She was pretty much the only person that openly said that all the warring and fighting was stupid and a waste of life. Given that the WWs about to fuck up a depleted Westeros I'd say she was pretty smart in that regard.
regardless of whether this is a joke post or not, i agree with all my heart.(lol at Rickon)I don't understand what is so far fetched about this idea it's pretty clear from the books that each Stark child is being groomed to have very specific and clear talents so that together they'll represent a larger powerful force capable of influencing events and providing a large contribution come end game.
Arya= Assassin.
Bran= Wizard.
Jon= Warrior/Battle Commander.
Sansa= Political Player.
Rickon= ...Shaggydog.
They're basically a classic D&D party group.
I also realized that the titles, when shortened like that, look like a Grinder request by someone who can't spell. "GOT COK? SOS! FOC DOD! I NEDDIT".
Sansa is going to be as badass as her mother, you will see!
That would certainly be a boring twist. Sansa turns to Roose, hoping he'll sympathize over this information. He just laughs at her.
"Yeah, he does that."
As for Jaime, it was an irrational mistake, but an understandable one. That was when Tyrion as acting Hand arranged for the exchange between Jaime and the Stark girls; and of course unbeknownst to Catelyn, they didn't really have Arya.
This is just speculation, but I wonder if we're eventually going to find out that there was actually good reason for Mad King Aerys's actions. GRRM likes to subvert the way that history has previously been presented; he's already done that a bit with the part where Jaime assassinated Aerys, but I'd love to find out that on some level Aerys was correct to want to burn KL, or else that he was being driven deliberately mad (maybe by Bloodraven).
She kidnapped the son of the most powerful man in Westeros, and let him go. Then she had another of their sons and let him go too. That's pretty bad.
regardless of whether this is a joke post or not, i agree with all my heart.(lol at Rickon)
also, count me as one of the rabid sansa fans. though arya is my number one when all starks are accounted for.
This is just speculation, but I wonder if we're eventually going to find out that there was actually good reason for Mad King Aerys's actions. GRRM likes to subvert the way that history has previously been presented; he's already done that a bit with the part where Jaime assassinated Aerys, but I'd love to find out that on some level Aerys was correct to want to burn KL, or else that he was being driven deliberately mad (maybe by Bloodraven).
Yeah, Rhaegar was plotting his own thing, but I haven't invested a lot of research into him, myself. But Aerys still was mad enough to have his own son and just about all great lords of Westeros plot his removal from the throne.
Robert really only took the Iron Throne by coincidence because of Rhaegar taking Lyanna, Jon Arryn's plan was just to depose of Aerys.
And since we only know Robert's perspective, it's also questionable whether Lyanna was actually kidnapped or not. It seems a lot more likely Rhaegar had her consent when he took her, as evidenced by Ned not having nearly as much of a strong reaction.
But Aerys putting wildfire all over King's Landing to burn the city to the ground? That was only him being crazy.
To the guy above with the different roles of the Stark kids I think Rikon may end up leading the wildlings since he's quite wield himself and I am not even joking lol
"Wildlings" may be sort of a useless term in the future, especially given that the Wall's gonna come down at some point (I'm thinking it'll happen at the end of TWOW).
This is just speculation, but I wonder if we're eventually going to find out that there was actually good reason for Mad King Aerys's actions. GRRM likes to subvert the way that history has previously been presented; he's already done that a bit with the part where Jaime assassinated Aerys, but I'd love to find out that on some level Aerys was correct to want to burn KL, or else that he was being driven deliberately mad (maybe by Bloodraven).
I don't think there's much more to it rather than what's on face value. Not everything has to have an "other side" to it. Sometimes it is just what it is. Generations of inbreeding and only having -one- mad king in the family is kinda surprising as it is. He was probably just you know... mentally ill.
Ha, no like half of the Targ Kings were mad.
Makes me curious if the original time jump plans being axed changed George's plan for Rickon.The thing about Rickon is that he's too young to influence any events by himself unless we get a significant time skip. His importance is his use by others as a Stark and thus an heir to Winterfell, but he's not important in his own right like the rest of the Starks who are (or very well soon) will be able to play a part in the larger "Game."
I guess no one talks about those! Probably best forgotten like many of the Popes from the middle ages...![]()
What is even more surprising is that the actor has like, a fairly normal, even high-ish voice.
Dude must get super hoarse every day he's on set.
Beardless Tormund is blowing my mind. D: Also his real voice! :O
This is madness!
Episode 8 was so good. So good.
The Night's King just cold staring Jon and saying "Let's Go!" was so awesome of a moment.
Season 6 is going to be amazing.
Not reallyHa, no like half of the Targ Kings were mad.
Makes me curious if the original time jump plans being axed changed George's plan for Rickon.
What is even more surprising is that the actor has like, a fairly normal, even high-ish voice.
Dude must get super hoarse every day he's on set.
Not really
I was reading this "toilet facts" book called The Bloody History of Britain. It covers mainly the wars and kings and conquests with some occasional facts thrown in and lots and lots of dad humor.
You can definitely see where George got his influences. Half of the British kings were mad...hell, 90% of them were either assholes or insane. And the shit they did to each other makes Jaime throwing Bran out the window look like Jaime inviting Bran over to play Xbox. Seriously, George was too kind to his people.
The power struggle between the Lancasters and Yorks in the 14th & 15th century was really interesting. I actually saw a little video about that part of English history (which also likens some of the characters to GoT ones) the other day.
Well, it depends on how we define "mad."
Maegor the Cruel. I don't think I really need to elaborate on him dude was named "the Cruel" after all and loved killing people.
Baelor I, the Blessed. A religious nut who among his many memorable deeds locked his sisters away to protect himself from the evils of temptation and eventually died by fasting too much, or was may have been poisoned by his councilors for being completely nuts.
Aegon IV, the Unworthy. Suspected of poisoning his father King Viserys II, his reign was filled with nothing more than his pursuit of carnal pleasure as he "did not count a night complete until he had spent himself in a woman." Thus leading to his many, many mistresses whom he disposed of in various manners when he was finished with them.
King Aerys I. A dude obsessed with ancient prophecy who was said to prefer taking a book to bed than his wife.
King Aerys II, the Mad.
And of course we're not even counting the various Princes and Princesses who we know exhibited forms of madness. Aerion Brightflame consumed wildfire believing he'd turn into a dragon. Prince Daeron became know as "the Drunken" because it was the only way he could cope with the constant visions he had. Prince Rhaegal was said to be crazy, running naked through the halls of the Red Keep.
The rest of the Kings were either sickly or ranged from competent to good rulers.
I need to watch that. I know zip about British history except for the parts we're involved with or that were in major novels. If Charles Dickens, Susanna Clarke, Mel Gibson, or Naomi Novik didn't talk about it, I have no clue.![]()
It is pretty interesting just how many fucked Targs there were. Since these are the Targs that keep getting elaborated on in the books and histories, I assume it's telling us something about Dany too. I hope she goes full nutter. Well, nuttier.
Eh.I don't think anyone here believes she was kidnapped against her will. I think most of us believe that she and Rhaegar went off together in secret and got married on the Isle of Faces, afterwards he probably sent her Dorne to keep her safe.
She makes a big deal to Ned about how Robert would never be faithful because he's a manwhore, then goes and runs off with a married man?
I've never been able to understand that. If she willingly ran off with a married Prince, then her characterization of Robert falls hollow.
She also doomed her father and brother to death and that would imply she didn't even give a fuck as long as she was getting that Rhaegar D.
What if we write profiles for Robert and Stannis Baratheon? Wouldn't look much better...
That Targ blood the Baratheons have to blame?
2. Rhaegar is pretty much considered the perfect guy.
We have their history laid bare for us on the page, so I guess that makes a crucial difference. When you can actually read the full history, you get the nuance. Maybe that's the problem with just profiling the Targs, you're getting this snapshot. If you could say Robert was a drunk womanizer who just wasn't made to be King but instead a Warrior (and certainly not crazy), you wouldn't say there was a slant toward that behavior since Stannis is like the exact opposite... stoic, stern, a man who is intent on doing his duty so firmly that he can sometimes be interpreted as cruel. And Renly Baratheon was different still from them, outgoing, social, beloved by the people but sometimes viewed as an candidate who isn't particularly serious.
I think it's hard to know though since Robert, Stannis and Renly are a pretty small sample for a line, and only one of them has legitimately been king.
It certainly would appear that the books are trying to say that the Targaryens tainted incestual bloodline does lead to more fucked up offspring though. Constantly talking about obsessions, wild rants, visions, cruelty, nuttery.
Samwell said:“I remember, Sam. I still remember.”
He was not making sense. “Remember what?”
“Dragons,” Aemon whispered. “The grief and glory of my House, they were.”
“The last dragon died before you were born,” said Sam. “How could you remember them?”
“I see them in my dreams, Sam. I see a red star bleeding in the sky. I still remember red. I see their shadows on the snow, hear the crack of leathern wings, feel their hot breath. My brothers dreamed of dragons too, and the dreams killed them, every one. Sam, we tremble on the cusp of half-remembered prophecies, of wonders and terrors that no man now living could hope to comprehend . . . or . . .”
What is this Masters of the Universe looking nonsense?![]()
The One True King! #TheNightKingIsNotRight