I thought he and Rose broke up?

Of course Myrcella gets her first sweet scene where she's likable right before she dies. Just like Shireen got her first bonding moment with her father before she's burned to death by him. Walking Dead does the same type of thing. GoT writers are sadly on the WD level.
I legit teared up at that scene. My wife walked in while it was happening. "Don't spoil anything!" she called out and I, through tears, said "this is the sweetest most fucked up thing they've done on the show".
I legit laughed when she fucking bounced.
"You want a good girl but need a bad pussy"
"but need a bad pussy"
"bad pussy"
Send help please
If her pussy is bad she should throw it out. Take a sniff, go "whew", then throw it away.
I legit would bang the shit out of her still.