose the roose I don't want ramsay dead
move ramsey the storm is coming
So George was at that con this weekend and someone thought they'd be clever and asked:
"So it was just Howland, Ned, and Jon that survived the Tower of Joy?" and GRRM amusedly said that, (SERIES SPOILERS SRSLY)"Howland and Eddard" were the only people to leave the Tower of Joy alive. Wrench thrown into R and L equals J?
or maybe the baby was somewhere else and she asked him to protect him
I'd be really disappointed if this season ends with a bunch of cliffhangers. The books (while poorly edited in terms of cutting out resolutions in ADWD) at least kind of earned it. But this season has been really bumming a lot of people out, both show and book fans. They really need to resolve the Stannis and Jon arcs this season.
I actually expect we will have a battle of Mereen, just next season. I think Danny will take off on Drogon in 9, find the Dothraki in 10, and then next season will re-appear as Mereen is under revolt from the masters/attack from outside forces. I doubt the Iron Born will be involved though. They could include them too, but it would have to be late in the season and I get the feeling she'll be setting off for Westeros mid-way or late into the season.
Ned and Howland were the only two to leave the tower alive.
"Shit, bro," Howland remarked. "We forgot the baby back in the tower!"
"Lol, whoops," replied Eddard. And they went back to the tower and this time all three left it alive.
So George was at that con this weekend and someone thought they'd be clever and asked:
"So it was just Howland, Ned, and Jon that survived the Tower of Joy?" and GRRM amusedly said that, (SERIES SPOILERS SRSLY)"Howland and Eddard" were the only people to leave the Tower of Joy alive. Wrench thrown into R and L equals J?