Sansa never thought much of Jon has she, relative to Arya I mean.
Which is why I didn't include him. Two brothers: Bran and Rickon.
Sansa never thought much of Jon has she, relative to Arya I mean.
In the books she talks about how much she's love to see Jon Snow again.Sansa never thought much of Jon has she, relative to Arya I mean.
She was a visual effects editor and and was part of a team that won an Emmy for their work on S4. There's a few more details here.
She will tell someone next season, which will lead to a hunt for Rickon.
You get it. She'll definitely tell someone who will go on to do something about it. No way she takes any active role in doing it herself.
It's not like Sansa has 20 good men to go with her to find them. What would you expect her to do?
Emotionally it would certainly be big for her. Imagine going from "all my family is dead" to "I still have two brothers."
True, but what will Davos do? Isn't that what he's doing in the books?Soon enough she'll have one good woman and one well-endowed squire. That should be more than enough.
Maybe the show is trying to show a contrast between Arya and Sansa. Arya learned that only misery and death awaited her in Westeros, so she left. So is it really sensible for Sansa to experience political success?
It also really throws a wrench into the Bolton's plans. The Bolton's aren't exactly forthcoming about the survival of Bran and Rickon. In the show they send one trusted agent to find them. I don't even remember what happens in the books. Rather than have the northern houses say "OK at least there's a female Stark in Winterfell" they could hold out for the "real" Lord of Winterfell.
It also really throws a wrench into the Bolton's plans. The Bolton's aren't exactly forthcoming about the survival of Bran and Rickon. In the show they send one trusted agent to find them. I don't even remember what happens in the books. Rather than have the northern houses say "OK at least there's a female Stark in Winterfell" they could hold out for the "real" Lord of Winterfell.
Sansa knowing they're alive doesn't throw a wrench in the Bolton plans. The Boltons already know the boys are alive and we even saw them learn that. Sansa knowing doesn't change anything for them since she's shown neither ability nor inclination to reach out to Northern Lords anyway. She doesn't have any ally who would trust her if she said they were alive.
Meanwhile Sansa being instrumental to the Bolton claim to the North is super poorly motivated. As far as we've seen or even heard, the political situation in the North is exactly the same with as it is without Sansa. It's not like the marriage led to some Northern host disbanding or dropping siege or abandoning some plot. We never even saw any non-Bolton Northerner learn that Sansa's stepped up as Lady of Winterfell. So we don't know if anybody said to themselves "ok at least there's a female Stark in Winterfell".
Maaaaan. I really liked the idea of Sansa going to Winterfell because I thought the Vale was so pointless but it really has been a trainwreck. That storyline is suffering from the narrow focus; for any of these threads to matter we need to see more of the North than just Winterfell and the camps of Stannis.
Sansa is allies with one of the most powerful men in Westeros.
Sansa knowing they're alive doesn't throw a wrench in the Bolton plans. The Boltons already know the boys are alive and we even saw them learn that. Sansa knowing doesn't change anything for them since she's shown neither ability nor inclination to reach out to Northern Lords anyway. She doesn't have any ally who would trust her if she said they were alive.
Meanwhile Sansa being instrumental to the Bolton claim to the North is super poorly motivated. As far as we've seen or even heard, the political situation in the North is exactly the same with as it is without Sansa. It's not like the marriage led to some Northern host disbanding or dropping siege or abandoning some plot. We never even saw any non-Bolton Northerner learn that Sansa's stepped up as Lady of Winterfell. So we don't know if anybody said to themselves "ok at least there's a female Stark in Winterfell".
Maaaaan. I really liked the idea of Sansa going to Winterfell because I thought the Vale was so pointless but it really has been a trainwreck. That storyline is suffering from the narrow focus; for any of these threads to matter we need to see more of the North than just Winterfell and the camps of Stannis.
I wonder what was even the point of Sansa learning Theon didn't kill Bran / Rickon. The show plays that as some Big Reveal but really what does it change for her? Presumably she likes them but we never saw them spend time together so we don't actually know that.
but the others look legit?![]()
I thought Ramsay was the one who told Theon to fake the deaths of Bran and Rickon in the books?In the books, the Boltons do not know for sure about Bran and Rickon, to our knowledge at least. Theon's squire, Wex Pyke, was following Osha and Rickon and he shared that information with the Manderlys.
We also know that Lady Dustin at the very least got wind of that knowledge, since she goes into the crypts in Winterfell and notices that swords are missing.
I thought Ramsay was the one who told Theon to fake the deaths of Bran and Rickon in the books?
I thought Ramsay was the one who told Theon to fake the deaths of Bran and Rickon in the books?
They either need to do the Seinfeld thing in the blooper reel or porn.
Peniscola aka CASTERLY ROCK?
Peniscola aka CASTERLY ROCK?
Do you guys think they have given enough screen time to smallfolk? I wish it could have been made clear that the common people suffered under Joffrey, or prospered under some other king.
Well CG can make it look quite different.:/ Too much like King's Landing, sprawling out on a peninsula like that.
They gave some time with Marge going around giving lil orphans dollies and stuff. And The Hound robbing that nice poppa and his daughter. High Howland talks up good game about being a man of The People.
Peniscola aka CASTERLY ROCK?
But is it emotionally big for her? We don't even know if she likes them.
I'm saying, consistent with the logic of the world I'm sure she's fond of them. But it's weak emotional stakes for a viewer because we don't ourselves have any affection for their relationship. Even with Arya at least we had that one scene where she scores a bullseye and shows Bran up.
Both Los Siete Reinos and La Vanguardia speculate that Girona would serve very well for Oldtown and the Citadel, citing the narrow streets of the Jewish quarter, the edifice of the cathedral, and so on. Peñsicola is more of a mystery, although Spanish fans are tentatively suggesting it could serve for Casterly Rock. In support of this, note that the Wikipedia article notes that Peñsicola is sometimes known as the Gibraltar of Valencia, thanks to being a prominent fortified peninsula, and George R.R. Martin has often likened Casterly Rock to the actual Gibraltar, while at the same time he has noted that Casterly Rock will appear in future A Song of Ice and Fire novels.
There's comes a point where you can say "yeah, we get the contrast", I think that point has come after 5 seasons of watching Sansa move from one location to another, just so she can serve the same boring subplot as the torture plaything of someone or another. She does nothing to advance the plot. Anywhere. Or even develop her own character. Joffrey, Ramsay and Littlefinger's storylines would have pretty much been the same without her yet she somehow manages to occupy so much screen time.
And people complain about Dany.
She was raised as the eldest daughter of the Warden of the North to expect to live a fairy tale. How is that her fault? She was literally groomed to be the Lady of a great house or Queen.
She didn't betray her family, she was a twelve year old who was completely unaware of the stakes of her actions. Her father too, was unaware of just how stupid his actions were as well.
Can't understand that argument. Ned is completely responsible for the destruction of his family.
sansa immediately sided with joffrey on anything. I don't know if she liked anyone in her family very much? I don't think it's that uncommon at that age.
but after a few years of slaughtering her family, I think it's not hard to understand that she might be glad to hear that jon is doing well and that bran and rickon are not dead.
What's in Casterly Rock? The Lannisters are pretty much finished, no?
I'm not blaming her for anything. No, it isn't her fault that Ned died. I never said that. I made no argument about whose fault it was. However, it is a fact that she went to Cersei with Ned's plans. Disobeying her father because she wanted to stay in King's Landing living her fairy tale life. I believe this is after Ned is attacked by Jaimie and had his leg broken, yes? She ignores how things are because of how she wants them to be.
She was groomed to be a Lady of a great house? Does that not mean listening to your father? Does that not mean paying attention to the character of those around you? Joffrey was going to kill the butcher's boy and she lied for him. She's constantly doing stupid things because she doesn't accept reality. She wants her fairy tale. It's her character flaw, it's extremely annoying, and as of the recent chapter in TWoW Martin posted, extremely difficult for me to continue reading.
She was being pressured to side with the king and the royal family. How do you expect a young girl to react to that pressure? She was essentially forced to choose between her own family, who were increasingly being seen as "enemies," or to do the "right" thing by siding with the royal family. She was in a completely fucked situation, and had to do things and make decisions a girl of her age simply wasn't equipped to do.I'm not blaming her for anything. No, it isn't her fault that Ned died. I never said that. I made no argument about whose fault it was. However, it is a fact that she went to Cersei with Ned's plans. Disobeying her father because she wanted to stay in King's Landing living her fairy tale life. I believe this is after Ned is attacked by Jaimie and had his leg broken, yes? She ignores how things are because of how she wants them to be.
She was groomed to be a Lady of a great house? Does that not mean listening to your father? Does that not mean paying attention to the character of those around you? Joffrey was going to kill the butcher's boy and she lied for him. She's constantly doing stupid things because she doesn't accept reality. She wants her fairy tale. It's her character flaw, it's extremely annoying, and as of the recent chapter in TWoW Martin posted, extremely difficult for me to continue reading.
She was being pressured to side with the king and the royal family. How do you expect a young girl to react to that pressure? She was essentially forced to choose between her own family, who were increasingly being seen as "enemies," or to do the "right" thing by siding with the royal family. She was in a completely fucked situation.
Or Tyrion could take the castle through the sewers as part of Dany's invasion.
Isn't Casterly Rock on the western side of Westeros, though? Though I guess that would make for an extra sneaky invasion.
If fan theories about Jaime being the one to eventually kill Cersei are right, I could see events somehow being contrived to have that final showdown happen in Casterly Rock, once Cersei's been either sent home or forced to flee the capital. Or Tyrion could take the castle through the sewers as part of Dany's invasion.
I am more inclined to think Cersei will die with the Gravedigger (Sandor) defeating Robert Strong (gregor) in the trial by combat.
But we'll see.
I am more inclined to think Cersei will die with the Gravedigger (Sandor) defeating Robert Strong (gregor) in the trial by combat.
But we'll see.
Or Tyrion could take the castle through the sewers as part of Dany's invasion.