God I just love the reaction of both Jon and the WW.
Jon: Holy shit, I'm not dead.
WW: Holy shit, he's not dead.
The way Jon deflects the follow up swing doesn't make any sense.
Preview:Stannis' line about "if a man knows why he is, what choice does he have to resist his destiny" really sounds like they're going to have him consider the sacrifice.
Also Prince Doran demanding that Jaime swear him fealty is weird. No idea where they're going with that. Or with the continuing scenes of the Sand Snakes and Bronn in prison. Jaime forced into the service of the Martell's would be taking things completely off book. But maybe they'll find a way out of it.
There is no Stoneheart, they need a place for Jaime to go or to do anything. Hopefully we get some good direction before the end of the season.
btw I missed all the discussion until now. What is the consensus about Jon being able to kill the WW? Was it because the sword was made by Valyrian steel?
Yes it does.
Jon anticipates it coming it so leans back to dodge it which allows him to deflect the attack and using his momentum against him he can follow up with a 2nd attack.
So dumb question, but are whitewalkers allergic to water or something? I don't get why they didn't just rush Snow and kill him as he was very, very, very slowly rowing away from them in his dinky little boat.
Preview:Stannis' line about "if a man knows why he is, what choice does he have to resist his destiny" really sounds like they're going to have him consider the sacrifice.
Also Prince Doran demanding that Jaime swear him fealty is weird. No idea where they're going with that. Or with the continuing scenes of the Sand Snakes and Bronn in prison. Jaime forced into the service of the Martell's would be taking things completely off book. But maybe they'll find a way out of it.
Yeah, I was just about to post this. I think it was just clever editing of the preview to make it seem like he was talking to Jaime.HEs probably saying that to Ellaria.
Ramsay:That we hit first, and hit hard, and leave A Feast for Crows
Was that really necessary?
Just a thought, but ifmaybe they will say fuck it and extend the show to an eighth season.old town and iron islands are season 6,
Does anyone think FTW happens next episode or will D&D end the season with this cliffhangar?
Us White Walkers signed a peace threaty with Bran the builder centuries ago in the age of Heroes, which putted an end to the war of Dawn.
Said pact clearly stated that "there should always be a Stark on Winterfell" in order to watch it, and that human territory started from the Wall downards. A Wall that btw, it was built in order to mark the limits of the accord, with the Night's Watch put in place in order to observe it.
It was a goddamn good deal for you humans, and we honoured it for centuries yet you southern treacherous barbarians have wiped your asses with it. You built a goddamn town beyond the Wall (Hardhome). We destroyed it and gave you a pass on it, but it seem that you guys didn't caught the message, like at all.
Then a bunch of sycophants shows up bringing motherfucking dragons next to our borders, and later you dishonour the last remaining part of our peace agreement by murdering and forcefully removing the Starks from Winterfell and placing fire woshippers closer to our lands.
Sorry, but we've had enough of your shit. You have gave us White Walkers more than enough reasons to launch a pre-emtpive attack to ensure the safety of our White Kingdom before your freaks burn us all down.
Oh, why the surprised faces? Perhaps you didn't thought that we would not know of your plans to bring yet even more dragons and fire whorshipping Targaryens into Westeros? Our Faceless men warned us of your treachery long ago, humans, and we've decided to make the first move rather than wait for your invasion and inevitable northern expansion.
Just spare us from your whinning and victimism, "whaaa, whaaa, poor, poor humans" now that your devious plot has been discovered, as if YOU would be some kind of innocent maidens. Screw you humans, the next peace agreement that we sign with you won't be so advantageous as the last one was, you can be sure of that.
Just a thought, but ifmaybe they will say fuck it and extend the show to an eighth season.old town and iron islands are season 6,
Cliffhanger %100. They don't care about casting leaks; They want to create that moment of disbelief and despair in the audience, if only for that moment.
Then they go and kill her because she got petrified by fear by seeing wight kids. Just came off as really predictable and consistent with most of the show exclusive content.
That Wildling Elder dying because of some resurrected kids was stupid, though. She'd been killing Walkers non stop and suddenly because they're kids she just gives up?
I'm pretty sure they're setting arya up to kill him via poisoned clams/oysters/cockles instead of a coin. And if that's right it's disappointing that they keep wanting to change things just to be different.
I think it was a fair bidding process.[/QUOTE]
:lol :lol
So dumb question, but are whitewalkers allergic to water or something? I don't get why they didn't just rush Snow and kill him as he was very, very, very slowly rowing away from them in his dinky little boat.
Why is no one asking the important question of...Did Tormund kill Rattleshirt?!?!?
But in all seriousness, what is Jorah's plan exactly?
They are laying it on thick with Olly, but maybe it's to set up a remix where he actually saves Jon. Doubtful, but hey...
It would look pretty dumb on TV to see that guy go through and bite every coin in a bag full of 50, to prove the point that he bites them all. That's something easily said in a book but lame to watch play out on a show.
This is our only hope
I think Jorah's plan is basically the same plan he had in the previous episode - rush head first into an arena of death where he knows she is watching, beat everyone, stand before her and go "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED", and then hope for the best.
Night's King discussion/wiki spoilers:
How do you all know he's the Night's King? Looking at the wiki he was a normal human who possibly married a walker and made sacrifices to The Others. So why would he then have turned into a walker? And become their leader? I'm confused.
It's the same Walker (going by appearance) that we saw a few seasons ago turning a baby into a Walker. There was a tip-off in the show wiki that it was the Night King. That refferance was later removed but it's pretty much confirmed that it's the night king
In the preview,why are Jon and the wildlings arriving at Castle Black on that side of the wall? They land at Eastwatch by the Sea.
In the preview,why are Jon and the wildlings arriving at Castle Black on that side of the wall? They land at Eastwatch by the Sea.
Night's King discussion/wiki spoilers:
How do you all know he's the Night's King? Looking at the wiki he was a normal human who possibly married a walker and made sacrifices to The Others. So why would he then have turned into a walker? And become their leader? I'm confused.
I think Jorah's plan is basically the same plan he had in the previous episode - rush head first into an arena of death where he knows she is watching, beat everyone, stand before her and go "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED", and then hope for the best.
Why does it matter?
Good fan service
Show Jorah is way too much of a chump. I really don't understand what he expects to accomplish.
Night's King discussion/wiki spoilers:
How do you all know he's the Night's King? Looking at the wiki he was a normal human who possibly married a walker and made sacrifices to The Others. So why would he then have turned into a walker? And become their leader? I'm confused.
Show Jorah is way too much of a chump. I really don't understand what he expects to accomplish.