Has spoiler culture gone too far?
I think it would be funny to start asking D and D "Who gets raped or burned this week?"
Dead serious, no sarcasm, like enthusiastic even.
This was the worst sin committed this season, perhaps the whole series. How does shirtless ramsay and his booze crew fuck up everything for a massive army and then just skip away unnoticed and unharmed?
I feel it'll end with dani marrying Jon and having ice fire babies.Dany winning the throne would be the most anticlimactic ending I could have thought of.
Pls GRRM. Pls.
They probably forgot they gave Jorah greyscale when they filmed that. I doubt she will get greyscale. Although it would look pretty sweet if she had scaled arms or something so she looked part dragon.
Shireen is painful and I refuse to believe this is how it happens in the books, I simply refuse to believe it. There must be something missing.
20 men who know the field and that are better acclimated to snow
The horses died because of the fire
is so hard to believe?
20 good men who know the field and that are better acclimated to snow
The horses died because of the fire
is so hard to believe?
20 men who know the field and that are better acclimated to snow
The horses died because of the fire
is so hard to believe?
Dany winning the throne would be the most anticlimactic ending I could have thought of.
Pls GRRM. Pls.
That super slow, melancholy version of the Reins of Castamere sounds pretty amazing as well. Gotta be Cercei's Walk tune right?
It actually would make much more sense in the books. Book Stannis is a much bigger hardline asshole, and their situation is much, much worse than is portrayed in the show. Yeah, Davos gave us the token "We go forward, we die. We go back, we die" no-win ultimatum that forced the desperate third option, but really, things just didn't feel that bad. There was like 6 inches of snow on the ground, no cannibalism because their food literally just ran out (and I guess they didn't even bother failing at hunting yet), and one shot of a dude that looked pretty cold. In the books there's a much more palpable sense of "We're all about to die holy shit what to do".
Burning Shireen in hopes of keeping his quest for the throne alive and fulfilling his 'destiny' is the most book-Stannis thing show-Stannis has ever done.
Yeah I didn't think it was weird either until I went on the internet and found out I was wrong.
Though I did kind of wonder if Melisandre lit a few extra fires.
20 men who know the field and that are better acclimated to snow
The horses died because of the fire
is so hard to believe?
Her reaction would argue she did not light any of the fires. She showed shock at the beginning of the episode when she went out side and saw fires start to engulf tents.
By the way, I just hit 1,003 posts in this thread. If my posts were good men, imagine how many Stannis armies I could destroy.
Doesn't it kind of feel like he's used his "ace in the hole" long before he's close to achieving his goal? Winning the Battle of Winterfell is a STEP in his journey, not the final destination and he doesn't have his daughter around anymore to burn.
Not hard at all.
20 men riding out in the snow over a great distance, infiltrating a camp of thousands, going from tent to tent in order to identify all the food stores and siege weapons (all of which would have been under wraps due to the weather- this would take hours) and then magically rigging them up to all catch fire at the same exact moment, then escaping the camp all without a single person being seen or heard? Happens all the time, I'm sure.
Dany winning the throne would be the most anticlimactic ending I could have thought of.
Pls GRRM. Pls.
By the way, I just hit 1,003 posts in this thread. If my posts were good men, imagine how many Stannis armies I could destroy.
Olly pls
that's so out of character from himYou know what I just realized? Stannis has those men hanged, HANGED. You know not burned to please the Lord of Light.
You don't need as much strength as you'd think when you use a Valyrian steel sword.Olly doesn't have the strength to be the lone knifeman.
20 well-provisioned, well-trained, well-rested, well-equipped, well-disguised men finding a loosely-guarded spot to sneak into a camp whose circumference is probably measured in miles and is guarded by freezing, hungry, near-mutinous men who haven't done anything but stare at snow for weeks and who believe the weather precludes the opportunity of an attack, all managing to light their own fire once they see the first fire start?
I'd buy it.
Olly doesn't have the strength to be the lone knifeman.
People were wondering about these mountains earlier, definitely looks like Moat Cailin.
A camp with a circumference of miles. I wonder how long it would take to find all of the foodstuffs in such a camp, at night, no less, and rig them all to catch fire. Do you know how much food is required for that many men on a daily basis? Any idea how exhaustively these 20 men would have to search through the camp to find it all?
Also, as you say, it's a camp full of hungry men. I wonder how much attention a camp full of hungry men pays to their food supply: A). A lot, B.) Some, or C.) None whatsoever. Nobody. Anywhere in this camp. At any of the dozens of foodstuffs. Was paying any attention to dudes rummaging around and jacking with the last resource they had left. Umkay.
That's actually good to hear. I've got a great investment opportunity to go over with you. You should PM me, scro.
People were wondering about these mountains earlier, definitely looks like Moat Cailin.
They probably forgot they gave Jorah greyscale when they filmed that. I doubt she will get greyscale. Although it would look pretty sweet if she had scaled arms or something so she looked part dragon.